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Welcome to Mindgames
Play, learn, and enjoy 216 free games and programs. They are all freeware and require a 32-bit Microsoft Windows environment. These progams are free for personal use only, cannot be distributed for commercial purposes. Any problems, comments, or suggestions for new original games please email to "ihsan AT ihsan DOT biz".
Earlier MSDOS versions of some games are also available for download.
This site is "Link-Free" - you will not be directed to any other sites. None of the games contain any advertisements. We do not demand or accept any money. However, if you like any of the games and wish to appreciate our work then please donate some money to any charity of your choice.Important note: Puzzles created by Mindgames are for personal use only - cannot distribute or publish these puzzle in any shape or form.
These games require the Microsoft VB6 runtimes to be installed beforehand. Normally this library would already be installed as part of MS Windows setup.
1 December 2014
*** NEW *** MakeaSquareFill numbers 1 to 9 in a grid of nine numbers. One number is given as a hint, other eight are unknown. Upto eight delta clues are given. A delta clue is a difference between two adjacent numbers.
- Download, 672Kb
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- 20,000 ready made puzzles 2.1Mb
1 December 2014
*** NEW *** DeltaEightFill numbers 1 to 9 in a grid of nine numbers. One number is given as a hint, other eight are unknown. Upto eight delta clues are given. A delta clue is a difference between two adjacent numbers.
- Download, 395Kb
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- 20,000 ready made puzzles 201Kb
*** NEW *** NineMath1
Fill numbers 1 to 9 in nine cells. Math operations add, subtract, divide and multiply join values together. Two of nine solution values and one result are given as hints.
- Download, 462Kb
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- 10,000 ready made puzzles 38Kb
*** NEW *** NineMath2
Fill numbers 1 to 9 in nine cells. Math operations join two values into a third value as result. Math operation on two linked values can be Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, Average, and Greater Than. Two math results are given as hints. Each puzzle has a unique solution solved by logic alone (no guesswork).
- Download, 484Kb
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- 3,000 ready made puzzles 18Kb
*** NEW *** TriPair
Find three 6-letter words with given clues; each word must contain a pair of three letters from a given word.
- Download, 2.8Mb
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- 20,000 ready made puzzles 552Kb
*** NEW *** Word421
Given four words, find the final tenth word by combining half of each pair of words. The tenth word and word clues are given. Words can be 4, 6 or 8 letters long.
- Download, 3.4Mb
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- 20,000 ready made puzzles 685Kb
*** NEW *** 129Pat
Fill numbers 1 to 9 in nine cells. Number in a cell cannot be in sequence with numbers in cells connected to it. Puzzles are generally easy to solve - goo for short breaks and younger users. Each puzzle has a unique solution that can be reached by logic alone, no guess work.
- Download, 421Kb
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- 20,000 ready made puzzles 279Kb
1 December 2014
*** NEW *** ChickensMove your chicken around inner or outer circle anti-clockwise. If a chicken lands on START position, the player moves one of its five small chickens to home. Game continues each player moving around inner or outer circle until all its five small chickens go home. Player to get all chickens home first wins. This is a two player game. A player can be computer or human.
- Download, 1.5Mb
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*** NEW *** CircleMath
Find numbers on a circle. Numbers are 1 to 5, to, 1 to 9. Simple math rules between two adjacent numbers are given as clues.
- Download, 421Kb
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- 20,000 ready made puzzles 452Kb
*** NEW *** Go2Centre
Go to centre from outer circle in a given number of steps. Arrow directions are given. Cannot cross a cell twice and cannot use a cell marked X. Each puzzle has a unique solution.
- Download, 434Kb
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- 20,000 ready made puzzles 994Kb
*** NEW *** MatchingTiles
This puzzle has 9 tiles each with four different colors at four sides. Nine tiles are placed at random in the right 3x3 grid. You are required to rearrange tiles so that side colors match between adjacent tiles.
- Download, 429Kb
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- 20,000 ready made puzzles 347Kb
*** NEW *** NineRing
Fill in a ring of nine numbers with numbers 1 to 9. Number nine in the centre is given. Simple math rules are given as clues to find unknown numbers.
- Download, 446Kb
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- 20,000 ready made puzzles 452Kb
*** UPDATED *** RotaPics
The purpose of this game is to reassemble a randomly scrambled picture. This is a great game for improving visual skills in pattern recognition and arrangement.
A picture is divided into 20 square tiles. These tiles are placed on a 5x5 grid, with 5 tiles being blank. You move tiles by left or right click on the tile until the original picture is reassembled. Correct picture is shown on the right while scrambled picture is on left divided into 20 tiles. Unlike many other games of similar nature, when a tile is moved, all its four neighboring tiles move.
- Download, 10Mb
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*** NEW *** Set49squares
This puzzle has 9 tiles each with four different shapes at four sides. Nine tiles are placed at random in the right 3x3 grid. You are required to rearrange tiles so that four shapes in a tile match adjacent shapes
- Download, 563Kb
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- 20,000 ready made puzzles 495Kb
*** NEW *** Slider2B
The purpose of this game is to reassemble a randomly scrambled picture. This is a great game for improving visual skills in pattern recognition and arrangement.
A picture is divided into 20 square tiles. These tiles are placed on a 5x5 grid, with 2 tiles being empty and 3 black. You move a tile by sliding it into an empty slot, to its left, right, top or bottom. Rearrange tile until the original picture is reassembled. Unlike other slider games, this puzzle has two blank spaces instead of one, making the puzzle a little bit easier.
- Download, 10.1Mb
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*** NEW *** SumHow
Find sums from a given set of numbers. All numbers must be used. Each puzzle has a unique solution. Puzzle size is 9 to 48 numbers. Puzzle size 9 will have three sums, and there will be 16 sums for 48 numbers puzzle.
- Download, 488Kb
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- 20,000 ready made puzzles 1.8Mb
*** NEW *** WhereIs
Find where is the given number in a 4x4 or a 3x3 grid. Grid numbers are 1 to 16 (4x4) or 1 to 9 (3x3) with no duplicates. Simple math rules are given as clues to find numbers.
- Download, 641Kb
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- 20,000 ready made puzzles 1.13Mb
1 December 2013
*** NEW *** WordokuWordoku is a cross between a Latin Square puzzle and a Crossword puzzle. You are required to fill in nine words in nine 3x3 cells against a given set of nine clues. Each word is 8 letters long with one cell in 3x3 area blocked out. Letters in a word can be in any order. There are no duplicate letters in any row or a column except those given as hints.
- Download, 2Mb
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- 20,000 ready made puzzles 1.73Mb
1 December 2013
*** NEW *** cWordcWord (ChainWord as opposed to CrossWord) is a crossword puzzle where you fill words in a grid against given clues. In cWord letters can be placed in any direction left, right, up or down in a linked chain. Some letters are given as clues. There can be no duplicate letters in a row or a column of the grid. Words can be 4 to 9 letters long for 4x4 to 9x9 grids.
- Download, 6.8Mb
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- 20,000 ready made puzzles 2Mb
1 December 2013
*** NEW *** ThreeinrowThree-in-row, also known as Nine Men's Morris is an ancient Egyptian game, before 1400 B.C. Game boards have been found carved in ancient Egyptian Temples, and carved on the decks of Viking Ships, and carved onto bench seats in Westminster Abbey in England. This game is played by two players, in three stages. Objective of the game is to take your opponent's playing pieces until only two pieces are left.
- Download, 400Kb
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1 December 2013
*** NEW *** CircuSumFill numbers 0 to 9 around a circle. Sum of any two adjacent numbers is equal to the sum of the two numbers at opposite ends. Each puzzle has a unique solution that can be reached by logic alone without any guesswork. Some cell values are given as hints.
- Download, 400Kb
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- 7,000 ready made puzzles 222Kb
1 December 2013
*** NEW *** Word2worDFind three words against three given clues. Two words are of same length like 3,4,5 or 6. Third word contains letters of two smaller words.
- Download, 6.6Mb
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- 20,000 ready made puzzles 222Kb
1 December 2013
*** NEW *** WordTreeFind three words against three given clues. Two words are of same length like 3,4,5 or 6. Third word contains letters of two smaller words.
- Download, 6.9Mb
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- 20,000 ready made puzzles 222Kb
1 December 2013
*** NEW *** FourSumSuperFourSumSuper a Latin Square puzzle. Fill nine 3x3 areas of a 9x9 grid with numbers 1 to 9 such that there are no duplicate numbers in any row, column or an area, like a Sudoku puzzle. Sums of four adjacent cells are given. Some cells are also given as hints. Each puzzle has a unique solution that can be reached by logic alone without any guesswork.
- Download, 478Kb
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- 20,000 ready made puzzles 222Kb
1 December 2013
*** NEW *** FourSumFill a 3x3 grid with numbers 1 to 9. Sum of four adjacent cells are given. Each puzzle has a unique solution that can be reached by logic alone without any guesswork. Sujiko and Suko puzzles, created by Jai Kobayaashi Gomer, are special cases of a FourSum puzzle. This program can create as well solve existing FourSum puzzles. Program will detect and show multiple solutions if any for an imported puzzle.
- Download, 712Kb
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- 20,000 ready made puzzles 222Kb
1 December 2013
*** NEW *** CrosSequenceFill a grid such that cross cells at any location are in sequence. Cross cells are left and right, and, top and bottom of a cell. Sequence is a mathematical sequence like 1,2,3 or 4,6,8 or 1,5,9 etc. There are no duplicate numbers in any row or any column of the grid. Some cells are given and some may be blacked out (not part of a sequence). Puzzle size is 5x5 to 9x9. Each puzzle has a unique solution that can be reached by logic alone without any guesswork.
- Download, 476Kb
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- 20,000 ready made puzzles 222Kb
1 December 2013
*** NEW *** StepbystePFind nine words against given clues. Words are stacked in nine steps, each word being an anagram of the previous word with a letter taken away (for words 1 to 5) or added (for words 6 to 9) each step. Word 5 is given as hint.
- Download, 2.8Mb
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- 20,000 ready made puzzles 222Kb
1 December 2013
*** NEW *** MatchStickMatchStick puzzles are rearrangement puzzles in which a number of match sticks are arranged as squares, rectangles or triangles. The problem to solve is usually formulated as: "move n match sticks to make m squares (or triangles, or rectangles, or circles)" etc. This program lets you create new and solve existing MatchStick puzzles. 32 puzzles are provided with the program.
- Download, 413Kb
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1 December 2013
*** NEW *** TetriNumTetriNum is a 4-in-a-row and Tetris clone. You are required to move and line up three numbers in a line horizontal or diagonal. Numbers must be lined in an order like 1,2,3 or 6,5,4 or 9,9,9 or 1,1,1 or 7,6,5 etc. Once lined up, the numbers are removed and the player scores points. Grid size can be 4x4 to 9x9.
- Download, 432Kb
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22 September 2012
*** NEW *** WyramidSolve a pyramid shaped word puzzle with given clues. Puzzle size is 3, 4 or 5 words. One letter is given as hint.
- Download, 2.82Mb
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- 20,000 ready made puzzles 241Kb
22 September 2012
*** NEW *** XparaxPara puzzle is like a CrossWord puzzle with a grid, and clues. However, the words are taken from a user defined paragraph. The program analyses the paragraph and creates a puzzle with words in the same order as the paragraph. A dictionary is used to remove words and provide clues for them instead. Some common words, and any not found in the dictionary are shown as givens in the grid. After a puzzle is compiled, the user is left with a coherent and meaningful narrative telling a story embedded in a xword like puzzle.
- Download, 571Kb
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22 September 2012
*** NEW *** 2OrDieMultiply by 2 or remove a digit to get from source to a target number. Example: can go from 19 to 36 with sequence 19, 9, 18 and 36. Must multiply by 2 at lease once during the sequence.
- Download, 389Kb
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- 20,000 ready made puzzles 222Kb
22 September 2012
*** NEW *** SeriateFill a square grid with numbers so that rows and columns numbers are in arithmetic sequence. No duplicates in any row or column; sequences in rows are unique and sequences in columns are unique. Two diagonal numbers are given as hints.
- Download, 488Kb
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- 20,000 ready made puzzles 2.26Mb
22 September 2012
*** NEW *** GuessNumGuessNum is a MastermindTM* like game where you are required to find a target hidden number given a set of progressive clues. Target number varies from 3 to 9 digits long with each digit being 1 to 9. A digit can be repeated in target numbers size of 6 or below. Maximum number of tries is 12. You must guess a number with each digit in it correct and in correct position. Two clues are given for each guess. A Black (B) clue indicates how many digits are correct and in correct positions while a White (W) clue indicates how many digits are correct but in wrong positions. This program can create new and solve existing Mastermind type puzzles.
- Download, 991Kb
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- 20,000 ready made puzzles 400Kb
22 September 2012
*** NEW *** Twist45Find a single closed loop passing through each cell of a grid. The number in a cell indicates the turning angle of the line in the cell. The numbers are 1,2,3 and 4.
1- Acute turn (45 deg)
2- Right turn (90 deg)
3- Obtuse turn (135 deg)
4- No turn (continues straight without turn)
Following the directions, a closed loop must be formed, all the numbers must be visited excep cells marked as X. Masyu puzzle is a special case of this puzzle where only right or no turns are used. In Hard puzzles some cells will have no clue number.
- Download, 540Kb
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- 20,000 ready made puzzles 2.5Mb
22 September 2012
*** NEW *** SkyScraperSSkyScraperS is a Latin square puzzle. Fill each square in a grid with a number from 1 to N where N is the size of the grid. A number designates a building with the number being the height of the building. Every row and column contains a number exactly once. The clues around the grid tell you how many buildings you can see in the direction shown; you cannot see a shorter building behind a taller one. Each puzzle has a unique solution.
- Download, 537Kb
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- 20,000 ready made puzzles 1.87Mb
22 September 2012
*** NEW *** ArrowHeadsDraw a single continuous link from a start location 1 to an end maximum number location. The link is unique, continuous and must go through each cell once. Link lines can cross each other at number cells but cannot overlap. Each puzzle has a unique solution. Solve on-screen or print and solve at your leisure.
- Download, 458Kb
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- 20,000 ready made puzzles 1.75Mb
22 September 2012
*** NEW *** HexokuFill each hexagon with numbers 1 to 6. Two numbers at touching sides must add up to 7.
- Download, 390Kb
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- 20,000 ready made puzzles 305Kb
19 September 2012
*** NEW *** hexXwordSolve a hexagonal shaped crossword puzzle. Clues for words inside and outside a hexagon are given. Word letters can be in any order. Puzzle size can be 7, 10, 17 or 22 hexagons. 20,000 readymade puzzles are provided with this program.
- Download, 2.3Mb
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- 20,000 ready made puzzles 3.2Mb
10 September 2012
*** NEW *** Word8StarSolve a crossword puzzle with 8-letter overlapping words arranged like a star. Word letters can be in any order. Puzzle size is 4 (2x2 ) to 25 (5x5) square. Four clue letters are given.
- Download, 1.33Mb
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- 20,000 ready made puzzles 1.9Mb
4 September 2012
*** NEW *** beeHiveFind the number of B's in a hexagon. Sum of B's surrounding a hexagon is given. There can be a maximum of three B's in a hexagon. Puzzle size can be 4x4 to 12x12 hexagons. 20,000 readymade puzzles are provided with this program.
- Download, 453Kb
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- 20,000 ready made puzzles 1.15Mb
10 August 2012
*** NEW *** FilliminoFillomino is a logic puzzle published by Nikoli. Fillomino is played on a rectangular grid with no standard size; the internal grid lines are often dotted. Object of solving the puzzle is to place numbers into the empty cells so that the grid is divided into regions of cells all containing the exact same number. Each region must contain exactly as many cells as the number that it contains. Two regions of the same size cannot touch each other, either vertically or horizontally. At least one or 2(optional) numbers in a region are displayed. Puzzle size can be 5x5 to 20x20 rectangular like 12x12, 5x20 or 20x10 etc. 20,000 readymade puzzles are provided with this program.
- Download, 513Kb
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- 20,000 ready made puzzles 1.76Mb
*** NEW *** MazeMaker
This program will create and print mazes of size 9x9 to 36x36. You solve the maze by tracing a path from the start to the exit location in the maze. Default start location is middle of the maze. Exit location is one of the cells at the border of the maze. Usually you would print a puzzle and solve on paper. However you can also play against the computer to reach the exit location faster.
- Download, 401Kb
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- 20,000 ready made puzzles 4.58Mb
20 June 2012
*** NEW *** LatinOrderLatinOrder is a Latin Square puzzle size 8x8. Fill each Row, each Column and each Link with number 1 to 8: no duplicate numbers in any Row or a Column. Sixteen nodes have 'order' clues, indicating how a set of three cells around a node are ordered. Three cells are shown linked starting with a small square to ending with a large square. The values in the three cells must be in the increasing order, from small to large square. Some cells are fixed. Puzzle size can be 4x4, 6x6 or 8x8. 20,000 readymade puzzles are provided with this program.
- Download, 430Kb
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- 20,000 ready made puzzles 629Kb
20 June 2012
*** NEW *** SetBlackSet Black cells in a square grid - total black cells in the row and column of a number must be same as the number. Not all cells in the grid have to be filled. Grid size is 4x4 to 9x9.
- Download, 387Kb
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- 20,000 ready made puzzles 336Kb
*** NEW *** FillAcross
Solve a crossword puzzle with given clues. Three letters in each word are given. Also one letter is common in all words.
- Download, 6Mb
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- 20,000 ready made puzzles 1.77Mb
*** NEW *** VWords
Solve a crossword puzzle with given clues. Clus for across words and two vertical words are given. Vertical words can have letters in ay order. Puzzle size is 5, 7 or 9.
- Download, 3.4Mb
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- 20,000 ready made puzzles 537Kb
*** NEW *** WordAcross
Solve a crossword puzzle with given clues. Three letters in a word are common with the word below. Puzzle size is 8x8 to 12x12.
- Download, 4.2Mb
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- 20,000 ready made puzzles 930Kb
*** NEW *** WordSpider
Solve a crossword puzzle arranged like a spider's web. Word letters can be in any order. Puzzle size is 5 (5 and 8 letter words) or 7 (7 and 8 letter words). One central letter is given and word clues are provided.
- Download, 3.5Mb
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- 20,000 ready made puzzles 840Kb
13 March 2012
*** NEW *** CutandPasteIn this word puzzle cut and paste letters from a set of words to make another set. Some letters must be cut and pasted in 2,3 or 5. Puzzle lines are 3 to 5 with a selection of 4 to 8 letters in a word.
- Download, 842Kb
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- 20,000 ready made puzzles 1.28Mb
13 February 2012
*** NEW *** LatinLinkLatinLink is a Latin Square puzzle size 4x4 to 9x9. A puzzle has 9 rows (for a 9x9 puzzle), 9 columns and 9 links. Fill each Row, each Column and each Link with number 1 to 9 (for a 9x9 puzzle). No duplicate numbers in any Row, Column or a Link. 20,000 readymade puzzles are provided with this program. Generally a LatinLink puzzle will be easier than a standard Sudoku puzzle. All LatinLink puzzles can be solved by logic alone without any guesswork. A special case of a 9x9 LatinLink puzzle is where links are confined to nine 3x3 areas; this would be a Sudoku puzzle. 4x4 puzzles are very easy; good for younger players.
- Download, 447Kb
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- 20,000 ready made puzzles 1.25Mb
30 January 2012
*** NEW *** OrdokuOrdoku is a variation of Sudoku puzzle. Like Sudoku puzzle a 9x9 grid must be filled with numbers 1 to 9 with no duplicate in any row or a column. In addition, a Ordoku puzzle has horizontal and vertical zones where numbers must be in order like 1234, 2345, or 789 or 543. Some numbers are given as hint. A puzzle size can be 6x6 to 9x9. 20,000 readymade puzzles are provided with this program. Generally an Ordoku puzzle will be easier than a standard Sudoku puzzle. All Ordoku puzzles can be solved by logic alone without any guesswork.
- Download, 436Kb
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- 20,000 ready made puzzles 720Kb
*** NEW *** Mathdoku
Mathdoku is a variation of Sudoku/Kakuro puzzle. A total of 36 calculated numbers in the 36 3-cell areas around the puzzle are given. Each calculated number is a result of addition/subtraction of related three cells. Each cell has a plus or a minus sign assigned indicating how the cell is used in the calculation. 20,000 readymade puzzles are provided with this program.
- Download, 605Kb
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- 20,000 ready made puzzles 1.1Mb
*** NEW *** MoreorLessSudoku
MoreorLessSudoku is a variation of Sudoku puzzle. Puzzle gives relationship between neighboring cell values as hint. A cell value can be more or less than its four (or two in outer rows and columns) neighbors. Symbols > or < are displayed for this purpose. All standard Sudoku rules apply. 20,000 readymade puzzles are provided with this program.
- Download, 426Kb
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- 20,000 ready made puzzles 847Kb
*** NEW *** Sumdoku
Sumdoku is a variation of Sudoku/Kakuro puzzle. A total of 36 sums in 36 3-cell areas around the puzzle are given. Each sum is addition of three related numbers in the grid. Additionally some cells (optionally 1 to 9) in the puzzle are fixed. Puzzles come in three difficulty levels: very easy, easy and hard. 20,000 readymade puzzles are provided with this program.
- Download, 506Kb
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- 20,000 ready made puzzles 887Kb
*** NEW *** CrossCards
In CrossCard game you fill in a 5x5 grid with 25 cards using the clues provided. Some grid cards are shown already. Ten clues are given: five for five rows and five for five columns. 20,000 readymade puzzles are provided with this program.
- Download, 419Kb
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- 20,000 ready made puzzles 604Kb
*** NEW *** MagicWorDiamond
Solve a diamond shaped crossword puzzle with given clues. Across and Down clues and solution are same. Puzzle size is 5x5 (very easy), 7x7 (easy), 9x9 (hard) or 11x11 (very hard). Some clues in 11x11 puzzle may be reversed. Optionally the four corner letters can be shown as hints.
- Download, 2.46Mb
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- 20,000 ready made puzzles 446Kb
*** NEW *** MagicWordSquare
Solve a crossword puzzle with given clues. Across and Down clues and solution are same. Puzzle size is 3x3(ver easy), 4x4(easy), 5x5(hard), or 6x6(very hard).
- Download, 2.14Mb
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- 20,000 ready made puzzles 286Kb
*** NEW *** Dudo
Dudo is a board game similar to Ludo. Get all your for pieces to home cell and win the game. Board size is 7x7 to 17x17 (odd number only). You play against the computer. Rules of the game are:
- Download, 416Kb
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version 1.0
Updated 22 September 2012
Assemble a square from its component shapes. All shapes must join together with no gaps. Puzzle size is 4x4 to 25x25 square.
How to Play
Normally one would print and cut component shapes, then assemble a square by manually positioning the shapes together. Pieces can also be assembled on screen:- Leftclick and drag a piece to a location
- Rightclick on a piece to rotate
- Join shapes together to make a square
- Click ? button to get a hint
- Click Showsolution button to see a solution
- Can edit and create user defined shapes, upto 30 shapes per square. Click Edit button to edit.
Program Features
Main features of this program are:- 4x4 to 25x25 size puzzles
- Create new puzzles
- Create your own shapes
- Solve onscreen
- Print puzzles, one per page
- Set display colour schemes
- Use one of 20,000 ready made puzzles 2.1Mb
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version 1.0
Updated 22 September 2012
Fill numbers 1 to 9 in nine cells. Math operations add, subtract, divide and multiply join values together. Two of nine solution values and one result are given as hints.
Program Features
Main features of this program are:- Create and save new puzzles
- See a step-wise solution of a puzzle
- Print single or multiple puzzles. Puzzles printed by this program are for personal use only.
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- Set display colour schemes
- Use one of 10,000 ready made puzzles 38Kb. These puzzles are for personal use only - cannot be published or distributed in any shape or form.
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version 1.0
Updated 22 September 2012
Fill numbers 1 to 9 in nine cells. Math operations join two values into a third value as result. Math operation on two linked values can be Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, Average, and Greater Than. Two math results are given as hints. Each puzzle has a unique solution solved by logic alone (no guesswork).
Program Features
Main features of this program are:- Create and save new puzzles
- Print single or multiple puzzles. Puzzles printed by this program are for personal use only.
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- Set display colour schemes
- Use one of 3,000 ready made puzzles 18Kb. These puzzles are for personal use only - cannot be published or distributed in any shape or form.
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version 1.0
Updated 22 September 2012
Fill numbers 1 to 9 in a grid of nine numbers. One number is given as a hint, other eight are unknown. Upto eight delta clues are given. A delta clue is a difference between two adjacent numbers.
Program Features
Main features of this program are:- Create and save new puzzles
- Print single or multiple puzzles. Puzzles printed by this program are for personal use only.
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- Set display colour schemes
- Use one of 20,000 ready made puzzles 201Kb. These puzzles are for personal use only - cannot be published or distributed in any shape or form.
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version 1.0
Updated 22 September 2012
Find three 6-letter words with given clues; each word must contain a pair of three letters from a given word.
Program Features
Main features of this program are:- A dictionary of your choice from the five supplied
- Print puzzles, one per page
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- Set display colour schemes
- Use one of 20,000 ready made puzzles 552Kb. These puzzles are for personal use only - cannot be published or distributed in any shape or form.
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version 1.0
Updated 22 September 2012
Given four words, find the final tenth word by combining half of each pair of words. The tenth word and word clues are given. Words can be 4, 6 or 8 letters long.
Program Features
Main features of this program are:- A dictionary of your choice from the five supplied
- 4, 6 or letter words
- Print puzzles, one per page
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- Set display colour schemes
- Use one of 20,000 ready made puzzles 685Kb. These puzzles are for personal use only - cannot be published or distributed in any shape or form.
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version 1.0
Updated 22 September 2012
Fill numbers 1 to 9 in nine cells. Number in a cell cannot be in sequence with numbers in cells connected to it. Puzzles are generally easy to solve - goo for short breaks and younger users. Each puzzle has a unique solution that can be reached by logic alone, no guess work.
Program Features
Main features of this program are:- Create and save new puzzles
- Use randomized or user defined patterns
- Print single or multiple puzzles. Puzzles printed by this program are for personal use only.
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- Set display colour schemes
- Use one of 20,000 ready made puzzles 279Kb. These puzzles are for personal use only - cannot be published or distributed in any shape or form.
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version 1.0
Updated 1 December 2013
Move your chicken around inner or outer circle anti-clockwise. If a chicken lands on START position, the player moves one of its five small chickens to home. Game continues each player moving around inner or outer circle until all its five small chickens go home. Player to get all chickens home first wins. This is a two player game. A player can be computer or human.
How to Play
How to play this game:- The board is setup with two sets of five small chickens ready to go home. Two player chickens, one green and one red, wait at the bottom of the board.
- You can select which player goes first, Green or Red
- Click DiceThrow button to throw two dice at the start of game
- A player who gets a six or two of same numbers starts its move
- First move is by the numbers thrown in the opening move; a number other than six or one of the two pairs. Like with 6x4 you move by 4 position from the START location, and with 3x3 you move by 3.
- After the opening move you select inner or outer circle to move
- All moves are anticlockwise
- You move forward or backward if your chicken lands on a bonus or a penalty location
- One of your small chickens go home when you land on the START location (does not apply to the first starting move)
- If your chicken is not on any circle and one of your small chicken is at home, you can sacrifice a chicken to get to start location. Right click on the DiceRoll button for this option.
- You win the game when all your five small chickens go home
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version 1.0
Updated 1 December 2013
Find numbers on a circle. Numbers are 1 to 5, to, 1 to 9. Simple math rules between two adjacent numbers are given as clues.
Program Features
Main features of this program are:- Create and save new puzzles size 5 to 9
- Auto solve a puzzle with solution steps
- Print single or multiple puzzles, 2 per page. Puzzles printed by this program are for personal use only.
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard or a text file
- Set display colour schemes
- Use one of 20,000 ready made puzzles 1.7Mb. These puzzles are for personal use only - cannot be published or distributed in any shape or form.
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version 1.0
Updated 1 December 2013
Go to centre from outer circle in a given number of steps. Arrow directions are given. Cannot cross a cell twice and cannot use a cell marked X. Each puzzle has a unique solution.
Program Features
Main features of this program are:- Puzzle size is 6 to 16 segments.
- Create and save new puzzles
- Print single or multiple puzzles. Puzzles printed by this program are for personal use only.
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- Set display colour schemes
- Use one of 20,000 ready made puzzles 994Kb. These puzzles are for personal use only - cannot be published or distributed in any shape or form.
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version 1.0
Updated 1 December 2013
This puzzle has 9 tiles each with four different colors at four sides. Nine tiles are placed at random in the right 3x3 grid. You are required to rearrange tiles so that side colors match between adjacent tiles.
Program Features
Main features of this program are:- Create and save new puzzles
- Print single or multiple puzzles. Puzzles printed by this program are for personal use only.
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard or a text file
- Set display colour schemes
- Use one of 20,000 ready made puzzles 346Kb. These puzzles are for personal use only - cannot be published or distributed in any shape or form.
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version 1.0
Updated 1 December 2013
Fill in a ring of nine numbers with numbers 1 to 9. Number nine in the centre is given. Simple math rules are given as clues to find unknown numbers.
Program Features
Main features of this program are:- Create and save new puzzles
- Auto solve a puzzle with solution steps
- Print single or multiple puzzles. Puzzles printed by this program are for personal use only.
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard or a text file
- Set display colour schemes
- Use one of 20,000 ready made puzzles 451Kb. These puzzles are for personal use only - cannot be published or distributed in any shape or form.
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version 1.0
Updated 1 December 2013
The purpose of this game is to reassemble a randomly scrambled picture. This is a great game for improving visual skills in pattern recognition and arrangement.
A picture is divided into 20 square tiles. These tiles are placed on a 5x5 grid, with 5 tiles being blank. You move tiles by left or right click on the tile until the original picture is reassembled. Correct picture is shown on the right while
scrambled picture is on left divided into 20 tiles. Unlike many other games of similar nature, when a tile is moved,
all its four neighboring tiles move.
Program Features
Main features of this program are:- Create and save new puzzles
- Auto solve a puzzle with solution steps
- Set display colour schemes
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version 1.0
Updated 1 December 2013
This puzzle has 9 tiles each with four different shapes at four sides. Nine tiles are placed at random in the right 3x3 grid. You are required to rearrange tiles so that four shapes in a tile match adjacent shapes
Program Features
Main features of this program are:- Create and save new puzzles
- Select shapes of your choice
- Print single or multiple puzzles. Puzzles printed by this program are for personal use only.
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard or a text file
- Set display colour schemes
- Use one of 20,000 ready made puzzles 495Kb. These puzzles are for personal use only - cannot be published or distributed in any shape or form.
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version 1.0
Updated 1 December 2013
The purpose of this game is to reassemble a randomly scrambled picture. This is a great game for improving visual skills in pattern recognition and arrangement.
A picture is divided into 20 square tiles. These tiles are placed on a 5x5 grid, with 2 tiles being empty and 3 black. You move a tile by sliding it into an empty slot, to its left, right, top or bottom. Rearrange tile until the original picture is reassembled. Unlike other slider games, this puzzle has two blank spaces instead of one, making the puzzle a little bit easier.
Program Features
Main features of this program are:- Create and save new puzzles
- Auto solve a puzzle with solution steps
- Set display colour schemes
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version 1.0
Updated 1 December 2013
Find sums from a given set of numbers. All numbers must be used. Each puzzle has a unique solution. Puzzle size is 9 to 48 numbers. Puzzle size 9 will have three sums, and there will be 16 sums for 48 numbers puzzle.
Program Features
Main features of this program are:- Puzzle size is 9 to 48 numbers. Puzzle size 9 will have three sums, and there will be 16 sums for 48 numbers puzzle.
- Create and save new puzzles
- Print single or multiple puzzles. Puzzles printed by this program are for personal use only.
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- Set display colour schemes
- Use one of 20,000 ready made puzzles 1.8Mb. These puzzles are for personal use only - cannot be published or distributed in any shape or form.
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version 1.0
Updated 1 December 2013
Find where is the given number in a 4x4 or a 3x3 grid. Grid numbers are 1 to 16 (4x4) or 1 to 9 (3x3) with no duplicates. Simple math rules are given as clues to find numbers.
Program Features
Main features of this program are:- Create and save new puzzles in 3x3 or 4x4 format
- Auto solve a puzzle with solution steps
- Print single or multiple puzzles. Puzzles printed by this program are for personal use only.
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard or a text file
- Set display colour schemes
- Use one of 20,000 ready made puzzles 1.1Mb. These puzzles are for personal use only - cannot be published or distributed in any shape or form.
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version 1.0
Updated 22 September 2012
Wordoku is a cross between a Latin Square puzzle and a Crossword puzzle. You are required to fill in nine words in nine 3x3 cells against a given set of nine clues. Each word is 8 letters long with one cell in 3x3 area blocked out. Letters in a word can be in any order. There are no duplicate letters in any row or a column except those given as hints.
Program Features
Main features of this program are:- A dictionary of your choice from the five supplied
- Five grid types:
2x2 3x2 2x3 3x3 Cross XX XX XXX XXX X XX XX XXX XXX XXX XX XXX X Number of 8-letter words 4 6 6 9 5 Each X is a 3x3 cells area.
- Create and print jumbo puzzles: 5 in 1 or 4 in 1. Some 3x3 areas will overlap.
- Print puzzles, one per page
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- Set display colour schemes
- Use one of 20,000 ready made puzzles 1.7Mb
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version 1.0
Updated 22 September 2012
cWord (ChainWord as opposed to CrossWord) is a crossword puzzle where you fill words in a grid against given clues. In cWord letters can be placed in any direction left, right, up or down in a linked chain. Some letters are given as clues. There can be no duplicate letters in a row or a column of the grid. Words can be 4 to 9 letters long for 4x4 to 9x9 grids.
- Puzzle grid is a 9x9 to 4x4 grid
- A 9x9 grid with 81 cells has 9 clues for 9 9-letter words. Similarly a 4x4 grid with 16 cells will have 4 clues for 4 4-letter words.
- A word must be placed in a continuous chain of connected cells left, right, up or down
- Cannot place duplicate letters in a row or a column
- Some letters are given as hints; a hint letter can occur more than once in a row or a column
Program Features
Main features of this program are:- A dictionary of your choice from the five supplied
- 4x4 to 9x9 grid
- Print puzzles, one per page
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- Set display colour schemes
- Use one of 20,000 ready made puzzles 1.9Mb. These puzzles are for personal use only - cannot be published or distributed in any shape or form.
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version 1.0
Updated 22 September 2012
Three-in-row, also known as Nine Men's Morris is an ancient Egyptian game, before 1400 B.C. Game boards have been found carved in ancient Egyptian Temples, and carved on the decks of Viking Ships, and carved onto bench seats in Westminster Abbey in England. This game is played by two players, in three stages. Objective of the game is to take your opponent's playing pieces until only two pieces are left.
Program Features
Main features of this program are:- Five, seven or nine pieces to start a game
- Optionally allow diagonal rows as well; like a row in positions 1,9,17 or 7,15,23 or 3,11,19 or 5,13,21
- Let computer play both players
- Auto play a turn
- Set display colour schemes
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version 1.0
Updated 1 December 2013
Fill numbers 0 to 9 around a circle. Sum of any two adjacent numbers is equal to the sum of the two numbers at opposite ends. Each puzzle has a unique solution that can be reached by logic alone without any guesswork. Some cell values are given as hints.
Program Features
Main features of this program are:- Create and save new puzzles
- See a step-wise solution of a puzzle
- Print single or multiple puzzles. Puzzles printed by this program are for personal use only.
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- Set display colour schemes
- Use one of 7,000 ready made puzzles 35Kb. These puzzles are for personal use only - cannot be published or distributed in any shape or form.
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version 1.0
Updated 1 December 2013
Find three words against three given clues. Two words are of same length like 3,4,5 or 6. Third word contains letters of two smaller words.
Program Features
Main features of this program are:- Use one of five dictionaries
- Print one or multiple puzzles, one per page
- Use one of 20,000 ready made puzzles 234Kb
- Puzzles are for personal use only - cannot publish or distribute in any shape or form
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- Set display colour schemes
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version 1.0
Updated 1 December 2013
WordTree a word puzzle game. Starting with a root word you add one letter to expand a word to several others. Words made are scored. This program will be particularly useful for younger users learning to make and learn new words.
Program Features
Main features of this program are:- Zoom/pan into tree display
- Use one of five dictionaries
- Let computer create a word tree
- Get word meanings
- Print word trees
- Use one of 20,000 ready made puzzles 8.3Mb
- Puzzles are for personal use only - cannot publish or distribute in any shape or form
- Set display colour schemes
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version 1.0
Updated 22 September 2012
FourSumSuper a Latin Square puzzle. Fill nine 3x3 areas of a 9x9 grid with numbers 1 to 9 such that there are no duplicate numbers in any row, column or an area, like a Sudoku puzzle. Sums of four adjacent cells are given. Some cells are also given as hints. Each puzzle has a unique solution that can be reached by logic alone without any guesswork.
- Create and save new puzzles
- Print single or multiple puzzles. Puzzles printed by this program are for personal use only.
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- Set display colour schemes
- Use one of 20,000 ready made puzzles 930Kb. These puzzles are for personal use only - cannot be published or distributed in any shape or form.
Program Features
Main features of this program are:FourSum
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version 1.0
Updated 22 September 2012
Fill a 3x3 grid with numbers 1 to 9. Sum of four adjacent cells are given. Each puzzle has a unique solution that can be reached by logic alone without any guesswork. Sujiko and Suko puzzles, created by Jai Kobayaashi Gomer, are special cases of a FourSum puzzle. This program can create as well solve existing FourSum puzzles. Program will detect and show multiple solutions if any for an imported puzzle.
Program Features
Main features of this program are:- Create new puzzles with none upto 3 cells given as hint, and with or without colour zones. Puzzles without a hint cell and no colour zone will obviously be hardest to solve.
- Create and save new puzzles
- Print single or multiple puzzles. Puzzles printed by this program are for personal use only.
- Import and solve Sujiko or Suko puzzles
- Detect and show multiple solutions of imported puzzles
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- Set display colour schemes
- Use one of 20,000 ready made puzzles 231Kb. These puzzles are for personal use only - cannot be published or distributed in any shape or form.
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version 1.0
Updated 22 September 2012
Fill a grid such that cross cells at any location are in sequence. Cross cells are left and right, and, top and bottom of a cell. Sequence is a mathematical sequence like 1,2,3 or 4,6,8 or 1,5,9 etc. There are no duplicate numbers in any row or any column of the grid. Some cells are given and some may be blacked out (not part of a sequence). Puzzle size is 5x5 to 9x9. Each puzzle has a unique solution that can be reached by logic alone without any guesswork.
Program Features
Main features of this program are:- Create new puzzles, grid size 5x5 to 9x9
- Create and save puzzles
- Autosolve a puzzle with a log of solution steps
- Save solution log
- Print single or multiple puzzles
- Export puzzles in text format
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- Set display colour schemes
- Use one of 20,000 ready made puzzles 540Kb
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version 1.0
Updated 22 September 2012
Find nine words against given clues. Words are stacked in nine steps, each word being an anagram of the previous word with a letter taken away (for words 1 to 5) or added (for words 6 to 9) each step. Word 5 is given as hint.
Program Features
Main features of this program are:- Use one of three dictionaries
- Print one or multiple puzzles, one per page
- Use one of 20,000 ready made puzzles 570Kb
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- Set display colour schemes
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version 1.0
Updated 22 September 2012
MatchStick puzzles are rearrangement puzzles in which a number of match sticks are arranged as squares, rectangles or triangles. The problem to solve is usually formulated as: "move n match sticks to make m squares (or triangles, or rectangles, or circles)" etc. This program lets you create new and solve existing MatchStick puzzles. 32 puzzles are provided with the program.
Program Features
Main features of this program are:- Create new puzzles or solve existing ones
- Print single or multiple puzzles
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- Set display colour schemes
- Set stick width for display or for print
- Set stick colour, handle colour or whether to display stick head
- Change stick head location, whether top or bottom
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version 1.0
Updated 1 December 2013
TetriNum is a 4-in-a-row and Tetris clone. You are required to move and line up three numbers in a line horizontal or diagonal. Numbers must be lined in an order like 1,2,3 or 6,5,4 or 9,9,9 or 1,1,1 or 7,6,5 etc. Once lined up, the numbers are removed and the player scores points. Grid size can be 4x4 to 9x9.
How to Play
- Click Start - timer will then start
- Numbers from the top row will be dropped into the grid at the end of the timer
- User actions:
- Drag and drop a number in the grid to a location to make a horizontal or a diagonal line, or click a number in the top row to drop in the grid
- Click Skip to skip your go and get the next set of numbers from the top row
- Click Reset to start a new game
- There must be a valid path for user to move a number from one cell to another
- User can swap two numbers, irrespective of their locations but with a penalty. Line made after a swap will score points as a normal line.
- Computer actions:
- Computer will drop numbers from the top row after each user move, or after the timer has run out
- If a line is made when a number is dropped from the top, the line will be removed and user score updated
- Computer dropped number can make a line anywhere along its path
- Drop timer and numbers dropped will vary with the grid size
Program Features
Main features of this program are:- Grid size 4x4 to 9x9
- Computer autoplay
- Game color schemes
- Animate movement of numbers
- History of High Scores
- Sound on or off
- Point to similar numbers when a number is clicked
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version 1.0
Updated 22 September 2012
Solve a pyramid shaped word puzzle with given clues. Puzzle size is 3, 4 or 5 words. One letter is given as hint. Consider a solved puzzle below:
T <-- hint letter TAR <-- word 5 IRATE <-- word 4 CERTAIN <-- word 3 NECTARINE <-- word 2 BICENTENARY <-- word 1
Program Features
Main features of this program are:- Use one of three dictionaries
- Print one or multiple puzzles, one per page
- Use one of 20,000 ready made puzzles 241Kb
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- Set display colour schemes
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version 1.0
Updated 22 September 2012
xPara puzzle is like a CrossWord puzzle with a grid, and clues. However, the words are taken from a user defined paragraph. The program analyses the paragraph and creates a puzzle with words in the same order as the paragraph. A dictionary is used to remove words and provide clues for them instead. Some common words, and any not found in the dictionary are shown as givens in the grid. After a puzzle is compiled, the user is left with a coherent and meaningful narrative telling a story embedded in the puzzle. Main features of this program are:
Program Features
Main features of this program are:- Program will clean-up a user defined paragraph removing unnecessary blanks and hyphenations etc
- Only across clues are give; some words may continue across last column into the next row
- Words are separated by black squares
- Punctuation marks are also put in black squares
- Grid size is limited to a 50 rows and 25 columns grid with maximum of 1200 character para
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version 1.0
Updated 22 September 2012
Multiply by 2 or remove a digit to get from source to a target number.
- Example: can go from 19 to 36 with sequence 19, 9, 18 and 36.
- Must multiply by 2 at lease once during the sequence
- Intermediate numbers cannot be more than 999
Program Features
Main features of this program are:- Create new puzzles or solve existing ones
- Create single or multiple puzzles
- Select a multiplier, 2 to 9; default is 2
- Print single or multiple puzzles
- Export puzzles in text format
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- Set display colour schemes
- Use one of 20,000 ready made puzzles 222Kb
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version 1.0
Updated 22 September 2012
Fill a square grid with numbers so that rows and columns numbers are in arithmetic sequence.
- Minimum number in the grid is 1
- Numbers increase by 1
- Maximum number is always gridsize*2-1
- No duplicates in any row or column
- Examples of sequenced numbers are: 1,2,3,4 or 4,5,6 or 7,8,9 or 14,15,16,17 etc.
- Two diagonal numbers are given as hints
- No duplicates in any row or column
- Row or column numbers can be in any order, for example 1,5,2,4,3 or 9,7,8 or 6,5,4,1,2,3 etc are in sequence
- Sequences in rows are unique and sequences in columns are unique. For example in a 4x4 grid if a column has 3,4,5,6 no other column will have these four numbers. Same rule will apply for rows.
- Puzzle size limitation is 5x5 to 20x20 grid.
Program Features
- Create new puzzles, grid size 5x5 to 20x20
- Create and save one or multiple puzzles
- Print single or multiple puzzles
- Export puzzles in text format
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- Set display colour schemes
- Use one of 20,000 ready made puzzles 2.26Mb
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version 1.0
Updated 22 September 2012
Guessmber given a set of progressive clues. Target number varies from 3 to 9 digits long with each digit being 1 to 9. A digit can be repeated in target numbers size of 6 or below. Maximum number of tries is 12. You must guess a number with each digit in it correct and in correct position. Two clues are given for each guess. A Black (B) clue indicates how many digits are correct and in correct positions while a White (W) clue indicates how many digits are correct but in wrong positions. This program can create new and solve existing Mastermind type puzzles.
- Create new puzzles, number size 3 to 9 with numbers from 1 to 9 in each puzzle
- Create puzzle with a given target answer
- Disable duplicate digits in target numbers (except in target number size 7, 8 or 9)
- Import and solve existing puzzles
- Solve a puzzle where you provide BW clues
- Verify and check for unique solution of an imported puzzle
- Create one or multiple puzzles
- Create multiple puzzle with random target numbers or ones specified by you
- Print one or multiple puzzles, 8 per page
- Export puzzles in text format
- Show colours instead of numbers
- Help with guesses in a game
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- Set display colour schemes
- Use one of 60 GuessNum pictures 400Kb
- Use one of 20,000 ready made puzzles 400Kb
Program features
Main features of this program are:Twist45
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version 1.0
Updated 22 September 2012
Find a single closed loop passing through each cell of a grid. The number in a cell indicates the turning angle of the line in the cell. The numbers are 1,2,3 and 4.
1- Acute turn (45 deg)
2- Right turn (90 deg)
3- Obtuse turn (135 deg)
4- No turn (continues straight without turn)
Following the directions, a closed loop must be formed; all the numbers must be visited excep cells marked as X. Masyu puzzle is a special case of this puzzle where only right or no turns are used. In Hard puzzles some cells will have no clue number.
How to Solve
Normally one would print a puzzle and solve at leisure. However, a puzzle can also be solved on screen:- Create a new a puzzle or load from a puzzle file
- Move mouse over a cell and right-click to insert two lines with angle related to the number in the cell
- Continually right-click to rotate lines
- Can navigate through cells by arrow keys
- Press space-bar to insert and rotate lines in a cell
- Press ESC to clear all lines in a cell
- Click Verify button to check if puzzle is done
- A puzzle is solved when:
- All cells have been filled except those marked X
- Link angles match the numbers
- All cell are linked by a continuous chain
Program Features
- Create new puzzles automatically
- Difficulty level Hard or Easy. Hard puzzles have some clues hidden.
- Create Masyu type puzzles with 90 deg or no turns
- Puzzle size is 4x4 to 25x25 in any combination like 5x19 or 25x8 etc
- Optionally have some cells without clues; these puzzles will be a bit harder to solve
- Solve on screen
- Print single or multiple puzzles with solutions
- Copy a puzzle and its solution to clipboard
- Display colour schemes of your choice
- Use one of 20,000 ready made puzzles 2.4Mb
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version 1.0
Updated 22 September 2012
SkyScraperS is a Latin square puzzle. Fill each square in a grid with a number from 1 to N where N is the size of the grid. A number designates a building with the number being the height of the building. Every row and column contains a number exactly once. The clues around the grid tell you how many buildings you can see in the direction shown; you cannot see a shorter building behind a taller one. Each puzzle has a unique solution.
Following clues are provided to help you solve the puzzle:
- Numbers around the grid tell you how many buildings you can see in the direction shown; you cannot see a shorter building behind a taller one. This clue is given for all puzzles; hard, medium or easy.
- A zone is shown: there are no two buildings of same height in a zone
- Tallest building: a cell with a tall bar indicates that this building is the tallest in its zone
- Shortest building: a cell with a short bar indicates that this building is the shortest in its zone
- Fixed cells: a building height is given
How to Solve
Normally one would print a puzzle and solve at leisure. However, a puzzle can also be solved on screen:- Create a new a puzzle or load from a puzzle file
- Click on the number pad row at the bottom of the display; a number will be selected
- leftclick on a cell to enter the number selected
- Left or right click on a cell with a number; number will increase or decrease
- Shiftclick on a cell to clear a number
- Click Verify button to check if puzzle is done
- Click on any clue number across the border; solution for the row or column will be displayed for a short while
- Move mouse over a clue cell to see its neighborhood cells
- Puzzle is solved when:
- All cells have been filled
- A number occurs only once in a row or a column
- The number of buildings in sight must be according to the clues on the border
- Note that in the line of sight across a row or down/up a column, cannot see a shorter building behind a taller one. For example in 5x5 grid looking right to left in a row with numbers 41325 can only see buildings 4 and 5
Program Features
- Create new puzzles automatically
- Puzzle size is 4x4 to 19x19
- Specify difficulty level: Easy, Medium, Hard or Super Hard
- Create Sudoku type 9x9 puzzles with 9 zones
- Solve on screen
- Print single or multiple puzzles with solutions
- Copy a puzzle and its solution to clipboard
- Display colour schemes of your choice
- Use one of 20,000 ready made puzzles 1.87Mb
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version 1.0
Updated 22 September 2012
Draw a single continuous link from a start location 1 to an end maximum number location. The link is unique, continuous and must go through each cell once. Link lines can cross each other at number cells but cannot overlap. Each puzzle has a unique solution. Puzzle size 3x3 to 12x12 in any combination like 5x7 or 12x6 etc.
- Start number is 1, end number depends on the grid size like 49 for a 7x7 grid etc
- Link is continuous but in stages starting from number 1. First stage will be 1 to 2, second 2 to 3 etc until the end number. For example a puzzle with end number 25 will have 24 stages in the link.
- Arrows show the direction in which a link must travel. For example a down arrow in cell with number 1 indicates that the link from 1 to 2 must go downwards.
- Link from a cell can go in 8 directions: left, right, up, down, diagonal left up, diagonal right up, diagonal left down, and diagonal right down
- While you must follow the direction in each cell, how far you travel is up to you
- You must place a number in the cell at the end of each stage
- Each cell must be filled by a number, some numbers are given as hints
- Link lines can cross each other at number cells but cannot overlap
- Some cells may be blacked out, these cells have no numbers and a link cannot go through them
- Each puzzle has a unique solution
How to Solve
Puzzle solution involves drawing a link in stages from start value to end value. Each stage increases the cell value by one, until the end value is reached. Some cell values are given as hints.- To draw a stage, place mouse over a number (source cell) and then drag cursor with left button pressed to the destination cell and release left button. A link will be drawn from source to the destination cell:
- Destination cell number will be one plus the sources cell value
- The link direction must be in the direction indicated in the source cell
- Cannot have more than one link at a number
- links can cross each other at cells but cannot overlap
- Puzzle is solved when you reach the end value:
- All cell values would have been filled, except the blocked cells if any in the puzzle
- Any given values will be in the correct sequence of cells visited
- Link will follow directions given in the cells
- There will be no overlapping lines
- Use Solve/Verify menu to verify the link
- To adjust the grid display size: Rightclick on the display outside the grid and drag mouse left or right to decrease or increase the display window size
Program Features
- Print single or multiple puzzles
- Print and solve from 20,000 puzzles provided
- Select display colour schemes
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- 20,000 puzzles are provided Download
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version 1.0
Updated 22 September 2012
Fill each hexagon with numbers 1 to 6. Two numbers at touching sides must add up to 7.
How to Play
Create and print a puzzle and solve at your leisure. Puzzle can also be solved on screen.Program Features
- Print single or multiple puzzles
- Print and solve from 20,000 puzzles provided
- Select display colour schemes
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- 20,000 puzzles are provided Download
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version 1.0
Updated 19 September 2012
Solve a hexagonal shaped crossword puzzle. Clues for words inside and outside a hexagon are given. Word letters can be in any order. Puzzle size can be 7, 10, 17 or 22 hexagons. 20,000 readymade puzzles are provided with this program.
How to Play
Create and print a puzzle and solve at your leisure. Puzzle can also be solved on screen. Can use five different dictionaries (english1 to english5).Program Features
- Four puzzle sizes: 7,10,17 or 22 hexagons
- Use any of the five dictionaries provided. Only dictionaries english3, english4 and english5 are valid for 22 hexagons puzzle.
- Print single or multiple puzzles
- Print and solve from 20,000 puzzles provided
- Select display colour schemes
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- 20,000 puzzles are provided Download
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version 1.0
Updated 10 September 2012
Solve a crossword puzzle with 8-letter overlapping words arranged like a star. Word letters can be in any order. Puzzle size is 4 (2x2 ) to 25 (5x5) square. Four clue letters are given.
How to Play
Create and print a puzzle and solve at your leisure. Puzzle can also be solved on screen. Can use five different dictionaries (english1 to english5).Program Features
- A dictionary of your choice from the five supplied
- Print puzzles, one per page
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- Set display colour schemes
- 20,000 puzzles are provided Download
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version 1.0
Updated 4 September 2012
Find the number of B's in a hexagon. Sum of B's surrounding a hexagon is given. There can be a maximum of three B's in a hexagon. Puzzle size can be 4x4 to 12x12 hexagons. 20,000 readymade puzzles are provided with this program.
How to Solve
- Create a new puzzle or select one from 20,000 puzzles provided
- Normally one would print a puzzle and solve on paper
- Total of surrounding B's is shown in each hexagon
- Move mouse over a hexagon and click one, two or three B's to place 1,2 or 3 Bs in a hexagon
- Or right click on a hexagon to place 1,2 or 3 B's consecutively
- Press Escape to clear all B's
- Can also use arrow keys to navigate
- As you place B's, the total sum of B's in adjacent hexagons will be updated and displayed
- Puzzle is solved when your sum of B's in a hexagon matches with the sum given
- Click check solution button to verify your solution
- 20,000 puzzles are provided Download
Program Features
- 4x4 to 12x12 grid size. Puzzle size with more than 81 hexagons may take some time to create.
- Create grid patterns by hiding cells
- Print single or multiple puzzles
- Print and solve from 20,000 puzzles provided
- Select display colour schemes
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version 1.0
Updated 10 August 2012
Fillomino is a logic puzzle published by Nikoli. Fillomino is played on a rectangular grid with no standard size; the internal grid lines are often dotted. Object of solving the puzzle is to place numbers into the empty cells so that the grid is divided into regions of cells all containing the exact same number. Each region must contain exactly as many cells as the number that it contains. Two regions of the same size cannot touch each other, either vertically or horizontally. At least one or 2(optional) numbers in a region are displayed. Puzzle size can be 5x5 to 20x20 rectangular like 12x12, 5x20 or 20x10 etc. 20,000 readymade puzzles are provided with this program.
How to Solve
- Create a new puzzle or select one from 20,000 puzzles provided
- Normally one would print a puzzle and solve on paper
- Move mouse over a cell and enter number (1-9)
- Can also rightclick to enter a number
- Can enter more than one digit in a cell as reminder of potential solutions
- Continue solution while updating pencils
- Click check solution button to verify your solution
- 20,000 puzzles are provided Download
Program Features
- 5x5 to 20x20 grid size. Puzzle size with more than 256 cells may take some time to create.
- Create grid patterns by hiding cells
- Print single or multiple puzzles
- Print and solve from 20,000 puzzles provided
- Select display colour schemes
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version 1.0
Updated 10 August 2012
This program will create and print mazes of size 9x9 to 36x36. You solve the maze by tracing a path from the start to the exit location in the maze. Default start location is middle of the maze. Exit location is one of the cells at the border of the maze. Usually you would print a puzzle and solve on paper. However you can also play against the computer to reach the exit location faster.
How to Play against Computer
- Create a new puzzle or select one from 20,000 puzzles provided.
- Click start game
- Navigate through the maze with arrow keys to reach the exit point; Computer will do the same
- The maze in invisible, however a wall is display when a move hits a wall
- Computer wins it reaches the exit location before you do; or if computer location overlaps with the user location
- There is no specific strategy for playing against computer; the game is just for fun
Program Features
- Grid size 9x9 to 36x36
- Create and print new mazes
- Copy a puzzle and its solution to an Excel spreadsheet
- Select start location, default is centre of the maze
- Select display colour schemes
- Print and solve from 20,000 puzzles provided Download
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version 1.0
Updated 20 June 2012
LatinOrder is a Latin Square puzzle size 8x8. Fill each Row, each Column and each Link with number 1 to 8: no duplicate numbers in any Row or a Column. Sixteen nodes have 'order' clues, indicating how a set of three cells around a node are ordered. Three cells are shown linked starting with a small square to ending with a large square. The values in the three cells must be in the increasing order, from small to large square. Some cells are fixed. Puzzle size can be 4x4, 6x6 or 8x8. 20,000 readymade puzzles are provided with this program.
How to Play
Select puzzle size. Then create and print a puzzle and solve at your leisure. Puzzle can also be solved on screen. Click a cell to set/clear black.Program Features
- Create a new puzzle or load from one of the 20,000 ready made provided
- Click Updatepencils to find possible cell candidates (pencil marks)
- Move mouse over a cell and enter number 1 to 8 as your guess
- Can enter more than one digit in a cell as reminder of potential solutions
- Continue solution while updating pencils
- Click check solution button to verify your solution
- 20,000 puzzles are provided Download
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version 1.0
Updated 20 June 2012
Set Black cells in a square grid - total black cells in the row and column of a number must be same as the number. Some cells marked x (or greyed out in print) cannot have a black cell. Not all cells in the grid have to be filled. Grid size is 4x4 to 9x9.
How to Play
Select puzzle size. Then create and print a puzzle and solve at your leisure. Puzzle can also be solved on screen. Click a cell to set/clear black.Program Features
- Create puzzles with grid size 4x4 to 9x9
- Solve on screen
- Print 2 puzzles per page with solution
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- Set display colour schemes
- 20,000 puzzles are provided Download
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version 1.0
Updated 20 June 2012
Solve a crossword puzzle with given clues. Three letters in each word are given. Also one letter is common in all words.
How to Play
Create and print a puzzle and solve at your leisure. Puzzle can also be solved on screen. Can use five different dictionaries (english1 to english5).Program Features
- A dictionary of your choice from the five supplied
- Print puzzles, one per page
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- Set display colour schemes
- 20,000 puzzles are provided Download
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version 1.0
Updated 20 June 2012
Solve a crossword puzzle with given clues. Clus for across words and two vertical words are given. Vertical words can have letters in ay order. Puzzle size is 5, 7 or 9.
How to Play
Create and print a puzzle and solve at your leisure. Puzzle can also be solved on screen. Can use five different dictionaries (english1 to english5).Program Features
- Puzzle size 5, 7 or 9
- A dictionary of your choice from the five supplied
- Print puzzles, one per page
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- Set display colour schemes
- 20,000 puzzles are provided Download
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version 1.0
Updated 20 June 2012
Solve a crossword puzzle with given clues. Three letters in a word are common with the word below. Puzzle size is 8x8 to 12x12.
How to Play
Create and print a puzzle and solve at your leisure. Puzzle can also be solved on screen. Can use five different dictionaries (english1 to english5).Program Features
- Puzzle size 5x5 to 12x12
- A dictionary of your choice from the five supplied
- Print puzzles, one per page
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- Set display colour schemes
- 20,000 puzzles are provided Download
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version 1.0
Updated 20 June 2012
Solve a crossword puzzle arranged like a spider's web. Word letters can be in any order. Puzzle size is 5 (5 and 8 letter words) or 7 (7 and 8 letter words). One central letter is given and word clues are provided.
How to Play
Create and print a puzzle and solve at your leisure. Puzzle can also be solved on screen. Can use five different dictionaries (english1 to english5). The default central letter is S, this can however be set by the user to any other letter.Program Features
- A dictionary of your choice from the five supplied
- Print puzzles, one per page
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- Set display colour schemes
- 20,000 puzzles are provided Download
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version 1.0
Updated 13 March 2012
In this word puzzle cut and paste letters from a set of words to make another set. Some letters must be cut and pasted in 2,3 or 5. Puzzle lines are 3 to 5 with a selection of 4 to 8 letters in a word.
How to Solve
- Create a new puzzle or select one from 20,000 puzzles provided.
- Normally one would print a puzzle and solve on paper
- Left click on a letter in the puzzle (on the left), then click on the solution (right side) to place the letter on a location
- Cut and paste from left to right side until new words are made. Some letters are given a clue on the right side.
- Right click on a letter on the right side to undo the placement
Program Features
- 4 to 8 letter words with 3 to 5 lines in a puzzle
- Create and save single or multiple puzzles
- Print single or multiple puzzles
- Print and solve from 20,000 puzzles provided
- Set font name and font size
- Select display colour schemes
- 20,000 puzzles with varying levels of difficulty and solutions are provided. Download
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version 1.0
Updated 15 January 2012
Dudo is a board game similar to Ludo. Get all your for pieces to home cell and win the game. Board size is 7x7 to 17x17 (odd number only). You play against the computer. Rules of the game are:
Rules of the Game
- Two to four players play, each player has four pieces
- The game starts with an empty board, size 7x7 to 17x17. Default board size is 9x9.
- Each play throws a dice on its turn; a throw of 6 must be followed by another throw, player loses its turn if two sixes are thrown
- Must throw one six for the opening move
- Opening move is then the non-six throw
- Each player has one designated opening cell as one of the four corners; marked as S
- Player moves by the dice numbers thrown
- Move must be up, down, left or right from the current location of the piece
- If a 6 and another number is thrown; the move is in two steps. A piece can go UDLR by 6 and then another UDLR by the second number
- You lose your turn if any of your pieces cannot move to a cell inside the board
- Following restrictions apply to a move
- Can move one piece in one turn
- Cannot jump over a cell with two opponent piece in the cell
- Opponent piece is captured and returned to start if your piece lands exactly on an opponent piece
- A piece is captured if it lands on a cell marked X
- A piece reaches home when it lands on the Home (H) cell in the centre of the board
- A player wins when all its four pieces have reached Home
- Game ends when any of the players reaches home
How to Play
- Select board size
- Select each player type (computer or human)
- Click Start to start the game
- Dice are thrown by the computer for each player
- Computer makes its move automatically
- For human player:
- Left click on a piece to move; program will indicate possible valid destinations where piece can move to
- Right click on a destination cell of choice
- Piece will be moved to the cell selected
Program Features
- Board size 7x7 to 17x17
- Player colours and piece shapes
- Pause interval for computer player
- Grid colours
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version 1.0
Updated 15 January 2012
In CrossCard game you fill in a 5x5 grid with 25 cards using the clues provided. Some grid cards are shown already. Ten clues are given: five for five rows and five for five columns. 20,000 readymade puzzles are provided with this program.
A clue can be one of the following:Royal Flush = AKQJ10 of same suit Straight Flush = All five of same suit with values in sequence: 2S 3S 4S 5S 6S Straight Suit = All five of same suit but values not in sequence: 1S 2S 5S 8S AS Full House Value = Three values same and two values same: 2C 2D 2H 7S 7C Full House Suit = Three suits same and two suits same: 5D 7D 9D 3H 7H Straight Sequence = All five values in sequence: 2C 3D 4S 5C 6H Quad Sequence = Four values in sequence: 7D 8S 9C 10C 3H Quad Suit = Four of same suit: 8D 9D 3D 4D 10C Quad Values = Four of same value: KD KH KC KS 9C Triple Sequence = Three values in sequence: 7D 8S 9C 2C 4H Triple Suit = Three of same suit: 8D 9D 3D 4H 10C Triple Value = Three of same value: 2C 2D 2H 8S 7C Two Pairs = Two values same twice: 2C 2D 5S 5H KD A Pair = There is a pair: 3C 3D 5S 6S 7S
How to Play
Normally one would print CrossCard puzzle and solve on paper. The puzzle can also be solved on screen.- Create a new puzzle or load one from a puzzle file
- Examine clues and determine best fit for cards
- Left click on the card choice grid on the right hand side, move mouse to the desired destination on the solution grid on the left hand side, and, Left click again. The selected card will be moved into the grid.
- Right click on solution grid to see a dropdown matrix of card choices. Click on the matrix to place a card.
Program Features
- 20,000 puzzles with varying levels of difficulty and solutions are provided. Download
- Create, save and reload puzzles
- Print 1 or 2 puzzles per page
- Colour schemes
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Version 1.0
Updated 15 January 2112
Solve a diamond shaped crossword puzzle with given clues. Across and Down clues and solution are same. Puzzle size is 5x5 (very easy), 7x7 (easy), 9x9 (hard) or 11x11 (very hard). Some clues in 11x11 puzzle may be reversed. Optionally the four corner letters can be shown as hints.
How to Play
Select puzzle size. Then create and print a puzzle and solve at your leisure. Puzzle can also be solved on screen. Can use five different dictionaries (english1 to english5).Program Features
- A dictionary of your choice from the five supplied. Note that for 11x11 puzzle select a dictionary english5 else puzzle may take a long time to create.
- Print puzzles, one or two puzzles per page
- Total 20,000 puzzles; 5,000 for each of the four puzzle sizes Download
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- Set display colour schemes
- Show four corner letters as hints
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Version 1.0
Updated 15 January 2012
Solve a crossword puzzle with given clues. Across and Down clues and solution are same. Puzzle size is 3x3(ver easy), 4x4(easy), 5x5(hard), or 6x6(very hard).
How to Play
Select puzzle size. Then create and print a puzzle and solve at your leisure. Puzzle can also be solved on screen. Can use five different dictionaries (english1 to english5).Program Features
- A dictionary of your choice from the five supplied. Note that for 11x11 puzzle select a dictionary english5 else puzzle may take a long time to create.
- Print puzzles, one or two puzzles per page
- Total 20,000 puzzles; 5,000 for each of the four puzzle sizes Download
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- Set display colour schemes
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Version 1.0
Updated 13 February 2012
LatinLink is a Latin Square puzzle size 4x4 to 9x9. A puzzle has 9 rows (for a 9x9 puzzle), 9 columns and 9 links. Fill each Row, each Column and each Link with number 1 to 9 (for a 9x9 puzzle). No duplicate numbers in any Row, Column or a Link. 20,000 readymade puzzles are provided with this program. Generally a LatinLink puzzle will be easier than a standard Sudoku puzzle. All LatinLink puzzles can be solved by logic alone without any guesswork. A special case of a 9x9 LatinLink puzzle is where links are confined to nine 3x3 areas; this would be a Sudoku puzzle. 4x4 puzzles are very easy; good for younger players to understand Latin Squares.
- Grid: 9x9 squares containing 81 cells down to 4x4 squares in a 4x4 puzzle
- Cell: A single square that contains one number in the grid
- Row: A horizontal line of 9, 8, 7, 6, 5 or 4 cells for a 9x9, 8x8, 7x7, 6x6, 5x5 or a 4x4 puzzle
- Column: A vertical line of 9, 8, 7, 6, 5 or 4 cells for a 9x9, 8x8, 7x7, 6x6, 5x5 or a 4x4 puzzle
- Link: A continuous sequence of connected cells
The objective is to fill the grid with numbers from 1 to N (for a NxN puzzle) in a way that each Row, Column and a Link contains each number exactly onceHow to Solve
- Create a new puzzle or select one from 20,000 puzzles provided.
- Normally one would print a puzzle and solve on paper
- Examine each zone and narrow down possible candidates for solution
- Fill in candidates
- Apply LatinLink rules and eliminate candidates as seen fit given that there are no duplicates in a Row, Column or a Link
- Puzzle can also be solved on screen:
- Create a new puzzle or load from one of the 20,000 ready made provided
- Click Updatepencils to find possible cell candidates (pencil marks)
- Move mouse over a cell and enter number 1 to 9 as your guess
- Can enter more than one digit in a cell as reminder of potential solutions
- Continue solution while updating pencils
- Click check solution button to verify your solution
- You can let computer show you solution stepwise
How to navigate
- Move mouse over a cell and enter a number
- Can enter more than one digit in a cell as reminder of potential solutions
- Use arrow keys to navigate through cells. Place mouse cursor outside the grid for ease of navigation when using arrow keys.
- Click Updatepencils button or press F2 to recalculate pencil marks
- Right click on a cell or press F3 to place current pencil mark in the cell
Program Features
- 9x9 to 4x4 grid size
- Create and save new puzzles
- Creat special case 9x9 LatinLink puzzles where links are confined to nine 3x3 areas; these would be Sudoku puzzles
- Print single or multiple puzzles
- Print and solve from 20,000 puzzles provided
- Let computer show you the solution stepwise
- Select display colour schemes
- Print and solve from 20,000 puzzles provided Download
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Version 1.0
Updated 15 January 2012
Ordoku is a variation of Sudoku puzzle. Like Sudoku puzzle a 9x9 grid must be filled with numbers 1 to 9 with no duplicate in any row or a column. In addition, a Ordoku puzzle has horizontal and vertical zones where numbers must be in order like 1234, 2345, or 789 or 543. Some numbers are given as hint. A puzzle size can be 6x6 to 9x9. 20,000 readymade puzzles are provided with this program. Generally an Ordoku puzzle will be easier than a standard Sudoku puzzle. All Ordoku puzzles can be solved by logic alone without any guesswork.
Terminology (for a 9x9 grid, grid size can be 6x6 to 9x9)
- Grid: 9x9 squares containing 81 cells
- Cell: A single square that contains one number in the grid
- Row: A horizontal line of 9 cells
- Column: A vertical line of 9 cells
- Zone: A continuous sequence of vertical or horizontal cells; usually 3,4 or 5 cells together
Objective of the Game
The objective is to fill the grid with numbers from 1 to 9 in a way that the following conditions are met:- Each row and column contains each number exactly once
- Each zone must have numbers in increasing or decreasing order like 987, 4567, 123. 321 etc
How to Solve
- Create a new puzzle or select one from 20,000 puzzles provided
- Normally one would print a puzzle and solve on paper
- Examine each zone and narrow down possible candidates for solution
- Fill in candidates
- Apply Ordoku rules and eliminate candidates as seen fit:
- No duplicates in a row or a column
- Numbers in zones must be in increasing or decreasing order
- Puzzle can also be solved on screen:
- Create a new puzzle or load from one of the 20,000 ready made provided
- Click Updatepencils to find possible cell candidates (pencil marks)
- Move mouse over a cell and enter number 1 to 9 as your guess
- Can enter more than one digit in a cell as reminder of potential solutions
- Continue solution while updating pencils
- Click check solution button to verify your solution
- You can let computer show you solution stepwise
- Some puzzle solution hints for a Zone (for a 9x9 grid):
- No 1 or 9 in middle of a Zone
- In a Zone, a cell with value n must have n+-1 in its neighbours
- If one cell is known then all other cells in Zone must be +-pairs
- If there is a 2 or 3 near edges of a Zone, the Zone can be filled
- If 9 at end, all other must be 6,7,8.. Or 1 at start, all others must be 2,3,4 ...
- For each start number n, both n+(lx-1) and n-(lx-1) must be at end. lx is the length of the Zone
- If two or more cells are known then entire Zone can be filled
- Any 1-single, 2-doubles or 3-triples can be removed from its Row or Column
- A single occurrence of a number in Row or a Column, the cell can fixed to that number
How to navigate
- Move mouse over a cell and enter a number
- Can enter more than one digit in a cell as reminder of potential solutions
- Use arrow keys to navigate through cells. Place mouse cursor outside the grid for ease of navigation when using arrow keys.
- Click Updatepencils button or press F2 to recalculate pencil marks
- Right click on a cell or press F3 to place current pencil mark in the cell
Program Features
- Create and save new puzzles
- Print single or multiple puzzles
- Print and solve from 20,000 puzzles provided
- Let computer show you the solution stepwise
- Select display colour schemes
- Print and solve from 20,000 puzzles provided Download
- Select display colour schemes
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Version 1.0
Updated 15 January 2012
Mathdoku is a variation of Sudoku/Kakuro puzzle. A total of 36 calculated numbers in the 36 3-cell areas around the puzzle are given. Each calculated number is a result of addition/subtraction of related three cells. Each cell has a plus or a minus sign assigned indicating how the cell is used in the calculation. 20,000 readymade puzzles are provided with this program.
- Grid: 9x9 squares containing 81 cells
- Cell: A single square that contains one number in the grid
- Row: A horizontal line of 9 cells
- Column: A vertical line of 9 cells
- Box: A 3�3 grid of cells, total 9 boxes in the grid
- Area: Three consecutive cells in a row or a column at the edge of the grid
Objective of the Game
The objective is to fill the grid with numbers from 1 to 9 such that:- Each row, column, and box contains each number exactly once
- The calculation result of the three numbers in an area must match the number given at the periphery of the grid
How to Solve
- Create a new puzzle or select one from 20,000 puzzles provided
- Normally one would print a puzzle and solve on paper
- Examine the calculation numbers around the puzzle and narrow down possible candidates for solution
- Fill in candidates
- Apply Sudoku rules and eliminate candidates as seen fit:
- No duplicates in a row or a column
- No duplicates in any of the nine 3x3 boxes
- Addition or subtraction of area numbers match the calculation result given
- Puzzle can also be solved on screen:
- Create a new puzzle or load from one of the 20,000 ready made provided
- Click Updatepencils to find possible cell candidates (pencil marks)
- Move mouse over a cell and enter number 1 to 9 as your guess
- Examine candidates and calculated results at the periphery; locate singles
- Continue solution while updating pencils
- Click check solution button to verify your solution
How to navigate
- Move mouse over a cell and enter a number
- Can enter more than one digit in a cell as reminder of potential solutions
- Use arrow keys to navigate through cells. Place mouse cursor outside the grid for ease of navigation when using arrow keys.
- Click Updatepencils button or press F2 to recalculate pencil marks
- Right click on a cell or press F3 to place current pencil mark in the cell
- Move mouse over a number at the periphery - cells contributing to the calculated number will be highlighted. This option can be disabled.
- Rightclick over a number at the periphery - candidate numbers contributing to the calculated number will be highlighted
Program Features
- Create and save puzzles
- Print single or multiple puzzles
- Print and solve from 20,000 puzzles provided Download
- Select display colour schemes
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Version 1.0
Updated 12 January 2012
MoreorLessSudoku is a variation of Sudoku puzzle. Puzzle gives relationship between neighboring cell values as hint. A cell value can be more or less than its four (or two in outer rows and columns) neighbors. Symbols > or < are displayed for this purpose. All standard Sudoku rules apply. 20,000 readymade puzzles are provided with this program.
How to Play
- Normally one would print a puzzle and solve on paper
- Examine the board and find possible candidates for solution. Consider some examples below:
+-\/-+ | A | +-\/-+ | 8 | +-/\-+ A must be 9 +-\/-+-\/-+ | B < 2 | +-\/-+-/\ + B must be 1 +-\/-+-\/-+ | C < 7 | +-\/-+-/\ + C can be 12345 or 6 +-\/-+-\/-+-\/-+-\/-+ | D < 4 > 2 > 1 | +-\/-+-/\ +-\/-+-\/-+ D must be 3
- Fill in candidates
- Apply Sudoku rules and eliminate candidates as seen fit:
- No duplicates in a row or a column
- No duplicates in any of the nine 3x3 boxes
- Puzzle can also be solved on screen:
- Create a new puzzle or load from one of the 20,000 ready made provided
- Click Updatepencils to find possible cell candidates (pencil marks)
- Move mouse over a cell and enter number 1 to 9 as your guess
- Examine candidates and more or less relationships; locate singles
- Continue solution while updating pencils
- Click check solution button to verify your solution
- How to navigate
- Move mouse over a cell and enter a number
- Can enter more than one digit in a cell as reminder of potential solutions
- Use arrow keys to navigate through cells; place mouse cursor outside the grid for ease of navigation
- Click UpdatePencils button or press F2 to recalculate pencil marks
- Right click on a cell or press F3 to place current pencil mark in the cell
Program Features
- Create and save puzzles
- Print single or multiple puzzles
- Print and solve from 20,000 puzzles provided Download
- Select display colour schemes
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Version 1.0
Updated 15 January 2012
Sumdoku is a variation of Sudoku/Kakuro puzzle. A total of 36 sums in 36 3-cell areas around the puzzle are given. Each sum is addition of three related numbers in the grid. Additionally some cells (optionally 1 to 9) in the puzzle are fixed. Puzzles come in three difficulty levels: very easy, easy and hard. 20,000 readymade puzzles are provided with this program.
- Grid: 9x9 squares containing 81 cells
- Cell: A single square that contains one number in the grid
- Row: A horizontal line of 9 cells
- Column: A vertical line of 9 cells
- Box: A 3�3 grid of cells, total 9 boxes in the grid
- Area: Three consecutive cells in a row or a column at the edge of the grid. There are 36 areas in the grid.
Objective of the Game
The objective is to fill the grid with numbers from 1 to 9 such that:- Each row, column, and box contains each number exactly once
- The sum of three numbers in an area must match the number given at the periphery of the grid
- Some numbers in the grid are given as hint
How to Solve
- Create a new puzzle or select one from 20,000 puzzles provided
- You can select a difficulty levels: very easy, easy or hard. Difficulty level is related to the number of known cells, from 1 to 9. Puzzles with fewer number of known cells are generally harder to solve. You can also specify the number of fixed cells from 1 to 9.
- Normally one would print a puzzle and solve on paper
- Examine the sums around the puzzle and narrow down possible candidates for solution. For example, consider top left area of a puzzle:
..... .15 . ....+---+---+---+--- .11 | A | 7 | B | ....+---+---+---+ . | 9 | | | ....+---+---+---+ . | C | | | ....+---+---+---+ | | Step 1 - Given A+7+B=11 and A+9+C=15 Step 2 - A and B combinations must be 13 to get sum 4 (7 is given) Step 3 - C combination must be 35 to get sum 6 (9 is given) Step 4 - A must be 1 and C must be 5 as double 3's are not allowed Step 5 - B must be 3 Solution: ..... .15 . ....+---+---+---+--- .11 | 1 | 7 | 3 | ....+---+---+---+ . | 9 | | | ....+---+---+---+ . | 5 | | | ....+---+---+---+ | | The list below gives possible combinations of 3-cell sums: 6: 123 7: 124 8: 125 134 9: 126 135 234 10: 127 136 145 235 11: 128 137 146 236 245 12: 129 138 147 156 237 246 345 13: 139 148 157 238 247 256 346 14: 149 158 167 239 248 257 347 356 15: 159 168 249 258 267 348 357 456 16: 169 178 259 268 349 358 367 457 17: 179 269 278 359 368 458 467 18: 189 279 369 378 459 468 567 19: 289 379 469 478 568 20: 389 479 569 578 21: 489 579 678 22: 589 679 23: 689 24: 789
- Fill in candidates
- Apply Sudoku rules and eliminate candidates as seen fit:
- No duplicates in a row or a column
- No duplicates in any of the nine 3x3 boxes
- Area sums match the numbers given
- Puzzle can also be solved on screen:
- Create a new puzzle or load from one of the 20,000 ready made provided
- Click Updatepencils to find possible cell candidates (pencil marks)
- Move mouse over a cell and enter number 1 to 9 as your guess
- Examine candidates and sums at the periphery; locate singles
- Continue solution while updating pencils
- Click check solution button to verify your solution
How to Navigate
- Move mouse over a cell and enter a number
- Can enter more than one digit in a cell as reminder of potential solutions
- Use arrow keys to navigate through cells. Place mouse cursor outside the grid for ease of navigation when using arrow keys.
- Click Updatepencils button or press F2 to recalculate pencil marks
- Right click on a cell or press F3 to place current pencil mark in the cell
- Move mouse over a sum at the periphery - cells contributing to the sum will be highlighted. This option can be disabled.
- Rightclick over a sum at the periphery - candidate numbers contributing to the sum will be highlighted
Program Features
- Position fixed cells at selected locations
- Create and save single or multiple puzzles with selected difficulty levels
- Print single or multiple puzzles
- Print and solve from 20,000 puzzles provided Download
- Select display colour schemes
Download now
Version 1.0
Updated 8 July 2011
4linkWords is a crossword puzzle with a set of 8 interlinked 4-letter words. Clues are given for the 8 words. All words are placed clock-wise.
How to Play
You will print a puzzle and solve it on paper at your leisure.- Load a dictionary of your choice from the five provided with this program: English1 to English5.
- Create a new puzzle
- Print the puzzle and its solution
Program Features
- Print puzzles and their solutions
- Load one of the five English dictionaries
- Set display colour schemes
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Version 1.0
Updated 8 July 2011
Make a set of 7-letter and 5-letter words in 18, 25 or 32 interlinked locations. Word clues are given.
How to Play
You will print a puzzle and solve it on paper at your leisure.- Load a dictionary of your choice from the five provided with this program: English1 to English5.
- Create a new puzzle
- Print the puzzle and its solution
Program Features
- Print puzzles and their solutions
- Load one of the five English dictionaries
- Set display colour schemes
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Version 1.0
Updated 8 July 2011
Make a set of 7-letter and 5-letter words in 18, 25 or 32 interlinked locations. Word clues are given.
How to Play
Select puzzle size: 18, 25 or 32 letters and create a puzzle. Then print a puzzle and solve at your leisure. Puzzle cannot be solved on screen. Can use five different dictionaries (English1 to English5).
Program Features
- A dictionary of your choice from five supplied
- Three puzzle sizes: 18, 25 or 32 letters
- Print puzzles
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- Set display colour schemes
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Version 1.0
Updated 8 July 2011
DiaWord is a crossword puzzle with a diamond shaped grid. Some letters in the puzzle are given. All words are made with clues given.
How to Play
You would print a puzzle and solve it on paper at your leisure. Puzzle cannot be solved on screen.- Load a dictionary of your choice from the five provided with this program: English1 to English5.
- Create a new puzzle
- Print the puzzle and its solution
Program Features
- Print puzzles and their solutions
- Load one of the five English dictionaries
- Set display colour schemes
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Version 1.0
Updated 8 July 2011
hWord is a crossword puzzle with an H shaped grid. Some letters in the puzzle are given. All words are made with clues given.
How to Play
You would print a puzzle and solve it on paper at your leisure. Puzzle cannot be solved on screen.- Load a dictionary of your choice from the five provided with this program: English1 to English5.
- Create a new puzzle
- Print the puzzle and its solution
Program Features
- Print puzzles and their solutions
- Load one of the five English dictionaries
- Set display colour schemes
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Version 1.0
Updated 8 July 2011
MeshWord is a crossword puzzle with a mesh grid. A normal crossword puzzles clues are across or down only. MeshWord clues can be in five directions: left (L), right (R), up (U), down (D), and diagonal (X). Two word sizes (5 and 7) and two grid styles are available.
How to Play
You will print a puzzle and solve it on paper at your leisure.- Load a dictionary of your choice from the five provided with this program: English1 to English5.
- Select word size (5 or 7) and a grid style
- Create a new puzzle
- Print the puzzle and its solution
Program Features
- Two grid types for 7 or 5 letter puzzles
- Print puzzles and their solutions
- Load one of the five English dictionaries
- Set display colour schemes
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Version 1.0
Updated 8 July 2011
This a cross word puzzles with words in a ring. Place six 4-letter words diagonally and three 6-letter words along three rings. Clues are given for the 9 words.
How to Play
You will print a puzzle and solve it on paper at your leisure. A word must be placed diagonally and in the rings according to the clues given.- Load a dictionary of your choice from the five provided with this program: English1 to English5.
- Create a new puzzle
- Print the puzzle and its solution
- The puzzle has three rings and 6 diagonal lines
- Each ring has 6 letters and each diagonal has 4 letters
- Letters in the three ring words (7 to 9) can be placed in any sequence
- The 6 diagonal words (1 to 6) start with a common letter in the centre of rings, spelt outwords
- Clues are given for the 9 words
Program Features
- Select a dictionary of your choice
- Set display colour schemes
- Copy puzzle and its solution to clipboard
- Print puzzles and their solutions
- Select letter shape: circle or a square
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Version 1.0
Updated 8 July 2011
StarWord is a crossword puzzle with a star shaped grid. The grid has 5 overlapping words, 4 letters each. All words are made with the clues given.
How to Play
You would print a puzzle and solve it on paper at your leisure. Puzzle cannot be solved on screen.- Load a dictionary of your choice from the five provided with this program: English1 to English5.
- Create a new puzzle
- Print the puzzle and its solution
Program Features
- Print puzzles and their solutions
- Load one of the five English dictionaries
- Set display colour schemes
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Version 1.0
Updated 8 July 2011
sWord is a crossword puzzle with an S-shaped grid. The grid has 11 overlapping words, 6 letters each. Each word starts with an S (can be optionally overridden). Some letters in the puzzle are given as hints when words can start with any letter. All words are made clock-wise with clues given.
How to Play
You will print a puzzle and solve it on paper at your leisure. A word must be placed around a numbered hexagon clockwise against the clue given.- Load a dictionary of your choice from the five provided with this program: English1 to English5.
- Create a new puzzle
- Print the puzzle and its solution
Program Features
- Print puzzles and their solutions
- Load one of the five English dictionaries
- Select whether words start with the letter S, or with any letter
- Set display colour schemes
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Version 1.0
Updated 30 June 2011
8Word is a crossword puzzle with an 8-shaped grid. The grid has 23 overlapping words, 8 letters each. Some letters in the puzzle are given. All words are made clock-wise with clues given.
How to Play
Normally you would print a puzzle and solve it on paper at your leisure. However you can also solve on screen using the following commands:- Load a dictionary of your choice from the five provided with this program: English1 to English5.
- Create a new puzzle
- Move mouse cursor over a cell and press a letter to enter in the cell
- Puzzle is done when all letters have been placed
- Click Check button to verify if your solution is correct
Program Features
- Print puzzles and their solutions
- Load one of the five English dictionaries
- Set display colour schemes
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Version 1.0
Updated 30 June 2011
HexWord is a crossword puzzle with hexagonal rather than square cells. Some letters in the puzzle are given. All words are made clock-wise and adjacent letters in touching hexagons are same.
How to Play
Normally you would print a puzzle and solve it on paper at your leisure. However you can also solve on screen using the following commands:- Load a dictionary of your choice from the five provided with this program: English1 to English5.
- Create a new puzzle
- Move mouse cursor over a cell and press a letter to enter in the cell
- Puzzle is done when all letters have been placed
- Click Check button to verify if your solution is correct
Program Features
- Print puzzles and their solutions
- Load one of the five English dictionaries
- Set display colour schemes
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Version 1.0
Updated 16 June 2011
Change one letter at a time to go from a given 3-letter word to a target 9-letter word, in 6 steps. Can change only one letter in one step.
How to Play
- Load a dictionary of your choice from the four provided with this program: English3 to English6.
- Create a new puzzle
- Click on a letter cell and enter a letter
- Use arrow keys to navigate through cells
- Can change only one letter in one step
- Puzzle is done when all letters have been placed
- Click Check button to verify if your solution is correct
Program Features
- Print puzzles and their solutions
- Load one of the four English dictionaries
- Set display colour schemes
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Version 1.0
Updated 16 June 2011
Examine changes from pattern 1 to 3 and find pattern 4.
How to Play
Click on cells in pattern 4 grid and make a new pattern. Rightclick down and drag up to set a series of cell horizontally or vertically. Click check button to verify if the pattern is correct. This program is more suited to younger users interested in understanding patterns.wXchange
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Version 1.0
Updated 3 June 2011
Five letters are given each to two players. One common stack of five letters contains five vowels (AIOUE). A player on its turn can swap one of its letters with any letter of other player, or with the top letter in the common stack. Game ends when one of the player makes a valid word. Good for younger player who wish to learn new words while having fun.
How to Play
- Load a user created dictionary or use one of the two provided with the program
- Human (player 2) starts first
- Tick letters that you wish to swap
- Tick one of the other player letters, or the common stack
- Click Swap command button
- Letters will be swapped as ticked
- After a swap, the turn ends and Human player click Next button for Computer to take its turn
- In order to assess whether a word can be made or not, Human player on its turn can:
- Rearrange letters within its five letters
- Randomize or rotate positions
- Rearrange letters in a selected order
- Click check word button to verify if a valid word has been made or not
- Other play options:
- Skip a turn, by clicking Next without a swap. Computer will take the next turn.
- Check spelling of any word, computer will take the next turn
- Ask for a hint, computer will take the next turn
Program Features
- Use program supplied two dictionaries or user created dictionaries
- Select a letter face design
- Display colour schemes
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Version 1.0
Updated 3 June 2011
WordPoker is word game of chance and word making skills. Purpose of this two player game (one played by the computer) is to make a valid five letter word from a given set of five random letters. Each player replaces its letters by drawing upto five letters from a pile until a valid word is made by the either player. Good for younger player who wish to learn new words while having fun.
How to Play
- Load a user created dictionary or use one of the two provided with the program
- Human (player 2) starts first
- Tick letters that you wish to swap
- Tick one of vowel letters, or the common stack
- Click swapletters command button
- One letter will be swapped with the vowel (if ticked) or all ticked letters will be swapped with letters from the common stack
- Human moves first, followed by the Computer (player 1)
- In order to assess whether a word can be made or not, Human player on its turn can:
- Rearrange letters within its five letters
- Randomize or rotate positions
- Rearrange letters in a selected order
- Click check word button to verify if a valid word has been made or not
- Other play options:
- Skip a turn, computer will take the next turn
- Check spelling of any word, computer will take the next turn
- Ask for a hint
Program Features
- Use program supplied two dictionaries or user created dictionaries
- Select a letter face design
- Display colour schemes
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Version 1.0
Updated 3 June 2011
Make new words by inserting letters from a source word. One source word and a set of target words are given. Insert one or more letters from the source word into a target word. The new new word made must be a valid word. Puzzle is completed when all letters from the source word have been used.
How to Play
Normally you would print a puzzle and solve it on paper at your leisure. However you can also solve on screen using the following commands:- Load a dictionary of your choice or one provided with this program
- Create a new puzzle or load one from 20,000 puzzles provided
- A puzzle has a given word at the top (the source word) and a set of words underneath (the target words)
- Insert letters from the source word into the target words
- Leftclick on a letter of the source word and then leftclick on a letter of a target word. The letter in the source word will be inserted at the left of the target word letter.
- Rightclick on an inserted letter to undo a move
- Puzzle is solved when all letters in the source words have been used and the new target words are valid words
- The dictionary loaded is used for spell checking
- Puzzle size is 5 to 10 letter words
Program Features
- Select source word size: 5 to 10 letters
- Select difficulty level: Easy, Medium or Hard
- Save and reload puzzles
- Print puzzles and their solutions
- Load one of four dictionaries of your choice
- Use one of 20,000 puzzles or let program create one at random
- Use one of 20,000 puzzles or let program create one at random Download
- Set display colour schemes and fonts
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Version 1.0
Updated 3 June 2011
Make four new words by adding one unique word in front of two and at the back of two words. Unique word size can be 3,4 or 5 characters.
How to Play
Normally you would print a puzzle and solve it on paper at your leisure. However you can also solve on screen using the following commands:- Load a dictionary of your choice or one provided with this program
- Create a new puzzle or load one from 20,000 puzzles provided
- Click on a letter and type in solution letters at the top row of letters
- Click on the left or the right (arrow buttons) of given words to add the word as typed in the top row
- Right click on any letter in a word to check spelling
- Optionally get a full list of all candidate words from the dictionary into a list box
- Click on a word in the listbox to try the selected word as a guess
- The dictionary loaded is used for spell checking
- Puzzle size is 3, 4 or 5 letter words
Program Features
- Select guess word size: 3, 4 or 5 letters
- Select a dictionary of your choice
- Save and reload puzzles
- Print puzzles and their solutions
- Use one of 20,000 puzzles or let program create one at random Download
- Set display colour schemes and fonts
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Version 1.0
Updated 3 June 2011
Make ten words by filling a 5x5 grid with letters A to Z (no Q). Some letters in the grid are shown. A word must be made by a chain of cells linked vertically, horizontally or diagonally.
How to Play
Normally you would print a puzzle and solve it on paper at your leisure. However you can also solve on screen using the following commands:- Load a dictionary of your choice or one provided with this program
- Create a new puzzle or load one from 20,000 puzzles provided
- Click on a grid cell and enter a letter
- Use arrow keys to navigate through the grid
- Puzzle is done when all 25 letters A-Z (no Q) have been placed and all given words are valid words in the dictionary
Program Features
- Save and reload puzzles
- Print puzzles and their solutions
- Load one of four dictionaries of your choice
- Use one of 20,000 puzzles or let program create one at random
- 20,000 puzzles with solutions Download
- Set display colour schemes
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Version 1.0
Updated 3 June 2011
Find a 10-letter word. There are three 4,6,8 letter words contained in the 10-letter word. Word meanings are given as clues.
How to Play
Normally you would print a puzzle and solve it on paper at your leisure. However you can also solve on screen using the following commands:- Load a dictionary of your choice from the five provided with this program: English1 to English5.
- Create a new puzzle or load one from 10,000 puzzles provided
- Click on a letter cell and enter a letter
- Use arrow keys to navigate through cells
- Puzzle is done when all letters have been placed
- Click Check button to verify if your solution is correct
Program Features
- Save and reload puzzles
- Print puzzles and their solutions
- Load one of the five English dictionaries
- Use one of 10,000 puzzles or let program create one at random Download
- Set display colour schemes
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Version 1.0
Updated 3 June 2011
Line up numbers 123... Use arrow keys to shift columns and rows of numbers. Grid size is 3x3 to 9x9.
How to Play
Use arrow keys to shift columns and rows of numbersProgram Features
- Grid size 3x3 to 9x9
- Auto solve
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Version 1.0
Updated 3 June 2011
Hnefatafl [NhEHV-eh-TAH-Full] or "King's table or board" played by the Vikings. The game is played on a square board with some squares having opposing sets of gaming pieces. The object of the game is for the defending King to escape from the encircling attacking pieces. If the King reaches one of the corner squares then the defenders win, but if all possible escape routes are blocked then the attacker wins.
How to Play
Players take it in turns moving any one of their pieces either horizontally or vertically around the board. Pieces are taken (removed from play) by having one of your pieces on either side of an opponent's piece, thus eliminating it. The King can only be taken by having attacking pieces to all four sides. The corner squares count as opponent's pieces for the purpose of taking pieces, thus a piece that is next to a corner square needs only to have an opponent's piece placed next to it (opposite the corner square) to be taken.User plays as a defender player 1 while computer plays the attacker pieces. Use following commands to move user pieces:
- Left click on a piece and then left click again on an empty square to move the piece. Do not click and drag.
- A move must be valid
- Right click on a piece to see highlighted squares where the piece can move to
Program Features
- Variable grid size 7x7 to 13x13
- Edit grids with user defined layout patterns
- Save and reload games
- Save and reload patterns
- Unlimited undos
- Save and replay event log of moves in a game
- User defined colours or symbols for pieces
- Select different display colour schemes
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Version 1.0
Updated 3 June 2011
Place five 6-letter words in a grid. Word meanings are given. Some letters in words are common, shown by links on the grid.
How to Play
- Create a new puzzle using Puzzle/Create menu
- Click on a cell in the grid and enter letters to make a word. Consult meanings givens.
- Common letters can be copied using the copy command button
- Use tab key to navigate between cells
- Click verify button to check correctness of the solution
- Click shift-rightclick on puzzle to view solution
- You can also print a puzzle to solve later
Program Features
- Use program supplied two dictionaries or user created dictionaries
- Select a letter face design
- Display colour schemes
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version 1.0
Updated 21 July 2004
LetterArt is game of fun with letters. Place, rotate, and move letters to make fancy patterns. Select different fonts to use symbols instead of letters. Sample files are provide for a quick start.
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version 1.0
Updated 21 July 2004
ListFile is Windows Explorer type program. However instead of a list of files, this program displays file names and their attributes in a "Table" format. Table provides query, sorting, export and file size calculation features currently not available in standard Explorer. Here is how you may want to start using this program:
How to use
- Run ListFile. You will be presented with a Directory Tree on the left, and an empty Table with headers on the right hand side.
- Drag folders from the Tree on to the Table. All files in the folder will be tabulated against the Table header (eg file attributes such as filename, directory etc). There are more than 2 dozen attributes to choose from.
- Left Click on Table headers to sort.
- Right click on Table headers separator to insert file attributes from the Table.
- Query the Table and generate a second Table, based on file attributes or file contents specified in the query. Use and/or logic to construct complex queries. A query may be set as a filter. Any folder dragged from Tree to the Table will be filtered accordingly.
- Copy files listed in a Table to a folder.
- Export a Table to an Access, Excel, CSV or HTML file, or to ZIP file.
- Many more options.
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version 1.0
Updated 28 July 2004
Main purpose of this program is to make abstract patterns from a subset of an image. Patterns are beautiful to observe and interesting to analyze. However, what makes a pattern look good is a mystery. Certainly some kind of ordered repetition appears pleasing to eye. The pattern making replicates parts of an image in an organized manner. Even with just using a few of the numerous ways of arranging an image, the results appear pleasing and delightful. A pattern can then be manipulated through filters and special effects for added abstraction.
Filters and special effects can be used on standard image files also.
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version 1.0
Updated 13 August 2004
The purpose of this game is to reassemble a randomly scrambled picture. This is a great game for improving visual skills in pattern recognition and arrangement.
A picture is divided into 20 square tiles. These tiles are placed on a 5x5 grid, with 5 tiles being blank.
How to play
You move tiles by left or right click on the tile until the original picture is reassembled. Correct picture is shown on the right while scrambled picture is on left divided into 20 tiles. Unlike many other games of similar nature, when a tile is moved, all its four neighboring tiles move.
Computer can also solve scrambled pictures.
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version 1.0
Updated 21 July 2004
Viewer Program is a small, simple and a fast way of navigating through directories, searching and displaying files. VIEWER has a unique way of filtering and displaying directory files. Its major features are:
- Single click navigation and viewing of files
- View Zipped files without unzipping
- Display and view file trees by extension or date
- Collect files from different directories into a FileBasket and copy, zip the entire basket
- View most common file types including text, Excel, Access etc.
- Create Zipped files
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version 1.0
Updated 21 July 2004
The purpose of this game is to remove maximum number of pieces from the board.
48 pieces are laid out along the border of an 8x8 square.
Remove pieces like in a normal checkers game. Move diagonally jumping over a piece into an empty square removing a piece in this process. Only one piece may be removed in one move. It is fairly easy to remove 30 to 39 pieces. It is challenging to remove 40 to 44 and a substantial achievement to remove 45 to 47.
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version 1.0
Updated 21 July 2004
Two-player, strategy game Abalone was invented in 1990 by Laurent Levi and Michel Lalet. The concept of the game is based on the popular Japanese Sumo wrestling.
The board is a hexagonal field representing the Sumo arena. There are 4 interlaced different size hexagons, where the most exterior hexagon has 5 circular locations at each side. In the middle there is a single location. As a total, there are 61 circular board locations. Each player has fourteen pieces that can rest in these locations. In initial game position Green pieces are at the top three rows, and Red is at bottom three rows.
Starting from the initial configuration, each player takes a turn. During a turn, a player can shift one, two, or three pieces together in any of the six directions, provided that there is an adjacent space, i.e., in line or broadside. Furthermore, whenever a player has a numerical superiority in a line (three to two, three to one, or two to one), during a turn the player is allowed to push the opposing marbles with an inline move.
Players take turns "pushing" 1, 2 or 3 linearly connected pieces, attempting to push their opponents' pieces off the board. First player to push 6 of their opponent's pieces off the board wins. One of the players can be the computer.
For detailed instructions and strategies for play see numerous Abalone sites on the Web.
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version 1.0
Updated 21 July 2004
This is an ancient game from Africa. Try to capture opponents pieces. Requires visual thinking and some math skills.
This game is played between two players with a number of beads in 12 boxes, 6 boxes on your side (at the bottom) and 6 boxes on computer's (side at the top). There are two banks as well, one for you on the right, and one for the computer on the left.
At the start of each game you can select the number of beads in each box. Left click on a box or use TAB and RETURN key to select a box. Right click on a box view how beads will be distributed if that box were to selected for play.
The purpose of the game is to move maximum number of beads into your bank. You make your move by taking all the beads from a box on your side and deposit one bead at a time in each box anti-clockwise. If the last bead is put in your bank you get an extra move. Also if the last bead is put in an empty box then you take all the beads in the opposite box. The game ends when all the boxes on your or computer side have been emptied. The player with most beads in the bank wins.
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version 1.0
Updated 18 June 2010
Occupy a square by placing bars on each side of a square in the grid. Some sides are fixed already. You play against the computer.
How to Play
- Left click on an open side to occupy, right click to clear
- Game is over when all squares have been occupied
- Player with most squares wins
Main features of this program are:
- Four to 20 square grid
- Select display colour schemes
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version 1.0
Updated 8 August 2007
colourama is a 4-in-a-row clone with the same addictive quality. You are required to move and line up pieces in a row or a column of a grid. Grid size can be 6x6 to 10x0. Must make a 5 piece line in 10x10 and 9x9 grid, and a 4 piece line in 8x8, 7x7 and 6x6 grids.
- Click and dragdrop a piece to a new location on the grid, the destination location must be reachable with horizontal and vertical moves.
- A line must be a set of four or more similar pieces lined up vertically or horizontally
- Must make a 5 piece line in 10x10 and 9x9 grid, and a 4 piece line in 8x8, 7x7 and 6x6 grids
- After you make a move, a set of three pieces will be placed randomly on the board
- If you make a line, you get an extra move - three pieces will not be placed
- You must make a move within a minute, three pieces will be placed after the timeout
- Pieces in a line will be removed from the grid
- You will get a wild-card piece (white) if you make three or more lines before the timeout
- A wild-card piece can be combined with any other three or more similar pieces to make a line
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version 1.0
Updated 3 March 2006
In this classic game of military strategy, you battle to conquer a Map of Areas and Regions. To win you must eliminate your opponent by occupying every Area in the Map. The first player to do so wins the game.
The computer simulates the Conquer game for two or three players. A number of Maps are provided, however any other suitable map may also be used. A companion program for making new maps is available free on request.
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version 1.0
Updated 21 July 2004
Try moving all your pieces across the board from bottom to top. Computer plays left to right.
On a square board, 3 to 7 pieces are placed at the bottom and n the left column. You play with the pieces at the bottom row and the computer plays with the pieces in the left column.
On a square board, 3 to 7 pieces are placed each at bottom row and left row.
The purpose of this game is to move all your pieces to the opposite side of the board. The winner is the player whose pieces have all been moved to the opposite side. The players go in turn moving one of its pieces to an adjacent empty position. You can move Up, Right, or Left. There are no diagonal moves, no jumps or captures. If your pieces leave no place for computer to move, you lose.
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version 1.0
Updated 18 August 2010
Turn a grid to a single colour by flipping cells; cells colours change according to the chosen pattern. This is a good mind stretcher during a coffee break. The puzzle is however very hard, not every body's cup of tea.
How to Play
- Select a pattern according to which the colours will be flipped
- Create a new puzzle of size 4x4 or 5x5
- Two colours - normal and target are selected for the puzzle (can be changed by the user). Say Red and Green as an example.
- Puzzle will be presented with two fixed cells marked as X and of normal colour red
- Target is to change all blank cells to the target colour Green
- Click a cell to flip. When a cell is flipped, the surrounding cells as determined by the chosen pattern, will change colour. Green will change to Yellow and reverse, and blank will change to normal color red.
- Leftclick to flip a cell. Rightclick and hold to see the outcome and assess the results of a flip.
- Cannot flip a blank cell, must change it to a colour first. This would happen as you flip cells around it.
- Continue flipping until all blank cells are of the target colour green. The cells marked X must in the end be in the normal colour red in the solution.
- Computer already has a solution for the puzzle. The computer solution is however not optimum. A human player using visual inspection should be able to solve in a fraction of the moves taken by the computer.
- Each puzzles has a solution
Program Features
- Create puzzles 5x5 or 4x4 size
- Set display colour schemes
- See computer solution
- Select grid display type
- Save and reload unfinished puzzles
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version 1.0
Updated 1 May 2010
Flip all discs to a given colour. The board starts with a set of discs placed on a grid. Discs are are of two colours. When you flip a disc, the disc and its four neighboring discs are changed to the opposite colour. A disc can be flipped once only. Puzzle is solved when all the discs are of the same target colour.
How to Play
Consider part of a grid as below (B=Black disc, R=Red disc). You are required to change all RED discs to BLACK:R | R---B---R | B
Clicking B in the middle will change the board to:
B | B---R---B | R
Note that a disc, once clicked cannot be used again to flip colours of its neighboring discs. Continue flipping until all discs are of the target colour.
Main features of this program are:
- Four to 16 size puzzles
- Create new puzzles of given sizes
- Undo moves ;right click on the board or use undo button
- Let computer show the solution
- Select colour schemes and disc types
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version 1.2
Updated 9 August 2004
This is a two-player guessing game. Each player takes turns trying to guess the other player's choice. You can play against the computer.
At the start of the game, the screen displays a set of objects, usually 16 to 20. These objects look alike but differ in certain characteristics. Computer and the player selects one object from the ones displayed.
The object of the game is for you to guess what computer has selected and for the computer to guess you choice.
How to play
You have to find out computer's choice before the computer guesses yours. You eliminate potential candidates by asking questions about object characteristics. For example, when "persons" are displayed you may ask whether a person is a male or female. Depending on yes or no answer, you can eliminate a group of objects on the screen. Once you have eliminated all the objects but one, then you know what computer had selected. Computer and you take turns asking questions. You start first.
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version 1.0
Updated 21 July 2004
A simple game, yet of surprising mathematical subtlety. Complete your chain before computer does.
Hex is played on a diamond-shaped board made up of hexagons. The number of hexagons may vary, but the board usually has 11 on each edge. Two top and bottom opposite sides of the diamond are labeled red, while the hexagons at the left side and right side are green. One player plays with green pieces while other with red. The players alternatively place one of their pieces on any one of the hexagons, provided the cell is not already occupied by another piece.
The objective of the Hex game is to complete an unbroken chain of green pieces between the left side and the right side. While red tries to complete a similar chain of red pieces between the top side and the bottom side.
The chain may freely twist and turn. The players continue placing their pieces until one of them has made a complete chain. The game cannot end in a draw, because one player can block the other only by completing its own chain. These rules are simple, yet HEX is a game of surprising mathematical subtlety.
How to play
In this computer game, computer always plays red. Green usually starts first unless overridden. Left-click in a cell to place a green place. If you wish computer to start first, right-click on any cell on the board.
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version 1.0
Updated 21 July 2004
In this game there are two L's. You have green L, the computer has red L. The purpose of this game is to position your L in a manner that the opponent is not able to move its L to another position. There are also two blue boxes that you can place on any empty position after you have placed your L. Use Blue Boxes to block opponents choices for moving the L.
This game requires considerable visual thinking and it is rather hard to beat the computer.
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version 1.0
Updated 21 July 2004
The rules are as follows (English version): a game for 2, 3 or 4 players
Game has one playboard, 1 dice, 16 counters (4 sets of colours).
Four Player squares are on the left four quadrants. home bases are in the middle. Computer program has a play log on the left top showing dice thrown and actual play. Bottom right hand has a count of dice thrown for each player. Bottom line is the command line for making moves for human players.
Players in turn, race each other around the circuit to be the first to get all of their counters to the home base. When counters are knocked off they are returned to the starting square.
How to play
Each player picks a set of counters and places them in the Starting Squares of the same colour. Take it in turns to throw. You must throw a 6 before you can move a piece onto the track. Every time you throw a 6 you get another throw and you can move any one counter to the number shown on the dice.
If your Counter lands on one of your opponent's they are knocked off and returned. If one of your counters lands on top of your counters this forms a block. Your block cannot be passed by any of the opponent's pieces. When a counter goes all the way round the board it can enter the h column. To land in the home triangle you must throw the exact number. The winner is the first player to get all four counters into the home triangle.
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version 1.0
Updated 21 July 2004
MakeBridge is 2-player game. Try make a bridge from left to right. You play against the computer. Computer goes vertical.
Game is played on a 13x13 grid. Alternative cells in the grid are filled with X's and O's.
The object of the game is for the human player to connect O's and go from first column on left to last column on right. Computer goes from top to bottom by connecting X's. O's and X's must be connected in a chain without crossing other player's chain. Any two O's or any two X's may be connected anywhere on the board. First player to make a chain wins.
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version 1.0
Updated 21 July 2004
Welcome to the ancient game of Master Mind. This version of the game is played with a set of maximum 16 colours.
The purpose of the game is to deduce the arrangement of a selection of colours and their positions. The computer selects a row of colours from a set. You are then required to pick colours from this set and position them in a row. The computer matches your row with the one selected. The number of correct colours selected and the number of correct colours in correct positions are shown. You repeat this process until you deduce all the colours and their positions correctly.
How to play
To pick a colour place mouse on the colour, press left-button and drag the colour to the desired position and release left-button to place. Default number of colours to guess is 6 in 4 positions. You can change these numbers for a variety of game difficulties.
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version 1.0
Updated 21 July 2004
This program generates a maze for you to solve. Each maze generated has a unique layout and only one open path from start to finish.
A maze can be from 5 columns, 5 rows upto 26 columns and 18 rows.
You play with the computer. Try and beat the computer by going from the bottom of the maze to the top. The computer "monster" will move from top to bottom. To win you must avoid the monster and get to the top before the monster exits from the maze.
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version 1.1
Updated 25 May 2006
Line up the black boxes to form a drain and take your money down as fast as possible.
A 10x12 grid with 12 pieces to start (6 green and 6 red). Pieces move down into empty spaces.
Aim of the game
Move a row left or right to align empty spaces underneath. Try to move green pieces to row 12 as fast as possible. Computer plays against you.
How to play
Click left or right arrow to shift left or right a row with pieces. The game appears simple but needs considerable visual thinking and planning ahead.
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version 1.1
Updated 21 July 2004
This game is played on a nine star board. There are ten circles on the board, one in the centre and nine around the centre circle. User player plays against the computer. Each player has four stones each. User has green and computer has red stones.
How to play
Each player takes alternate turns, moving one stone at each move. Rules for moving a stone are:
- Move sideways to an empty circle
- Move from centre to any empty circle
- Move to centre if centre is empty
The game is won by the player if the opponent cannot move any of its stones.
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version 1.0
Updated 23 January 2007
nCheckers is a Checkers game with a twist. Ideal for mathematically minded, with plenty of time to spare. Following are the variations in nCheckers game as compared with the standard Checkers:
- Board: Size can be 6x6, 8x8, 10x10, or 12x12. Each piece has a random value associated with it. For example an 8x8 board will have 12 pieces per player with values -6 to -1 and 1 to +6.
- Moves: Pieces move as per standard Checkers rules.
- Scoring: Each player starts with a score of 100. When a piece is captured, the value of the captured piece is added to the player score.
- End Game: The game ends when a player pieces are unable to move or a player is left with no pieces. At the end of a game, values of remaining pieces of each player are added to its score. Player with the higher score wins. Therefore, a player may have no pieces left but may still win.
- Strategies: Standard Checkers strategies will not work in nCheckers. Some hints for winning are: capture positive value pieces; sacrifice negative value pieces; try to transform negative value pieces to Kings; and try to block opponent pieces when you have a superior score
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version 1.1
Updated 21 July 2004
Nim means "to take away". This game is played between two players, the computer and yourself. A number of disks are placed in three piles. Computer randomly places upto 16 disks in each of these piles. The game then begins.
You and the computer take turns and remove disks from a pile. You select a pile on your turn and remove one or more disks from it. Computer does the same on its turn. Remember that in any move disks from only one pile may be removed. You cannot skip a move. You always start first.
The player who picks up the last disk loses.
How to play
In order to remove disks place mouse cursor on the disk pile at appropriate position and click. You can change the number of piles and the number of disks in a pile. Press "Size" option first. Then click left/right mouse button on the pile size to set the number of disks.
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version 1.0
Updated 1 May 2010
Push all the dark circles into the right hand side column.
How to Play
- Click arrows at the top or bottom of a column. Circles in the column will be shifted up or down.
- Position cursor in the middle of the two columns (two lines will appear) and click. Two circles, shown connected by each line will be swapped.
- Circles in columns are shifted up or down by one
- right and right column circles are swapped in two's
- Puzzle is solved when all the drak circles have been shifted to the right hand size column
Main features of this program are:
- Five to ten circles size puzzles
- Create new puzzles of given sizes
- Undo moves
- Let computer show the solution
- Select colour schemes
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Version 1.0
Updated 20 June 2008
You are required to clear the entire column above the red arrow. Grid is populated with horizontal (green) and vertical shapes (blue). Move these shapes around to get the red arrow up and out. Grid size is 6x6 to 20x20. 20,000 puzzles with solutions are provided with this program. Most puzzles are rather easy to solve but do require considerable visual thinking and planning.
How to Play
- Horizontal shapes move left or right only. Left click on a shape to move left, and right click to move right.
- Vertical shapes move up or down only. Left click on a shape to move up and right click to move down.
- You can also move mouse over a shape (no clicks) and click on an empty location to move the shape to the location clicked
Program Features
- Save and reload puzzles
- See solution with pause or no-pause
- Use one of 20,000 puzzles or let program create one at random
- Set display colour schemes
- 20,000 puzzles with solutions Download
- Set display colour schemes
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version 1.1
Updated 25 May 2006
This is an ancient Chinese game of "Seven Tans" called Tangrams. Making tangrams demands considerable imagination, visual thinking and patience.
A Tangram is made of seven parts of a square that has been divided into 2 large triangle blocks, 1 medium triangle, 2 small triangles, 1 square, and 1 parallelogram block.
The purpose of this game is make a given pattern with different combination of the seven blocks of the square.
You may rotate and flip each block and put them alongside each other. A block however may not overlap another. All seven blocks must be used, and no block(s) should be left isolated. You are provided with the tangram to make on the right hand side windows. The left hand side window has the seven blocks which you move with the left mouse button or rotate with the right mouse button to construct the required tangram.
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version 1.0
Updated 1 May 2010
Fill in all the empty circles in a wheel with given disks. You turn the wheel, position an empty circle at the top and then drop in the disc.
How to Play
There are three empty circles in the wheel and there are three discs marked 1,2 and 3. The number on a disc gives the numbers of circles you can turn the wheel, left or right.- For example you pick disc 1
- Now you can rotate the wheel by one turn left or right
- Say you turn right by one; an empty circle will appear at the top
- The disc selected can then be placed in the empty location
- Now two more circles remain to be filled
- Say next you select disk marked 2
- You can turn left or right by 2, if turned right and empty circle will be positioned at the top
- Disc marked 2 can be placed in the empty circle
- Disc 3 remains which obviously can be placed by turning the wheel left by 3
- Now all empty circles are filled and the puzzle is solved
- Not that an empty circle must be positioned at the top to drop a disc. For example in the very first move if you select disc 3 and the turn the wheel left (by 3). The disc cannot be dropped as this move will not make an empty circle position at top.
- Discs can be selected in any order
- Left click on a disc to select (in the top row)
- Click L or R to move the wheel left or right
- Disc will fall into the empty circle if one appears at the top after rotation
- Click on an empty circle in the wheel to see how many rotations (left or right) will be needed to position the empty circle at the top
Main features of this program are:
- Five sizes with eight circles in the wheel (very easy) to 24 circles. Click on the number of circles box to select a size
- Create new puzzles of given sizes
- Undo moves
- Reset puzzle
- Let computer show the solution
- Select colour schemes and font names
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version 1.0
Updated 21 July 2004
This solitaire card game is a variation of FreeCell. Requires One standard deck of 52 cards.
- Four Foundation spaces on top right corner
- Eight Piles of six cards each at bottom
- Eight empty Cells at top left corner
48 cards are dealt at random, 6 cards each for eight Piles. Four remaining cards are placed in the empty Cells.
The aim is to build on each of the four Foundation cards on the top left corner in the order: A,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,J,Q,K, one suit per Foundation.
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version 1.0
Updated 21 July 2004
Also known as calculation and Broken Intervals, this solitaire card game requires thought and foresight.
One standard deck of 52 cards is required.
Choose any A, 2,3 and 4 and lay them in a row at the top of the table as foundation cards. All the remaining cards, held face down, are called the stock. Four discard piles are formed below the foundation cards as the game progresses.
The aim is to build on each foundation card in the following order:
- On A, build A,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,J,Q,K in increasing value of 1
- On 2, build 2,4,6,8,10,Q,A,3,5,7,9,J,K in increasing value of 2
- On 3, build 3,6,9,Q,2,5,8,J,A,4,7,10,K in increasing value of 3
- On 4, build 4,8,Q,3,7,J,2,6,10,A,5,9,K in increasing value of 4
One card is turned up from the stock and may be placed overlapping any of the foundation cards, to begin building. If a card cannot be used to build, it may be placed face up on any of the four discard piles. As the game continues, the top card of any discard pile may be used to build, but may not be transferred to another discard pile.
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version 1.0
Updated 21 July 2004
The aim of this solitaire card game is to build up cards in the four Corner piles in ascending suit sequence. Each corner is based on a different suit. Cards are placed on the base card, up by one value, 9 to 10, or King to Ace etc. The game ends when all the four Corner piles have been completed.
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version 1.0
Updated 21 July 2004
A well known solitaire card game.
One standard deck of 52 cards is required.
- Four Foundation spaces on top right corner
- Four Piles of seven cards each, and four piles of six cards each, at bottom
- Four empty Cells at top left corner
Game start
52 cards are dealt at random in eight Piles, 7 cards each for first four, 6 cards each for the remaining four Piles.
The aim is to build on each of the four Foundation cards on the top left corner in the order: A,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,J,Q,K, one suit per Foundation.
How to play
Move any card from 8 Piles to any Cell, to another Pile, or to the Foundation. Cards can also be moved from Cells to the Pile or the Foundation.
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version 1.0
Updated 23 February 2008
This game is a Freecell solitaire number game clone with a mathematical twist. You are required to put a set of randomly placed 50 numbers in 5 colours, and numbers 0 to 9 each colour, back in order.
Fifty numbers are placed in 10 stacks (called Playing Stacks), 5 numbers each stack. Additionally there are five Empty Locations, can only have one number each. Five Solution Stacks will hold the resulting ordered numbers, value 0 to 9 for each of the five colours.
You will move numbers around by using the 5 Empty Locations and stack them back in order in the Solution Stack. Following rules will apply:
- Any number may be moved from a Playing Stack to an Empty Location. Each Location will hold one number only.
- Any number can be moved from and to the top a Playing Stack provided that:
- The moved number is of same colour as the destination number and of value one less than the value of the destination number
- Only a number of value 9 (any colour) can be placed in a free Playing Stack
- A number can be also moved from an Empty Location to a Playing pile following the rules above
- A number can be moved from an Empty Location or from the top of a Playing Stack to the Solution Stack provided that:
- The moved number is of same colour as the destination number and of value one more than the value of the destination number
- A number of value 0 can be moved to any free space in the Solution Stack
- The game finishes when all 50 numbers have been moved to the Solution Stack in 5 piles of five colours. A stack must have number values 0 to 9, 0 being the first and 9 being the last number.
Almost all games are solvable, a typical game will be harder than Freecell.
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version 1.0
Updated 11 March 2008
This game is a Freecell solitaire number game clone with a mathematical twist. You are required to put a set of randomly placed 50 numbers in 5 colours, and numbers 0 to 9 each colour, back in order.
Fifty numbers are placed in 10 stacks (called Playing Stacks), 5 numbers each stack. Additionally there are five Empty Locations, can only have one number each. Five Solution Stacks will hold the resulting ordered numbers, value 0 to 9 for each of the five colours.
You will move numbers around by using the 5 Empty Locations and stack them back in order in the Solution Stack. Following rules will apply:
- Any number may be moved from a Playing Stack to an Empty Location. Each Location will hold one number only.
- Any number can be moved from and to the top a Playing Stack provided that:
- The moved number is of same colour as the destination number and of value one less than the value of the destination number
- Only a number of value 9 (any colour) can be placed in a free Playing Stack
- A number can be also moved from an Empty Location to a Playing pile following the rules above
- A number can be moved from an Empty Location or from the top of a Playing Stack to the Solution Stack provided that:
- The moved number is of same colour as the destination number and of value one more than the value of the destination number
- A number of value 0 can be moved to any free space in the Solution Stack
- The game finishes when all 50 numbers have been moved to the Solution Stack in 5 piles of five colours. A stack must have number values 0 to 9, 0 being the first and 9 being the last number.
Almost all games are solvable, a typical game will be harder than Freecell.
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version 1.0
Updated 11 March 2008
Klondike is probably the best-known solitaire card game in the world. This game called nKlondike is a Klondike clone with a mathematical twist.
There are a total of fifty numbers in the deck, 10 each colour with numbers 0 to 9. Twenty eight numbers are placed in 8 stacks (called Working Stacks) with first stack empty, second stack with one number going up to seven numbers in the eighth stack. Only the top card in a stack is open. Remaining 22 numbers are piled together in one stack (called the Common Stack) with top card being open. There are five stacks (called Solution Stacks) that hold the resulting ordered numbers, value 0 to 9 for each of the five colours.
You are required to put the set of 50 numbers from Working Stacks and Common Stack back in order on to the Solution Stacks.
You can move numbers around by the following set of rules:- Any number may be moved from the Common Stack or a Working Stack to another Working Stack provided the moved number is of same colour as the destination number and of value one less than the value of the destination number
- A sequence of numbers may be moved from one Working Stack to another provided the top number of the moved sequence is of same colour as the destination number and of value one less than the value of the destination number
- Any number or a sequence of numbers can be placed in an empty Working Stack
- Any number can be moved from the Common Stack to an empty Working Stack
- A number can be moved from a Working Stack or the Common Stack to the Solution Stack provided that:
- The moved number is of same colour as the destination number and of value one more than the value of the destination number
- A number of value 0 can be moved to any free space in the Solution Stack
- The game finishes when all 50 numbers have been moved to the Solution Stack in 5 piles of five colours. A stack must have number values 0 to 9, 0 being the first and 9 being the last number.
How to Move Numbers
- Left click and drag-drop to the destination location
- Right click to move a number automatically to a valid location if there is one
- Drag and drop a sequence of numbers to a valid location
- Left click on > or < to see the next or previous number in the Common Stack
- Resize window to increase or decrease number size
- Use Options to set fonts and colours of your choice
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version 1.0
Updated 20 February 2008
This game is a Freecell solitaire card game clone with a mathematical twist. You are required to put a set of randomly placed 50 cards in 5 colours, and numbers 0 to 9 each colour, back in order.
Fifty cards are dealt in 10 stacks (called Playing Stacks), 5 cards each stack. Additionally there are five Empty Locations, can only have one card each. Five Solution Stacks will hold the resulting ordered cards, value 0 to 9 for each of the five colours.
You will move cards around by using the 5 Empty Locations and stack them back in order in the Solution Stack. Following rules will apply:
- Any card may be moved from a Playing Stack to an Empty Location. Each Location will hold one card only.
- Any Card can be moved from and to the top a Playing Stack provided the moved card is of same colour and of value one less than the value of the destination card
- A card can be moved from an Empty Location or from the top of a Playing Stack to the Solution Stack provided that the moved card is of same colour and of value one more than the value of the destination card
- The game finishes when all 50 cards have been moved to the Solution Stack in 5 piles of five colours
- Specify colours and number font of your choice
- Three card types
- Put pictures as card background
- Card move animation
- Valid cards will move automatically to the Solution Stack
- Save and load saved games
- Unlimited undo
- Print cards to play this game without a computer
- Screen display colour schemes
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version 1.1
Updated 21 July 2004
The object of this solitaire card game is to make 13 stacks of 4 cards each, in ascending order. A standard deck of 52 cards is used.
Any J,Q,K,A are placed in a row left to right. These are first four foundations. Space is then reserved for another nine foundations, three at top row and 6 at row below. One space is left at the bottom for discard cards. The remaining 48 cards are stacked face down in a stock.
The aim is to build on J,Q,K,A and the remaining 9 foundations in ascending value sequence. Each foundation should eventually contain four cards each.
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version 1.0
Updated 20 October 2006
Global Cafe is a tactical card placing game (author: Rudi Hoffman). The game has 1 Game Board, 100 Guest Cards comprising 48 ladies and 48 gentlemen from 12 nations (4 ladies and 4 gentlemen each nation) plus 4 United Nations guests (2 ladies and 2 gentlemen). The goal of the game is to place guests at the GlobalCafe according to certain rules. At the end of the game, whoever has place placed most guests with most points wins.
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version 1.1
Updated 4 August 2004
Also known as Uno. Mendicot the world's oldest and most popular card game, wherein the winner is the player who first scores more than 500 points by disposing off, before your competitors, all the cards you hold.
The game consists of Two packs of playing cards of 54 cards each.
How to play
See detailed instructions in the game.
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version 1.0
Updated 22 September 2010
nFreecell2 is a version of Freecell card game where a number card deck is used instead of a normal card deck. There are 44 cards in total with 11 cards (0 to 10) in four colours each. The object of the game is to use all the cards in the deck to build up the four colour stacks in ascending order, beginning with the 0. Number 10 in the deck is marked as X.
Forty four numbers are placed in 8 stacks (called Working Stacks) with five cards in stacks 1,2 and 7,8 and six cards each in stacks 3 to 6. All cards in a stack are open. There are four Solution Stacks on the top right that hold the resulting ordered numbers, value 0 to 10 for each of the four colours. Four Temporary Stacks on the top left can be used to hold one card each.
You are required to put all 44 cards from Working Stacks to the Solution Stacks. You can move cards by the following set of rules:
- A card may be moved from the Temporary or a Working Stack to another Working Stack provided the moved card is of same colour as the destination card and of value one less than the value of the destination card
- A sequenced set of cards may be moved from one Working Stack to another provided the top card of the moved sequence is of same colour as the destination card and of value one less than the value of the destination card. There should be enough empty spaces to move a sequence of cards.
- Temporary Stacks can have only one card in each stack
- Any number or a sequenced set of cards can be placed in an empty Working Stack
- A card can be moved from a Working Stack or the Temporary Stack to the Solution Stack provided that:
- The moved card is of same colour as the destination card and of value one more than the value of the destination card
- A card with value 0 can be moved to any free space in the Solution Stack
- The game finishes when all 44 cards have been moved to the Solution Stack in 4 piles of four colours. A stack must have number values 0 to 10, 0 being the first and 10 (marked as X) being the last card.
How to Move Cards
- Left click and drag-drop to the destination location
- Right click to move a card automatically to a valid location if there is one
- Drag and drop a set of sequenced cards to a valid location
- Use Options to set fonts, colours and card size of your choice
- Unlimited undos and save and load games
Program Features
- Set card colours and layouts
- Set number fonts and size
- Set card face and back pictures
- Unlimited undos and save and load games
- Print cards to play this game without a computer
Download now
version 1.0
Updated 10 October 2010
Rearrange a set of numbers into one pile and in sequence, largest to smallest by shifting two or three numbers from top of one pile to another. A rather hard puzzle, needs considerable visual thinking.
How to Play
- Create a new puzzle with 3, 4,5 or 6 piles
- Move mouse at the top of a pile down two or three numbers and left click
- Move mouse to the pile that you want the highlighted numbers to move to. No need to drag.
- A line linking source and target piles will be shown
- Left click again, the numbers highlighted will be shifted to the top of the target pile
- Continue shifting top two or three numbers from one pile to another
- Puzzle is solved when all numbers are in one pile with the largest number at the bottom and number 1 at top
- Each puzzle can be solved
- Let computer show you a solution. However a good player should be able to solve in far less moves than the computer.
Program Features
- Create puzzles with 3, 4, 5 or 6 piles
- Set display colour schemes
- Select fontname and size
- Select grid display type
- Let computer show you a solution
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version 1.1
Updated 22 September 2010
nSolitaire is a version of Microsoft Solitaire where a number card deck is used instead of a normal card deck. There are 44 cards in total with 11 cards (0 to 10) in four colours each. The object of the game is to use all the cards in the deck to build up the four colour stacks in ascending order, beginning with the 0. Number 10 in the deck is marked as X.
Twenty one cards are placed in 6 stacks (called Working Stacks) with first stack empty, second stack with one number going up to six cards in the sixth stack. Only the top card in a stack is open. Remaining 23 cards are placed in one stack called the Common Stack with top card always open. There are four stacks, called Solution Stacks that hold the resulting ordered cards, value 0 to 10 for each of the four colours.
You are required to put all 44 cards from Working Stacks and Common Stack back in order on to the Solution Stacks. You can move numbers around by the following set of rules:
You can move numbers around by the following set of rules:- Any number may be moved from the Common Stack or a Working Stack to another Working Stack provided the moved card is of same colour as the destination card and of value one less than the value of the destination number
- A sequence of cards may be moved from one Working Stack to another provided the top card of the moved sequence is of same colour as the destination card and of value one less than the value of the destination card
- A number of value 10 (marked as X) can be moved to any free space in the Working Stack
- Any card or a set of sequenced can be placed in an empty Working Stack
- Any card can be moved from the Common Stack to an empty Working Stack
- A card can be moved from a Working Stack or the Common Stack to the Solution Stack provided that:
- The moved card is of same colour as the destination card and of value one more than the value of the destination card
- A card of value 0 can be moved to any free space in the Solution Stack
- The game finishes when all 44 cards have been moved to the Solution Stack in 4 piles of four colours. A stack must have number values 0 to 10, 0 being the first and 10 (marked as X) being the last number.
How to Move Cards
- Left click and drag-drop to the destination location
- Right click to move a card automatically to a valid location if there is one
- Drag and drop a set of sequenced cards to a valid location
- Use Options to set fonts, colours and card size of your choice
- Unlimited undos and save and load games
Program Features
- Set card colours and layouts
- Set number fonts and size
- Set card face and back pictures
- Unlimited undos and save and load games
- Print cards to play this game without a computer
Download now
version 1.0
Updated 20 November 2007
A2Bflip, derived from Japanese puzzle game Masyu, is played on a grid of squares, some of which contain 'mirrors'. The goal is to connect circles A and B:
- Go from A to B with a single continuous line
- Must use all mirrors
- Line turns right angle at a mirror
- Cannot use a mirror twice
- Cannot pass through a cell twice
- Cannot turn in any cell without a mirror
- To navigate:
- Click A to set the start direction
- Click a mirror to flip direction
- Features:
- Create new puzzles automatically with different grid sizes from 5x5 to 20x20
- Solve existing puzzles interactively or on paper
- Print puzzles and solutions
- 20,000 puzzles with solutions are provided
Cardoku V1
Download v1
Updated 25 June 2007
20,000 puzzles of different difficulty levels
Cardoku is a Sudoku look alike with some subtle differences. This puzzle has following rules:
- A puzzle has a 7x7 grid and a 52-card deck. A puzzle and its solution use only 49 cards.
- Some cards are already placed on the grid as part of the puzzle. The remaining cards are stacked for use.
- You are required to place all the remaining cards on the grid, given the following rules:
- No duplicate numbers in any row or a column
- A cell cannot have a card suite of the neighboring cells. Neighboring cells are Up,Down,Left and Right.
- A cell cannot have neighboring numbers of the neighboring cells. Neighboring numbers are +1 and -1 of a number. For example neighboring numbers of 5 would be 4 and 6; neighboring numbers of 1 will be 2 and K, and neighbors of K will be 1 and Q.
- Consider:
3D ? 1H
Cell in the centre has to be a Spade, and its value cannot be 2,4, 4,6, 2,K, and 1,Q. Also 3,5,1,K cannot be placed being in the same row and column. Therefore this cell cannot have 1,2,3,4,5,6,Q,K. In this case if only 7 is left in the remaining spades, then 7S must be placed in this cell.
- Create new puzzles manually or automatically; automatic creation offers puzzles with different difficulty levels
- Solve existing puzzles manually
- Create new puzzles interactively or in bulk
- Save puzzles as Ascii or bitmap files
- Print puzzles and solutions
- 20,000 puzzles with varying levels of difficulty and solutions are provided. Download
Download now
version 1.0
Updated 31 March 2008
Rotate three rings to align three segments of same colours. Each ring has eight segments. Three colours are distributed randomly in each segment with some colours duplicated. As you rotate a ring left or right, all colours in it rotate accordingly. You are required to get three segments, each of a different colour aligned correctly. With careful thinking any random puzzle can be solved in three to four rotations. Note that a solution must have three segments of three different colours.
How to Play
- Left click on a ring to rotate all colours in the ring clockwise
- Right click on a ring to rotate all colours in the ring anti-clockwise
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Version 1.0
Updated 12 August 2009
Connect is a variation of the Number Link puzzle (by Nikoli - 2006).
The player has to connect a node (a circle) with a number using as many cells as the number. Count of cells used includes the circle and the number as well. The lines cannot branch off or cross over each other, and the numbers have to fall at one end and the circle at the other. All cells must be filled with line and there is only one unique solution for a puzzle. 20,000 Puzzles provided with this program have unique solutions. Program handles puzzle size 5x5 to 16x16.
Generally Connect puzzles are rather easy to solve - size 8x8 and below in particular. Nevertheless they are good fun to try. This program will generate puzzles that have unique solutions. Caution - puzzle size 12x12 and above may take some time to generate.
How to Play
- Leftclick mouse on a cell and drag mouse to the new location
- Release leftclick to draw a line
- A line can only be vertical or horizontal
- Can draw a line in many horizontal and vertical segments if necessary
- Cannot cross lines
- Cannot draw a line through a number or a circle
- Must connect one number with one circle only
- Each puzzle has a unique solution
Program Features
- Select line, number and circle colours of your choice
- Use circle or a rectangle as a node
- Save and reload puzzles
- Print puzzles and their solutions
- Use one of 20,000 puzzles or let program create one at random
- Set display colour schemes
- 20,000 puzzles with solutions Download
- Set display colour schemes
Download now
Version 1.0
Updated 5 January 2010
Find the number of black circles around a cell (a hexagon) matching the number inside the cell. Each cell has a number 1 to 4. Black circles around a cell must be linked. Five black circles are given as hint for an easy puzzle while a hard puzzle has three hints only.
Program Features
- Create single or multiple puzzles of difficulty Easy or Hard
- Solve on-screen or print and solve on paper
- Print single or multiple puzzles
- Unlimited undos
- Save and load saved puzzles
- Select display colours and options
- 20,000 puzzles with solutions Download
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Version 1.0
Updated 6 June 2009
Equator is a Sudoku clone where the grid is segmented into a number of Areas. Clues appear in each Area, each Clue being a result of mathematical operations on the numbers contained in that Area. You are required to fill the grid with numbers 1 to 9 (for a 9x9 grid) given the following rules:
- Clues in each area must be satisfied
- No duplicate numbers in a row or a column
- Some numbers in the grid are already shown as givens
Program Features
- Create puzzles with random or given grid size
- Create puzzles with a predefined set of Area boundaries
- Preset Difficulty Levels for new puzzles
- Import puzzles from other sources
- Solve puzzles on screen
- Auto solve a puzzle in one shot or step wise mode, program will explain how a puzzle was solved
- Unlimited undos
- Zoom and pan for an enlarged view of a grid
- Select foreground and background colours of numbers and grid lines
- Create, save and reload puzzles
- Explore a puzzles file and select a specific puzzle to load
- Print puzzles and their solutions in different page layouts
- Copy a puzzle to a bitmap file
- 20,000 puzzles with solutions Download
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Version 1.0
Updated 1 September 2009
FlipFour is a simple math puzzle. A set of white and black cells with numbers are given. When flipped, a white number will turn to black and vice versa. You must flip four cells to get a given sum for all white numbers. Each puzzle has a unique solution. Puzzles come in 9 different sizes. This puzzle appears deceptively easy but require considerable mental maths to solve. This is how you solve a puzzle on screen:
- Examine the numbers displayed, with white or black background
- Now consider how to get a required sum of white numbers
- Certain whites may have to be flipped to black (for not to be included in the sum) or some blacks should be whites (to get added to the sum)
- Then click on a cell to flip, a black number will flip to white and vice versa. Sum of the white numbers will be updated accordingly.
- You must flip four different cells (no less no more). For example if in a puzzle, the current and the required sum of white cells is same, user cannot click a cell four times to solve.
- Click on any place outside the grid to undo a flip
- Running total is given at the bottom right of the window
- You can also use arrow keys to get to a cell and press Spacebar or Return to flip the colour. Press Backspace to undo the previous flip.
- Puzzle is solved when after four flips all the white numbers add up to the required sum
- 3,000 puzzles with solutions are provided with this program Download
FutoShiki V2
Download v2
Updated 14 December 2006
25,000 puzzles of size 3x3 to 9x9
FutoShiki puzzle is normally played on a 5x5 grid. The objective is to place the numbers 1 to 5 in each row, ensuring that each column also only contains the digits 1 to 5. Some digits are given at the start. In addition, constraints are also specified between some of the squares, such that one number is higher or lower than its neighbor. These constraints must be met as the grid is filled out.
- Create new puzzles manually or automatically. Automatic creation offers unique puzzle each time with different levels of difficulty.
- Solve existing puzzles manually or let program solve it.
- Save puzzles
- Print puzzles and solutions
New in Version 2:
- Puzzle size 3x3 to 9x9
- Different levels of difficulty
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version 1.0
Updated 15th November 2009
Align numbers by rotating gears. Four numbers are marked on each gear: left, right, top and bottom. Objective of the game is to get the top numbers on the gears same as the target numbers. One can:
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version 1.0
Updated 7th March 2007
Hashiwokakero is played on a rectangular grid with no standard size, although the grid itself is not usually drawn. Some cells start out with (usually encircled) numbers from 1 to 8 inclusive; these are the islands. The rest of the cells are empty. The goal is to connect all of the islands into a single connected group by drawing a series of bridges between the islands. The bridges must follow the criteria below:
- They must begin and end at distinct islands, traveling in a straight line in between
- They must not cross any other bridges or islands
- They may only up/down or across
- At most two bridges connect a pair of islands
- The number of bridges connected to each island must match the number on that island
This program helps you solve existing Hashiwokakero puzzles as well as create new ones. Main features of this program are:
- Create new puzzles manually or automatically; automatic creation offers puzzles with different grid sizes from 7x7 to 25x25
- Solve existing puzzles manually or let program solve it
- Save puzzles as bitmap files
- Print puzzles and solutions
- Display options include: circular or square islands, island size and display colour schemes
- Puzzle size limitation of 7x7 to a maximum 25 rows and 25 columns
- 20,000 puzzles with varying levels of difficulty and solutions are provided. Download
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version 1.0
Updated 21 August 2006
Download 20,000 puzzles
This program helps you solve existing Heyawake puzzles as well as create new ones. Heyawake is another Japanese number puzzle (yes another one). Heyawake is played on a rectangular grid of cells with no standard size; the grid is divided into variously sized rectangular "rooms" by bold lines following the edges of the cells. Some rooms may contain a single number, typically printed in their upper-left cell; as originally designed, every room was numbered, but this is rarely necessary for solving and is no longer followed. Some of the cells in the puzzle are to be painted black; the object of the puzzle is to determine for each cell if it must be painted or must be left blank (remaining white). Main features of this program are: In this program you can:
- Create new puzzles manually or automatically. Automatic creation offers unique puzzle each time with different levels of difficulty. This program has a puzzle size limitation of maximum 16 rows and 16 columns.
- Solve existing puzzles manually or let program solve it.
- Save puzzles
- Print puzzles and solutions
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Version 1.0
Updated 31 October 2009
Fill each hexagon with numbers 1 to 6. Touching cells across two hexagons must have same number. Some numbers are already fixed.
Program Features
- Create single or multiple puzzles with Easy or Hard difficulty level
- Solve on-screen or print and solve on paper
- Print single or multiple puzzles
- Unlimited undos
- Save and load saved puzzles
- Select display colours and options
- 20,000 puzzles with solutions Download
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Version 1.0
Updated 2 October 2008
Hidato(TM) is a math puzzle by Dr. Gyora Benedek. Hidato usually involves a square grid like Suduko, or Kakuro, but can also include irregular shaped grids. The goal of Hidato is to fill the grid with consecutive numbers that connect horizontally, vertically, or diagonally from first to the last number in the grid. The first and last numbers of a puzzle and a set of other numbers are fixed and known. Each puzzle has only one solution.
This program can create new and solve existing puzzles. Grid size is limited to 20 rows and 20 columns with maximum 100 cells, for example 20x5 or 7x13 etc. Grid can be of regular or irregular shapes, auto generated or defined by user. You can also import puzzles and let program generate a solution.
Program Features
- Create puzzles with custom shapes
- Solve puzzles on screen
- Autosize puzzle display - larger size for smaller grids
- Display colour schemes
- Three grid styles: flat, depressed or raised
- Select foreground and background colours of fixed value cells
- Draw vectors through connecting numbers
- Set colour and width of connecting vectors
- Solve imported puzzles
- Create, save and reload puzzles
- Create, save and reload grid patterns
- Browse through multiple puzzles file, 6 puzzles per screen
- Print puzzles and their solutions
- Use one of 20,000 puzzles or let program create one. No two puzzles will be same.
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version 1.0
Updated 1 February 2006
Download 20,000 puzzles
This programs solves existing Hitori puzzles as well as creates new ones. Hitori is mathematical game where a square grid is filled with numbers. Some numbers in a row or a column are duplicated. The object of the game is to locate these duplicates and mark them blank, given the following three rules:
- Numbers may never appear more than once in each row or column
- Black cells are never adjacent in a row or a column
- Empty cells create a single continuous area, undivided by black cells
This program has a puzzle size limitation of maximum 17 rows and 17 columns.
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version 1.0
Updated 7 January 2006
Download 20,000 puzzles
This programs helps you solve existing KaKuRo puzzles as well as create new ones. KaKuRo (or Cross Sums) is a puzzle that is solved much like a crossword puzzle, using digits instead of letters. Where an entry in a regular crossword may form a word, the digits in a Cross Sums entry add up to a sum. The sums, or clues, are embedded in a shaded square of the puzzle. The top right number is the across sum while the bottom right number is a down sum. Only the digits 1 through 9 are used and no digit may appear more than once in any sum. The object of the puzzle is to insert a digit from 1 to 9 inclusive into each non-shaded cell such that the sum of the numbers in each entry matches the sum associated with it and that no digit is duplicated in any entry.
Main features of this program are:
- Manually solve existing Puzzles
- Auto Solve existing puzzles
- Create and save new Puzzles
- Compile new Puzzles from existing layouts
- Print single or multiple puzzles
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version 1.0
Updated 1 March 2006
Download 20,000 puzzles
This programs helps you solve existing LiteIt puzzles as well as create new ones. LiteIt consists of a grid comprising empty cells, black cells, and cells with numbers 0 to 4. Challenge is to:
- Illuminate all the empty cells by placing -light bulbs- at empty locations
- A bulb placed at a cell will light up all the cells in its row and column
- No two bulbs must face each other
- A numbered cell must have exact number of bulbs around the cell, eg a cell with number 1 must have one and only bulb around it etc. Cell with number 0 cannot have any bulb around it
Sounds simple but hard to figure out. Keep learning and have fun. This program has a puzzle size limitation of maximum 20 rows and 24 columns.
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version 1.0
Updated 21 July 2004
A magic square is an arrangement of the numbers from 1 to n^2 (n-squared) in an nxn matrix, with each number occurring exactly once, and such that the sum of the entries of any row, any column, or any main diagonal is the same. It is not hard to show that this sum must be n(n^2+1)/2.
Sometimes the magic squares above are called 'normal' squares, where cells are filled with numbers 1 to n for a grid of size n. Another set of magic squares is where a cell may be filled with any number, with the sum of rows, columns and diagonals being a pre-selected number.
This program computes 'normal' as well as the 'variable' types of magic squares. Following options are provided:
- Grid Size can be 3 to 50. Note that larger grid sizes will take a long time to solve
- Solve - Auto, computer will calculate the MagicSquare. For variable magic squares, the program uses a combination of random guesses and solution of equations in order to arrive at a solution quickly. Each variable magic square solution is likely to be different. For normal squares a combination of La Loubere and LUX methods are used
- Solve - Manual, a blank grid is presented for user to enter numbers in the grid and solve the puzzle. Right click on a cell to a get drop-down menu for manipulating cell values
- Print - Print the solution and the empty grid for attempting solution on paper. Maximum grid Size that can be printed is 30
- Many more interesting options
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version 1.0
Updated 24 July 2008
This is a popular game with younger children traveling in a car. You pickup number plate of a car passing by, take first six numbers and add, subtract these to get a total of 9. This program simulates that game. A good exercise in mental maths.
How to Play
- Click Next to start a new game
- Six digits will then be given for you to make number 9 using the following rules:
- Left click on a number to be used in a calculation
- Click on + and - sign to select addition or subtraction, result will be calculated and displayed
- Right click on a number to undo its inclusion in a calculation
- Must use each number once and once only
- Can only add or subtract numbers, no multiplications or divisions
- Cannot have zero or negative numbers as answers
- Can use an intermediate result in calculations
- There could be several solutions to a puzzle
- Scoring is based on the number of puzzles solved within a time limit of three minutes
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version 2.0
Updated 24 November 2005
The purpose of this challenging game is to make a number from a set of six numbers.
The computer selects the number that you are required to make along with six other numbers. You select any two numbers and apply addition, subtraction, multiplication or division to get an answer. This answer is added to the set of remaining numbers. You repeat this process until the desired answer is obtained.
In order to make 468 from 1,22,34,7,13,25 one solution would be:
- 7 + 13 = 20
- 25 - 1 = 24
- 20 * 24 = 480
- 480 + 22 = 502
- 502 - 34 = 468
Note that you may use a number only once. You may use the required number for intermediate calculations. In order to select a number click left-mouse-button on the number Click on + - / or * for mathematical operations. All six numbers must be used for the target.
The updated version has auto solution by computer and user can specify a puzzle for computer to solve.
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version 1.0
Updated 14 May 2007
Masyu is played on a rectangular grid of squares, some of which contain circles; each circle is either white or black. The goal is to draw a single continuous non-intersecting loop that properly passes through all circled cells. Rules of the puzzle are:
- Make a single loop. Lines must pass through the centers of cells horizontally or vertically and never cross, branch off, or go through the same cells twice.
- Lines must pass through all cells containing black and white circles.
- Lines passing through a white circle cell must go straight through the cell, then make a right-angled turn in the very next cell (on at least one side of the white circle cell).
- Lines passing through a black circle cell must make a right angled turn immediately, in the black circle cell, then go straight for the next two cells.
This program helps you solve existing Masyu puzzles as well as create new ones. Main features of this program are:
- Create new puzzles manually or automatically; automatic creation offers puzzles with different grid sizes from 6x6 to 20x20, with maximum Rows x Columns limit of 256.
- Solve existing puzzles manually or let program solve it
- Create new puzzles interactively or in bulk
- Save puzzles as Ascii or bitmap files
- Print puzzles and solutions
- 20,000 puzzles with solutions Download
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version 1.0
Updated 19 March 2010
Mathello is a variation of Othello (also known as Reversi) board game with a mathematical twist. Othello rules apply but game strategy needs more thinking. You play against the computer.
- Each player places the disc so that the there is a disc of its colour at each end of an opponent's row of discs. Opponents discs are then flipped over to the player colour.
- A player must outflank the opponents disc(s) in order to move. If player cannot move then player loses its turn and opponent moves.
- A disc may outflank any number of opposing discs in any direction: horizontal, vertical, diagonal, forward or backward. It is possible to flip in up to 8 directions at once.
- The game is over when the board is entirely filled with discs, or when it is not possible for either player to move (i.e., out flank an opponent's row and flip an opponent's disc), or when the board is filled (or partially filled) with all one color.
- At this point, discs are counted up. The player with the most discs is the winner.
- In Mathello each disc has a value - optionally 1 to 4. With a disc value of 1, Mathello is exactly same as Othello.
- In Mathello a disc can outflank discs of same value only
- Grid size of 5x5 to 12x12
- Select Disc values (1 to 4). Disc value of 1 will of course be a standard Othello game.
- Manual or Auto play for one or both players
- Pause before computer moves
- Select Player Disc colours
- Rectangular or circular discs
- Start with a randomly filled board
- Save and Load games
- Select foreground and background colours of numbers and grid lines
- Program keeps a log of all moves made and points scored
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Version 1.0
Updated 18 August 2009
MathiX is a puzzle based on a Latin Square. A square grid must be filled with numbers 1 to 9 (for a 9x9 grid) with no duplication in row or columns. Mathematical clues are provided at the intersection of selected squares. A Clue is a symbol (one of +-x/EO=) followed by a number; for example +10, /2, x6, Even, or Odd. For a given clue all four cells at its intersection must meet the clue requirements. Some cells in the grid may already have values given. Puzzles come in size 4x4 to 9x9. Each puzzle has a unique solution.
- Clues in each area must be satisfied
- No duplicate numbers in a row or a column
- Some numbers in the grid are already shown as givens
Using Clues
A Clue is a mathematical operator at the intersection of four squares in the grid. The operator determines the relationship between four numbers at the corners of the clue. For example (M is mathematical operation and v is a value):+---+---+ + A + B + +--Mv---+ + C + D + +---+---+
If clue Mv is:
Program Features
- Create puzzles with random or given grid size
- Solve puzzles on screen
- Auto solve a puzzle in one shot or step-wise, program will explain how a puzzle was solved
- Unlimited undos
- Zoom and pan for an enlarged view of the grid
- Select foreground and background colours of numbers and grid lines
- Create and save puzzles in bulk
- Copy puzzle and solution to clipboard
- Save Puzzle or a Solution to bmp or gif image file
- Explore a puzzle file and select a specific puzzle to load
- Print puzzles and their solutions in different page layouts
- 20,000 puzzles with solutions Download
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version 1.0
Updated 24 January 2008
Mahjong (also spelled mahjongg) is a Chinese board game involving skill, strategy, and calculation, as well as a certain degree of luck. There are many variations of this game but basic objective is to build complete suits, usually of threes, from a given set of tiles. MaThjong is Mahjong with a mathematical flavor.
Basic rules of this variant are:
- The board consists of a number of tiles. Exact number depends on the size of the board, larger board will have more tiles.
- Tiles are stacked on each other, except those at the edges of the board
- Each tile has a randomly selected number. Maximum number depends on the size of the board, larger board will have a longer range of numbers.
- You are required to remove tiles from the board by selecting three tiles at a time
- A selected tiles must be open, that is there is no tile on top of it
- Numbers on three tiles MUST be related mathematically (sum, product etc) as specified in the rules of the game
- Three matching tiles will be removed from the board. Any tiles directly beneath will be opened.
- You play against a given time. More time is given for larger boards.
- You continue removing tiles until: timer has expired; board has 2 or less tiles or you decide to end the game
- Scoring is done when you play within a given time limit. You can play without any time limit - no scores are kept in this mode.
- Grid size from 3 to 16
- Tiles shapes: square flat, square raised, square rounded, circular or octagonal
- Try to beat the clock with maximum score or play without time limit
- Get hints or let computer solve a grid
- Different colour schemes
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version 1.0
Updated 4 June 2010
Draw a path from a Start node to an End node using mathematical operations on numbers in the grid. This puzzle is suitable for younger users who want to practice mental maths while enjoying the challenge of a puzzle.
How to Play
- Link the start node and the end node using a single continuous path
- Start and end nodes are at the edge of the grid
- A hint node is given, the path must go through the hint node
- A node is a number shown in rectangle or a circle
- A path is established by linking a node to its neighboring node:
- A neighboring node is the next node: left, right, up or down
- Can move from a node to the next node if that link is valid
- A valid link means that there is a mathematical relationship between the current node, the destination node and the number in the middle
Main features of this program are:
- Four to ten grid size
- Create new puzzles of given sizes
- Create new puzzles with selected Start and End nodes sides
- Undo moves
- Let computer show the solution
- Select colour schemes and node shapes
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version 1.0
Updated 10 November 2007
Mirrors, derived from Japanese puzzle Masyu, is played on a grid of squares, some of which contain 'mirrors'. The goal is to draw a single continuous non-intersecting loop that properly passes through all cells. Rules of the puzzle are:
- Some cells in the grid contain 'mirrors' of the following type:
- Blocked - a line cannot pass through such a cell
- Tunnel - a lines must pass in the direction of the tunnel, vertical or horizontal
- Reflection - a line must reflect at right angle
- In an open cell without any mirror, line can go vertical, horizontal or at right angles
- Only one line can go through a cell
Like many other combinatory and logic puzzles, Mirrors can be very difficult to solve.
Main features:
This program helps you solve existing Mirrors puzzles as well as create new ones. Main features of this program are:- Create new puzzles manually or automatically; automatic creation offers puzzles with different grid sizes from 7x7 to 20x20.
- Solve existing puzzles manually or let program solve it
- Create new puzzles interactively or in bulk
- Print puzzles and solutions
- 20,000 puzzles with solutions are provided
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version 1.0
Updated 10 November 2007
MirrormMaze, derived from Japanese puzzle Masyu, is played on a grid of squares, some of which contain 'mirrors'. The goal is to draw a single continuous non-intersecting loop that properly passes through all cells. Rules of the puzzle are:
- Some cells in the grid contain 'mirrors' of the following type:
- Blocked - a line cannot pass through such a cell
- Tunnel - a lines must pass in the direction of the tunnel, vertical or horizontal
- Reflection - a line must reflect at right angle
- In an open cell without any mirror, line can go vertical, horizontal or at right angles
- Only one line can go through a cell
Like many other combinatorial and logic puzzles, Mirrors can be very difficult to solve.
Main features:
This program helps you solve existing Mirrors puzzles as well as create new ones. Main features of this program are:- Create new puzzles manually or automatically; automatic creation offers puzzles with different grid sizes from 6x6 to 15x15.
- Solve existing puzzles manually or let program solve it
- Create new puzzles interactively or in bulk
- Print puzzles and solutions
- 20,000 puzzles with solutions are provided
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version 1.0
Updated 14 May 2008
This program is a simple game using a board layout based on Nash equilibrium (named after John Forbes Nash, who proposed it). This game is not about demonstrating the equilibrium theory or its application. Nevertheless some principles of the equilibrium theory would apply when you play this game against the computer.
Board Layout
A 3x3 matrix contains nine numbers distributed randomly. Player 1 has numbers 1 to 9 in the bottom left while player 2 numbers 1 to 9 are in the to right corner of a cell.
Objective of the Game
Players 1 and 2 move alternatively. Purpose of this game is for a player to maximise its score.
How to Play
- Player 1 start first by selecting a one of the three rows
- Once a row is selected, player 2 must select a column in that row
- Player 2 then selects a column:
- If player 2 selects same column as the row number (eg column 3 if row 3 was selected by player 1) then the respective numbers in the common row/column are added to player scores and game ends
- If player 2 selects a column (eg column 1 in row 2 selected by player 1), numbers at the intersection row and column are added to player scores
- Game continues and player 1 selects another row - then step 2 above follows ...
Program Options
- Select player types: manual or computer. User can play player 1 or 2 but player 1 always starts the game
- Select how a game ends:
- When same row/column are selected (default and normal mode)
- When only one cell is left. This game would last longer.
- Board and player colours
- Pause at computer moves
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version 1.0
Updated 6 June 2008
A small but tough puzzle. The layout is that there are three numbers at the top and three rows of 4 numbers each underneath. Each of the three rows has an empty cell. You are required to align three empty cells under one of the three numbers at the top. The number will drop down the empty column if the number is greater than or equal to numbers on the left and right of the empty column. Game ends when you drop down all three numbers.
How to Play
You can rotate rows and columns covering 12 numbers and three spaces. Your aim is to align numbers on the left and right of an empty column so that the number at the top may be dropped down. Note that a number can be dropped down the empty column if the number is greater than or equal to numbers on the left and right of the empty column.- Click the control button on the right of a row of numbers. Left click to rotate left and right click to rotate right.
- Click the control button at the bottom to rotate a column up or down. Left click to rotate down and right click to rotate up.
- When an empty column has been aligned beneath a number at the top, click the control above the top number. Number will drop if it is greater than or equal to numbers on the left and right of the empty column.
- Game ends when all three numbers at the top have been dropped
- Each puzzle has a valid solution
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version 1.0
Updated 26 March 2008
Break the lock combination and make four numbers from a set of eight numbers and four plus and minus. Given numbers are on two circles, four horizontal and four vertical, and signs are on one circle in the middle. A pair of numbers and a plus/minus sign are aligned forming an equation and a resulting number. Rotate circles - and numbers and signs on them to get four target numbers. Like a locker combination there is only one unique set of locations that will give the desired four numbers. Use your spare time to stretch your mental math capabilities.
How to Play
- Left click on a number or a sign to rotate all numbers and signs on the circle to left. Resulting numbers will be recalculated.
- Right click on a number or a sign to rotate all numbers and signs on the circle to right. Resulting numbers will be recalculated.
- All games are solvable
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Version 1.0
Updated 4 July 2008
You are required to adjust a series of numbers to be in sequence. Numbers are adjusted by taking away 1 or 2 from one cell and transferring to another. A numbers in a cell must be taken away only once. However, numbers can be added to a cell more than once. 20,000 puzzles with solutions are provided with this program.
How to Play
During play you try to sequence the numbers by taking away and adding numbers from one cell to another:- A puzzle will comprise 4 to 10 cells.
- Cell numbers must be adjusted to number 1 at left increasing by one to number N at right, where N is the number of cells
- Left click on a cell, move mouse over to another cell and left click again. Source cell value will be reduced by one and target cell value increased by one.
- Right click on a cell, move mouse over to another cell and left click again. Source cell value will be reduced by two and target cell value increased by two.
- A cell value can be reduced by one or two, and once only
- A cell value can be increased multiple times
- All cells must be used
Program Features
- Save and reload puzzles
- Create puzzles with random or selected number of cells
- Set display colour schemes
- 20,000 puzzles with solutions Download
- Set display colour schemes
Download now
Version 1.0
Updated 13 July 2008
You are required to adjust a series of numbers to be in sequence. Numbers are adjusted by taking away 1 from one cell and adding it to one of its neighbouring cells. A numbers must be added to a cell once only. However, numbers can be removed from a cell more than once. 20,000 puzzles with solutions are provided with this program.
How to Play
During play you try to sequence the numbers by taking away and adding numbers from one cell to another:- A puzzle will comprise 3x3 to 9x9 grid
- Each cell has a random number, maximum number being the grid size
- Cell numbers must be adjusted such that row 1 of the grid has number 1 in all columns, 2 in row 2 and n in the last where n is the grid size. For example in a puzzle of size 7x7 the last row must have 7 in all columns.
- Left click on a cell, move mouse over to a neighbouring cell (left, top, right or bottom) and left click again. Source cell value will be reduced by one and target cell value increased by one.
- A value can be added to cell only once while values can be deducted multiple times
- A value must be added to each cell in the grid
Program Features
- Save and reload puzzles
- Create puzzles with random or selected number of cells
- Set display colour schemes
- 20,000 puzzles with solutions Download
- Set display colour schemes
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version 1.0
Updated 7 June 2007
NoNeighbors is a Suduko look alike with some subtle differences. This puzzle has following rules:
- A puzzle has a 9x9 grid
- Each row and each column must be filled with numbers 1 to 9; no duplicate numbers in a row or a column
- Neighboring cells cannot have neighboring numbers.
- Left, top, right or bottom numbers around a cell cannot have numbers +1 or -1 of the number in the cell.
- For example if a cell has value 5, none of the left, top, right or bottom cells can have numbers 4 or 6.
- Neighboring numbers for 1 will be 2 and 9, and for 9 will be 1 and 8.
- Following is a list of neighboring numbers:
1=2 and 9; 2=1 and 3; 3=2 and 4; 4=3 and 5; 5=4 and 6; 6=5 and 7; 7=6 and 8; 8=7 and 9; 9=1 and 8
This program helps you solve existing noneighbors puzzles as well as create new ones. Main features of this program are:
- Create new puzzles manually or automatically; automatic creation offers puzzles with different levels of difficulty
- Solve existing puzzles manually
- Create new puzzles one at a time or in bulk
- Save puzzles as Ascii or bitmap files
- Print puzzles and solutions
- 20,000 puzzles with solutions Download
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version 1.0
Updated 12 July 2004
In this game you are given a set of four numbers located at the corners of a 7 x 7 grid. You are required to fill the grid with numbers 1 to 9 and signs + - * to make the given four numbers.
How to play
Use left/right mouse buttons to place numbers and signs on the grid. You can print the puzzles, three puzzles and solutions per page.
The computer can also solve number grids. Under the Puzzle menu click 'Set a Puzzle for computer to solve'. Then set four numbers on the grid corners and click solve.
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version 1.0
Updated 23 January 2007
Welcome to nTangle: Untangle a web of intersecting lines, from very easy to very hard. A simple and relaxing way to pass your time.
Download More than 20,000 puzzles with varying level of difficultyThis is how you play:
- Set the number of nodes (8 to 128) and click Generate, a new tangled puzzle will be created
- Click and drag each node, tangled lines connected to the node will move
- Reposition the nodes to untangle lines
The following program options are provided:
- Specify puzzle size: fixed, range, above or below a specified number of nodes
- Create new puzzle, each puzzle is unique
- Create multiple puzzles and save to a file
- Append new puzzle to existing puzzle files
- Save new puzzles, 20,000 puzzles are provided with this program
- Load new puzzle files
- Select a puzzle to tackle from a file
- Zoom in and out of tangled lines to get more space to work with
- Adjust puzzle location to focus on a specific area of a puzzle
- Get status of untangled lines; shown in green
- Set different colour schemes
- Adjust the size and colour of dots and lines
- Let computer untangle a puzzle
- Undo your moves
- See bubble help for different command buttons
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version 1.0
Updated 20 March 2008
In this game a set of 50 numbers (numbers 0 to 9 in five colours) are placed in 10 columns, 5 rows each. First 9 columns are the Working area. You are required to match and eliminate pairs from the working area. Game ends when all numbers have been removed. The tenth column is the Reserve area, a number can be moved any time from Reserve to Working area. Rules of the game are:
- A pair can be removed when:
- A number is adjacent to another, at: left, right, above, below, or diagonally adjacent
- Two adjacent numbers are of different colour
- Two numbers differ by one
- For example red 7 can be paired with black 6 or green 8. Nine can be paired with 8 or 0.
- A number can be moved from Reserve column to the Working area, but in the same row
- An entire row in the Working area can be shifted left or right eliminating all empty spaces, similarly
- A entire columns in the Working area can be shifted up or down eliminating all empty spaces
- After you eliminate pairs, you move rows and columns around in order to create possibilities for other pairs to remove
- Game ends when all numbers have been removed
- You can play this game with 3, 5, 7 or 9 columns working area with maximum number being 3, 5, 7 or 9 respectively. Same rules apply including the rule that the maximum number can also be paired with 0.
- Score is maintained only for the most difficult 9-column game
How to play:
- Left click and drag-drop a number to the paired number. Both numbers will be removed if they are a valid pair.
- In order to shift a row left, click on the board left to the start of the row
- In order to shift a row right, click on the board right to the end of the row
- In order to shift a column down, click on the board below the start of a column
- In order to shift a column up, click on the board above the end of a column
- Right click on a number in the Reserve column. The respective row will be moved left and the number will be moved to the first empty space in the row
- Resize window to increase or decrease number size
- Use Options to set number of columns, and fonts and colours of your choice
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Version 1.0
Updated 30 May 2008
Number Link is a Japanese logic puzzle published by Nikoli (2006).
The player has to pair up all the matching numbers on the grid with single continuous lines (or 'paths'). The lines cannot branch off or cross over each other, and the numbers have to fall at the end of each line (i.e. not in the middle). All cells must be filled with line and there is only one unique solution for a puzzle. Fans of Sudoku, Kakuro, Hashi and the like are sure to find this logic puzzle a refreshing challenge! 20,000 Puzzles provided with this program have unique solutions. Program handles puzzle size 5x5 to 16x16.
Generally NumberLink puzzles are rather easy to solve - size 8x8 and below in particular. Nevertheless they are good fun to try. This program will generate puzzles that have unique solutions. Caution - puzzle size 12x12 and above may take some time to generate.
How to Play
- Leftclick mouse on a cell and drag mouse to the new location
- Release leftclick to draw a line
- A line can only be vertical or horizontal
- Can draw a line in many horizontal and vertical segments if necessary
- Cannot cross lines
- Cannot draw a line through a number
- Must connect same numbers together
- Each puzzle has a unique solution
Program Features
- Select line and number colours of your choice
- Save and reload puzzles
- Print puzzles and their solutions
- 20,000 puzzles with solutions Download
- Set display colour schemes
Download now
Version 1.0
Updated 18 August 2009
In this simple puzzle you are required fill in a grid with numbers such that:
- There are no duplicates in a row or a column
- An odd number must have even neighbors (left, top, right and bottom)
- A number must be used as many times as the size of the grid
- Maximum number is the size of the grid
- Grid size is 4x4, 6x6 or 8x8. Some numbers in the grid are fixed
How to Play
Normally you would print a puzzle and solve it on paper at your leisure. However you can also solve on screen using the following commands:- Move and place mouse cursor on a cell; no need to click
- Enter the number
- Program validates a number for the following:
- No duplicate numbers
- Odd number has even neighbors
- Cannot enter a number greater than the grid size
- In case of invalid entries, status bar at bottom right turns red
- If entries are correct, status bar at bottom right is green
- Puzzle is solved when all entries are correct and all cells have been filled
- Use menu Puzzle/Autosolve to let computer solve a puzzle
Program Features
- Create new puzzles
- Solve puzzles on screen
- Display colour schemes
- Three grid styles: flat, depressed or raised
- Select foreground and background colours of fixed value cells
- Save and reload puzzles
- Print puzzles and their solutions
- Use one of 20,000 puzzles or let program create one. No two puzzles will be same. Download
- Set display colour schemes
Download now
Version 1.0
Updated 5 July 2010
Fill a 5x5 grid with numbers 1 to 5 in each row and column. No duplicates in any row or column. A designated area of five cells cannot have duplicate values. Some values in the grid are shown.
How to Play
- Set the difficulty level by clicking the difficulty indicator button
- Click New Puzzle button to start a new puzzle
- A grid with a 'no-duplicate' area and some values are given
- Print the puzzle and its solution and solve on paper
- Puzzle can be solved on screen also:
- Move mouse over a location and press a number to place
- Or right-click on cell to enter value
- Puzzle is solved when the grid is filled with no duplicates in any row, column or in the 'no-duplicate' area
Program Features
- Create puzzles with Easy, Hard or Very Hard difficulty Levels
- Set display colour schemes
- Copy puzzle and its solution to clipboard
- Print puzzles and their solutions
- Select fontname and size
- Select grid display type
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Version 1.0
Updated 6 August 2009
PyraNum is a simple math puzzle. You complete a pyramid of numbers by filling in blank positions given three rules:
- A cell value must be sum or difference of the two cells below
- A row cannot have duplicate numbers
- A number cannot be less than one or more than the grid size
Some numbers in the grid are given as clues. Puzzle cells are stacked like a pyramid with size varying from 5x5 to 9x9. 20,000 ready made puzzles are provided with the program.
How to Solve a Puzzle
Normally you would print a puzzle and solve it on paper at your leisure. However you can also solve on screen using the following commands:- Use menu Puzzle/Create to create a fixed or a random size puzzle, or
- Load an existing puzzle file and select a puzzle
- Move and place mouse cursor on a cell (no need to click) and enter the desired number (one digit)
- Can also right-click a cell and enter a number from the drop down menu
- Program validates the number: no duplicates in a row; no number greater than the puzzle size; and an incorrect number when the two numbers beneath are known.
- In case of invalid entries, status bar at bottom right turns red
- Puzzle is solved when all entries are correct and all cells have been filled
- If entries are correct, status bar at bottom right stays green
- One would normally build the puzzle bottom up. However easy or single solution cells should be tackled first.
- Each puzzle can be solved by logic alone; smaller size puzzles would obviously be easier to solve
- Use menu Puzzle/Autosolve to let computer solve a puzzle
Program Features
- Create a puzzles with grid size of your choice
- Solve puzzles on screen
- Set display colour schemes
- Select foreground and background colours of fixed value cells
- Save and reload puzzles
- Browse through multiple puzzles file, 9 puzzles per screen
- Print puzzles and their solutions
- 20,000 puzzles with solutions Download
- Set display colour schemes
Download now
Version 1.0
Updated 20 November 2008
In this simple puzzle you are required arrange numbers 1 to 9 on a circle:
- There are 10 spaces on the circle filled randomly with numbers 1 to 9, the 10th space is empty
- Numbers must be arranged 1 to 9 or 9 to 1 in 10 spaces with blank being anywhere in the sequence
- There are two vertical spaces aligned with the top and bottom numbers on the circle
- You can push and pull numbers into or out of the circle using the vertical spaces
- Rotate the circle left or right and push pull numbers into vertical spaces until you get numbers in order
Puzzle is not easy to solve, moving numbers without a plan would make the puzzle even more difficult. With clear thinking a puzzle is normally solvable in less than 10 moves. Every puzzle is unique and solvable.
How to Solve a Puzzle
Basically you will rearrange numbers using two types of moves:- Rotate the circle left or right with left or right click at the centre of the circle. You can also use left or right arrow for this purpose.
- Move a number into the top or bottom space. Click uparrow button or downarrow button or use up or down arrows for this purpose.
You can also use mouse click with left button down and then:
- Move mouse little bit to left and release button. Circle will rotate left.
- Move mouse little bit to right and release button. Circle will rotate right.
- Move mouse little bit down and release button. Top space will be pushed down.
- Move mouse little bit up and release button. Bottom space will be pushed up.
When a push button is clicked all four numbers: top space, number below on the circle, bottom space and number above on the circle will move together.
Puzzle is solved when all numbers on the circle are in order - 1 to 9 or 9 to 1. One space on the circle can be in any position between the numbers.
Use Autosolve with or without pause to let computer show you the solution.
Program Features
- Create new puzzles
- Solve puzzles on screen
- Display colour schemes
- Save and reload puzzles
- Use one of 20,000 puzzles or let program create one Download
- Set display colour schemes
Download now
version 1.0
Updated 20 August 2009
This game is Sudoku in reverse - simpler but with even bigger challenge. Basically a 9x9 grid is already filled in with number 1 to 9, nine times. All you have to do is to identify nine segments of nine cells each, with each segment containing numbers 1 to 9. All 9 cells in a segment must be connected in one chain. Only hint you have is that if a number in a cell and a number in any of its four neighbors (left, top, right and bottom) add to 9 then both cells will belong to one segment. There are no other rules.
How to Play
Puzzles come in three levels:- Easy - One out of nine segments is already shown in the puzzle. And there are more of same numbers together in the grid making it easier to identify segment boundaries.
- Hard - A segment is not ready marked. But there are more of same numbers together in the grid making it easier to identify segment boundaries.
- Very Hard - No segment is ready marked and there are fewer placements of same numbers together.
Normally you would print a puzzle and solve it on paper at your leisure. You can also try a solution on screen using the following commands:
- Create a new puzzle of difficulty level of your choice
- Or load 20,000 ready puzzles with solutions Download
- There are nine colours available to markup a cell for a segment
- Select a colour by clicking the top right hand button
- Click on a cell to assign it to a segment. Cell will be painted with the selected colour. Click again to clear a cell.
- Click Show-9 pairs command button to see which cells must belong together in a segment.
- When you mark a cell and there is a valid neighboring cell with total 9 then the neighboring cells will also be marked
- Continue marking cells until you have identified all the nine segments
- When marking cells, program will verify validity using the following checks:
- Duplicate values are not allowed in a segment. For example cannot mark number 1 twice in a segment.
- A cell not linked to a chain will not be marked. For example if you have marked two adjacent cells as red. Now you try to mark third cell which is not a neighbor of the existing two - this is not valid.
ReverSudoku puzzles are simple but could be very difficult to crack. Here are a few tips to assist you with the solution:- Spot 9-pairs and mark them as each pair belonging to same segment
- Note same numbers next to each other. There must be a segment division line between the two.
- A number or a set of numbers (other than a full 1-9 segment itself) cannot be isolated. Connect such areas with adjacent segments.
- Numbers in a segment must be all in vicinity of each other and must be connected horizontally or vertically. Look for shortest route to make a cluster of number 1-9.
- However the best guide is visual scan and your intuition. Scan, relax and look for patterns of unique numbers together.
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version 1.0
Updated 20 May 2007
ShopAround, a variant of Nicoli's Masyu game is played on a rectangular grid of cells. One cell is designated as Home. The remaining grid has a set of Shops and Gas Stations. The purpose of this game is to start from your home and return home after visiting all the shops and gas stations in the grid. Following rules will apply:
- The trip must be in a single loop, starting and ending at home
- Cannot go through a cell twice
- Lines must pass through all cells containing shops and gas stations
- Lines passing through a shop must go straight through the cell
- A line reaching a gas station must make a right angle turn (left or right) at the station
- Must go to a gas station at the start and at the end of the trip
- Cannot go to two shops or two gas stations consecutively
Like Masyu, this puzzle can be rather difficult to solve. This program helps you solve existing puzzles as well as create new ones. Main features of this program are:
- Create new puzzles manually or automatically; automatic creation offers puzzles with different grid sizes from 5x5 to 10x10.
- Solve existing puzzles manually or let program solve it
- Create new puzzles interactively or in bulk
- Save puzzles as Ascii or bitmap files
- Print puzzles and solutions
- 20,000 puzzles with solutions Download
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version 2.0
Updated 5 January 2010
Download 20,000 puzzles
This program helps you solve existing SlitherLink puzzles as well as create new ones. Slither Link (also known as Fences and Loop the Loop) is a logic puzzle played on a rectangular lattice of dots. Some of the squares formed by the dots have numbers 0 to 3 inside them. The objective is to connect horizontally and vertically adjacent dots so that the lines form a single loop with no loose ends. In addition, the number inside a square represents how many of its four sides are segments in the loop. In this program you can:
- Create new puzzles manually or automatically. Automatic creation offers a unique puzzle each time with different levels of difficulty
- Solve a puzzle manually or let program solve it
- Save puzzles in different file formats
- Print puzzles and solutions
This program has a puzzle size limitation of maximum 12 rows and 12 columns.
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version 1.0
Updated 10 April 2008
Download 20,000 puzzles
Numbers 1 to 9 in four colours are arranged randomly in two stacks. Rearrange these numbers, ascending or descending, in four stacks of four colours. You have nine working places and five reserve places to work with. This game is not easy and requires considerable planning and forethought as you move numbers around.
A game starts with 36 numbers - numbers 1 to 9 in four colours. 30 numbers are placed in Source Stacks and 6 in the Working Stack. Basically you have to shift numbers from Source Stacks to Solution Stacks as per rules below:- Draw numbers from the Source Stack into the Working Stack sequentially. Six numbers are ready filled at the start of a game
- Move numbers around in 9-space Working Stack
- Drop a number from the Working Stack to one of the four Solution Stacks. The number must be positioned over the stack.
- A Solution Stack must be filled with numbers of same colour and in ascending or descending order
- Use 5-space Reserve Stack to hold numbers and use them later in the Working Stack
- As positions in the Working Stack become empty, draw additional numbers from the Source Stacks
- Repeat steps 2 to 6 until all numbers from Source Stacks have been moved into the Solution Stacks
How to Play
You move and numbers around in different Stacks using the following:- Working Stack: You can move numbers to empty spaces in the row. Left click on a number, move mouse (without drag) to an empty space and left click again. Right click on a number to drop the number to a Solution Stack below.
- Reserve Stack: Click on one of the empty positions in the Reserve Stack. The number below in the Working Stack will be moved up to the Reserve Stack. Click again to move the number down.
- Source Stack: Click on number in Solution Stack in the same row as the Working Stack. When a number is shifted, the empty position in the Source Stack can be filled by the next (above or below) number in the Source Stack.
- Solution Stack: Numbers in Solution Stack must be same colour and ascending or descending value. A number 1 or 9 of any colour may be dropped into an empty Solution Stack.
- Automove: Program will move valid numbers automatically to a relevant Solution Stack. You can disable automove while shifting numbers in Working Stack. For this purpose left click on a number, move mouse (without drag) to an empty space and Right click again. The number or the numbers between two clicks will be shifted to the empty space without any automove to follow.
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Version 1.0
Updated 14 April 2009
SumOfSquare is a simple math puzzle. Fill in a grid of squares such that the sum of numbers at four corners of a square adds upto the number inside the square. For example in the grid one possible solution for square with number 7 would be numbers 1,1,2,3 at its corners.
1-2 +7+ 1-3Puzzles come various shapes and sizes. Each puzzle will use digits 1 to 9, larger digits for larger sizes. Basic rules of the game are:
- The maximum digit and the set of 4-digits to be used at corners is provided for the puzzle
- All sums must be solved and all sets must be used
- A set of 4 digits can be used only once
- A set of answers are given as clues (usually 30%)
- Digits range from 1 to 9 depending on the size of the puzzle; zero is not used
- Each puzzle has a unique solution.
- Use menu Create/Grid to make a new grid
- A grid can be upto 12 rows and 12 columns, maximum 144 cells and minimum 9 cells
- You can edit a grid to make a custom puzzle of your own design
- Use one of several pre-set layouts: square, rectangle, diamond, cross, triangle, or diagonal
- Create new puzzles on the fly with given or random layout
- Save puzzles to existing or new puzzle files
- Create and save multiple puzzles
- Browse through large puzzle files
- Solve a puzzle on screen with undo's
- Select display colour schemes and number fonts of your choice
- Use one of 20,000 puzzles or let program create one. No two puzzles will be same.
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Version 2.0
Updated 10 January 2013
Sudoku is a number-placement puzzle. The objective is to fill a 9�9 grid with digits so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3�3 sub-grids contains all of the digits from 1 to 9. The puzzle provides a partially completed grid, which typically has a unique solution. A sudoku puzzle is a logic puzzle which is solved using logic and reasoning. The difficulty is determined by how many and which numbers are given and where they are placed in the grid and can range from very easy to extremely challenging. See concept and rules.
Purpose of this program is to solve and create Sudoku puzzles. The program also explains how a solution may be developed. main features of this rogram are:
- Create and save new puzzles of varying difficulty: easy, moderate or hard
- Create puzzles with preset fixed cells patterns of your design
- Copy a puzzle and its solution to clipboard
- Browse through large puzzle files
- Import puzzles for solution
- Create jumbo puzzles of two types: 4 or 5 interlinked
- Manual solve on screen with undo's
- Let computer solve a puzzle, one shot or by logic one step at a time
- Display pencil marks
- Detect multiple solutions
- Print puzzles in different layouts
- Create Event Log to trace solution progress
- Print puzzle, its computer solution and Event Log to examine how computer solved a puzzle
- Display colour schemes of your choice
- Numbers colour and font of your choice
- Use one of 40,000 ready made puzzles 1.78 Mb
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Version 1.0
Updated 29 July 2010
Fill a 9x9 grid with numbers 1 to 9 in each row and column. No duplicates in any row or column or in a designated zone. There are nine zones in a 9x9 puzzle. A Sudoku puzzle is a special case of SuZoku where puzzle size is 9x9 and each of the 9 zones are 3x3.
Main features:- Grid size 5x5 to 9x9
- Create puzzles with Easy or Hard Levels
- Define your own zones
- Set display colour schemes, including zone colours
- Copy puzzle and its solution to clipboard
- Print puzzles and their solutions
- Select fontname and size
- Use one of 20,000 puzzles or let program create one. No two puzzles will be same.
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version 1.0
Updated 27 July 2007
A pentomino is a geometric shape formed by adjoining five squares with one another edge to edge. There are twelve unique ways to do this (not counting rotations and reflections). Those twelve pieces (or blocks) are pictured here and make up the "classic" set of pentominoes. Traditionally each piece is named using the letter of the alphabet which most closely resembles its shape. Each of the twelve pentominoes (or blocks) by rotation or flip, can be tiled to make a shape, and a lot of fun with pentominoes revolves around filling or building given shapes. These make interesting puzzles. This program helps you solve existing PentoMinos puzzles as well as compile new ones.
Main features of this program are:
- Create new puzzles manually from a pattern
- Solve existing puzzles manually
- Thumbnail view of all puzzles in a file
- Save newly compiled puzzles
- Print puzzles and their solutions
- 250 puzzles with solutions
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Version 1.0
Updated 30 September 2009
Find the location of number 7 by examining the shift patterns between successive numbers. Each puzzle has a unique solution. Normally one would print a puzzle and solve it on paper at ones leisure. A puzzle can also be solved on screen. The solution requires discovering a consistent pattern of shifts from one number in the sequence to the next. Principle is same as discovering the next number in a geometric sequence of numbers. For example next number in sequence 1,3,5,7 is 9 (increment of 2), or, 1,3,7,15 will have 31 as next number (multiply a number by 2 and add 1). However Whereris7 puzzle is a little bit more complicated as numbers have two dimensional patterns. Complicated patters can get rather complicated requiring considerable analytical prowess to solve this puzzle. For solution on screen:
- Click on a number to see the pattern leading to the next number
- Right click on cell to place 7
Program Features
- Create and solve puzzles on screen
- Copy puzzle to clipboard
- Print puzzles individual or in bulk
- Save and reload puzzles
- 14,000 puzzles with solutions
- Set display colour schemes
- Create and solve puzzles on screen
- Copy puzzle to clipboard
- Print puzzles individual or in bulk
- Save and reload puzzles
- 14,000 puzzles with solutions Download
- Set display colour schemes
Download now
Version 1.0
Updated 30 September 2009
Xcell puzzle is a grid (4x4 to 10x10) with numbers given at the intersection of cells. You are required to fill each cell with a slash, like / or \, such that:
- The count of slashes pointing towards an intersection must be same as the number given at the intersection
- An intersection with a * (a star) must have exactly four slashes, pointed or away from the star
- An intersection with no number can have slashes in any direction
- All cells must be filled
- Slashes do not have to follow any other specific pattern or sequence
Solving a Puzzle
Normally one would print a puzzle and solve it on paper at ones leisure. A puzzle can also be solved on screen using the following steps:- Left-click and drag to move the puzzle in the display window
- Use Zoom button to home in on a specific area of the puzzle
- Move and place mouse cursor in a cell and press / or \ to enter a slash
- Right click a cell or press spacebar to flip the direction of /
- Press delete key to clear a slash
- Select a fixed slash direction by clicking on bottom right slash indicator. Every left click on puzzle will now place the slash selected. Set slash indicator to blank to disable this option.
- Left click on a cell to select or use arrow keys to navigate between cells
- During a solution the program will check user entries, an invalid entry will be indicated by the number in error in red and a red status bar at bottom left
- Selected slashes can be assigned a marker giving a visual segregation between absolutely known (like 0 and 4 node slashes) and those that remain to be solved. With certain markers assigned, one can focus on experimenting with the possibilities for other cells. Note that Fixing or unFixing a cell is a visual clue only; it does not change the logic or operation of the program.
- Click on a cell and click marker button (bottom right with a marker square) to fix or unfix a cell
- A selected cell can also be fixed/unfixed by pressing the F key
- Right click on the marker command button to fix all slashes
- You can set the colour of the markers
- Markers are saved with user slashes when a puzzle is saved
- Program will indicate puzzle is solved when all cells have been filled with valid slashes matching the clues
- Click Solution button to view the solution
Program Features
- Create puzzles with random or given grid size
- Solve puzzles on screen
- Unlimited undos
- Zoom and pan for an enlarged view of the grid
- Select foreground and background colours of numbers and grid lines
- Create and save puzzles in bulk
- Copy puzzle and solution to clipboard
- Print puzzles and their solutions in different page layouts
- 12,000 puzzles with solutions Download
- Set display colour schemes
Download now
Version 1.0
Updated 6 June 2008
You are required to fill a 5x5 grid with numbers 1,2,3 in each row and each column. Two cells in each row and column must therefore be blank. Number cannot be duplicated in a row or a column. You are provide 8 hints. A hint indicates what is the first number in a row or a column. 20,000 puzzles provided with this program.
How to Play
- Click on a cell and enter a number (1,2 or 3)
- Use arrow keys to navigate between cells
- Must not use a number twice in a row or a column
- Each puzzle has a unique solution
Program Features
- Save and reload puzzles
- Print puzzles and their solutions
- 20,000 puzzles with solutions Download
- Set display colour schemes
Download now
version 1.0
Updated 15 November 2006
Download More than 20,000 puzzles with unique solutions and varying level of difficulty
ZeroSum puzzle is played on a square grid filled with numbers and +- signs. The objective of this game is to make a given sum of numbers by navigating through a grid of numbers and associated +- signs.
Rules of this game are:
- Cells are filled with numbers 1 to 5 for a 9x9 grid, 1 to 4 for a 7x7 grid, and 1 to 3 for a 5x5 grid
- One cell is designated as a clue cell, you must use this cell in your solution
- Start from the bottom row of the grid and move UP, LEFT or RIGHT only ending at the first row
- As you move from a number cell to another, apply + or - in between; the sum of numbers is calculated as you move up, left or right
- You must have a sum of zero when you reach row 1
- There are no duplicate numbers in a row or a column
- There is only one unique solution for a puzzle
- Use 5x5 grid for young children and 9x9 for experts with a lots of visual thinking.
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version 1.0
Updated 28 July 2005
ChainMesh is one of many varieties of word puzzles available today. While very simple in nature, its not easy to solve. This program prepares a ChaimMesh puzzle that you can print. Puzzle and the solution are printed on a single page. The puzzle is composed of 35 interlocking 7-letter words. First or last letter of each word must form the first or last letter of another word. Also the first and the last letter of each word must be placed in 16 highlighted squares.
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version 1.0
Updated 28 July 2005
Diamonds is one of many varieties of word puzzles available today. While very simple in nature, its not easy to solve. This program prepares a Diamonds word puzzle. You can print the puzzle and the solution on a page. The puzzle is composed of 20 interlocking 5-letter words. Twenty words are placed in 65 locations. Last letter of each word must form the first letter of another word. Also the first and the last letter of each word must be placed in 9 diamond locations.
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version 1.0
Updated 20 October 2005
This program will create an 8-shaped word puzzle for you to print and solve at your leisure. There are 23 interlocking words in 23 squares in the puzzle, each 8-letter long. A word must be placed clock-wise around each square with same overlapping letters with other squares.
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version 1.0
Updated 28 July 2005
HexaFit is one of many varieties of word puzzles available today. While very simple in nature, its not easy to solve. This program prepares a Hexafit word puzzle. You can print the puzzle and the solution on a page. The puzzle is composed of 19 interlocking hexagons. Three sides of outer periphery hexagons, and all six of internal hexagons are interlocked. Each of 19 hexagons, or 19 cells is divided into 6 parts. The puzzle comes with a set of 19 6-letter words. Purpose of the puzzle is to place these 6-letter words in 19 cells. Letters at the boundaries in interlocking cells must be same. Letters in a word must be placed clock-wise.
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version 1.0
Updated 27 October 2005
This program will generate a 20 word puzzle for you to solve at your leisure.
Main features of this game are:
- All words are 3-letter long
- Four letters are provided as hint
- Hint letters can be random, all same, or user defined
- Overlapping letters in words must be same
- A word cannot be made twice
- You can use three standard or your own dictionary
- User dictionaries must be sorted text files, one word in each line
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version 1.0
Updated 27 October 2005
This program will generate a 36 word puzzle for you to solve at your leisure.
Main features of this game are:
- All words are 5-letter long
- Six letters are provided as hint
- letters can be random, all same, or user defined
- Overlapping letters in words must be same
- A word cannot be made twice
- You can use three standard or your own dictionary
- User dictionaries must be sorted text files, one word in each line
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version 1.0
Updated 22 July 2006
BookWormZ is a Tetris like game played with letters. Purpose of this game is to make words from a set of adjacent letters arranged randomly on a board. Words can be made by linking letters in adjacent squares. BookWormZ requires good vocabulary, imagination and quick thinking. Computer hints help you learn new words quickly.
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version 1.0
Updated 22 July 2008
In this word game you are required to use the last two letters of a word and make new words ultimately returning back to the original word. The last two letters of a word must be the first two letters of the next word. All words are five letters long and must return to the original word in five steps.
How to Play
- Click NewPuzzle to start a new game
- A five letter word is given. First two letters of the next word are already fixed as the last two letters of given word.
- Enter three letters that you guess might fit making a valid next word
- Now use the last two letters of the word to compile the next word
- Continue step 4 until the last two letters of your word are same as first two letters of the word given in step 1. Then you would solved the puzzle
- All words are checked against a dictionary of your choice
- You can get one hint per game, click ? against a word
- There is a time limit of five minutes for a solution
Program Features
- Select a dictionary of your choice
- Set display colour schemes
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version 1.0
Updated 17 November 2005
In this game you try to remove all letter bricks from the pile of 50 letters as quickly as possible. Appears easy but you will need all your thinking skills and word power to beat the best scores. Three English dictionaries provided. Can also use custom dictionaries. This simple game requires good vocabulary, imagination and quick thinking.
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version 1.0
Updated 24 April 2008
In this word game you are required to make 5-letter words. Middle letter of each word is used as the first and last letter of the next word. Try to use most commonly used letters as a middle letter so that the chain continues longer for higher scores.
How to Play
- Click Newgame to start a new game
- A 5-letter word is given with 2nd, 3rd and 4th letters left blank for you to enter
- Use left/right keys to select one of the three positions
- Type in the letters of your choice and press Enter
- The 5-letter word (with given first and last letter and three letters of your choice) is validated against the dictionary
- Points are given for each word made. Scrabble point system is used to get score for a word.
- Middle letter of the word made is selected as the first and last the letter of a new word from the dictionary
- Games continues from step 2 until you quit or the allocated time of 5 minutes is up
- Game ends when all possible words in the dictionary have been used
- A word cannot be used twice
- You can get a hint - 5 points are deducted for a hint. You must have at least 10 points to get a hint
Program Features
- Select word dictionary of your choice
- Set display colour schemes
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version 1.0
Updated 17 July 2008
In this word game you are given a set of three letters and two blanks in between. You are required to fill the two blanks and add letters before the first letter or after the last letter to make a valid word. Once you make a word, letters used in the two blanks become part of the word to be found next. The game ends when there are no valid words are left corresponding to the letters used in the previous word. This game is good for learning new words and making right choices of letters so that the game continues longer thus accumulating higher number of points.
How to Play
- This game has a set of 100 letters (A to Z) with letter values same as those in Scrabble.
- The game starts with computer selecting two letters at random. Then one letter is selected from the pile of 100 letters.
- You attempt to find a word that fits with the given pattern and click TRY.
- Computer will check and add score for a valid to your accumulated score
- A new pattern will be set by using the two letters placed in blank cells plus one letter select from the pile of 100 letters
- The above process is repeated from step 3
- Game ends when no letters remain in the pile or there are no words in the dictionary that match the pattern resulting from your previous guess
- Use tabs to position cursor to a cell and the enter the desired letter (A to Z)
- Left click SKIP to get the next word to guess
- Right click SKIP to view the solution and get the next word guess
- Enter a ? in a location - computer will give a hint for possible letters in that location. One point is deducted for each hint.
- Each game starts with a balance of 5 points
Program Features
- Select a dictionary of your choice
- Skip a turn. Computer will display solution words but no score will be awarded.
- Get hints. One point is deducted for each hint.
- Set display colour schemes
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version 1.0
Updated 4 June 2010
Place nine letters in a 3x3 grid to make 6 valid words. Clue letters for 6 words are given.
How to Play
- Click New button to create a new puzzle
- A 9-letter word is given along with 2 clue letters for each of the 6 words to make
- Place 9 letters in the open 3x3 grid to make valid 6 words, 3 up-down and 3 left-right
- Left click on one of the 3x3 cells and press a letter to place
- Placed letters must be one of the 9 letters in the word given as a clue at the bottom of the grid
- Puzzle is solved when all 9 letters have been placed and 6 words made are valid words in the dictionary
Main features of this program are:
- Select a dictionary of your choice
- Use a new dictionary from a customized list of words
- Print puzzles
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- Set display colour schemes
- Set fonts
Download now
version 1.0
Updated 1 September 2005
This is a game of fun and learning. You are required to guess a five to nine letter word.
First letter of the word to be guessed is shown. You enter letters of your choice in the remaining positions and press ENTER.
Once a word is completed, the computer will match your guess with the selected word with a background colour: GREEN - the guessed letter is correct and is also in the correct position, YELLOW - the guessed letter is correct but is not in the correct position .
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Version 1.0
Updated 16 August 2009
In this word game you are required to make five words from a jumbled set of five letters each. Two letters in each word must then make a 10-letter word.
How to Play
Normally you would print a puzzle and solve it on paper at your leisure. However you can also solve on screen using the following commands:- Examine the five jumbled letters and consider what valid word may be made from the set
- Enter letters in the word places on the right hand side of the jumbled letters
- Note the letters you placed in a word that have black background
- Now try and use these letters to compile the 10-letter word
- Five letters in the 10-letter word are shown
- Use arrow or tab keys to navigate
- Enter ? for a hint, only one hint per game
- You can load a puzzle from 20,000 ready made puzzles or create one on demand
Program Features
- Save and reload puzzles
- Print puzzles and their solutions
- Load one of four dictionaries of your choice
- Set display colour schemes
- Use one of 20,000 puzzles or let program create one at random Download
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version 2.0
Updated 27 June 2010
Guess the last four (or first four optionally) letters of a set of 5 words. Updated to print puzzles and copy to clipboard.
How to Play
- Click New Puzzle button to start a new puzzle
- A set of 5 words are given. Last four letters of each word are same but not shown
- Enter four letters that you guess might fit
- You can change the puzzle layout to guess the first four letters rather than the last four
Program Features
- Select a dictionary of your choice or one of your own
- Set display colour schemes
- Set puzzle orientation to guess the first or the last four letters
- Copy puzzle and its solution to clipboard
- Print 8 puzzles and their solutions on one page
- Select fontname and size
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version 1.0
Updated 5 January 2010
Place a set of ten letters in 10 interlinked locations in a grid making 12 valid words.
Main features of this game are:
- Select a dictionary of your choice
- Use a new dictionary from a customized list of words
- Print puzzles
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- Set display colour schemes
- Set fonts
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version 1.0
Updated 5 January 2010
Place a set of eight 4-letters words in 17 interlinked locations in a grid.
Main features of this game are:
- Select a dictionary of your choice
- Use a new dictionary from a customized list of words
- Print puzzles
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- Set display colour schemes
- Set fonts
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version 1.0
Updated 1 September 2005
In this word game you try to make words from a set of 9 letters shown in a 3x3 matrix. You must use the central letter in each word. This game can be played in time limited scoring mode, or without scoring with unlimited time.
Main features of this game are:
- Three levels of English. Can use custom dictionary as well. Your dictionary should contain the list of words, sorted alphabetically, in a text file.
- Can get hints and meaning of words
- Provides words statistics
- Numerous colour schemes
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version 1.0
Updated 13 August 2009
In this word game you are required to guess the three letter common to 8 words, last three for four and first three for the other four words.
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Version 1.0
Updated 18 August 2009
In this word game you are given a set of eight words, in four lines, two words each. Last three and the first three letters of two words on a line are same but are hidden. You are required to guess the three letters for each set of two words. Three four letter words are given as a clue to help you with the discovery of the missing three letters.
Program Features
- Select a dictionary of your choice
- Build a new dictionary from a user list of words
- Print puzzles, four per page
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- Set display colour schemes
- Set fonts and its size
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Version 1.0
Updated 16 August 2009
In this game you are required to make a set of words arranged as a pyramid. List of letters comprising these words is given. Words must be arranged as one top down, and 2, 3, 4 or 5 across depending on the puzzle size. Three letters are given as hint.
How to Play
- Left click on a given letter and drag drop to an empty location in the pyramid
- Position cursor on a letter positions in the pyramid and enter a letter
- Tab through letter positions in the pyramid and enter a letter
Program Features
- Undo and reset
- Save and reload puzzles
- Print puzzles and their solutions
- Load dictionaries of your choice
- Use one of 20,000 puzzles or let program create one at random Download
- Set display colour schemes
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version 1.0
Updated 1 September 2005
In this word game you try to make words from a set of 7-9 letters. This game can be played in time limited scoring mode, or without scoring with unlimited time.
Main features of this game are:
- Three levels of English. Can use custom dictionary as well. Your dictionary should contain the list of words, sorted alphabetically, in a text file.
- Word lengths can be limited to 7, 8, or 9. Minimum word length is 4.
- Can get hints and meaning of words
- Provides words statistics
- Numerous colour schemes
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version 1.0
Updated 8 February 2008
This solitaire card game has 52 cards laid out randomly in a 9x7 grid. Eleven locations are left empty. Purpose of this game is to move cards around by using the 11 empty locations and stack them back in order in four stacks of four suits.
A card may be moved only to one of the empty locations, and only if:
- The moved card matches the suite of the card on the left of the empty location AND the value of the card on left is one less than the card moved
- The moved card matches the suite of the card on the right AND the value of the card on right is one more than the card moved
- There are empty locations on both left and right
- The moved card has empty location to the left of the new location
- The moved card has empty location to the right of the new location
- An Ace can go to the right of a King of any suite
- A King can go to the left of an Ace of any suite
- Any card can go to the first (top left) or the last location (bottom right)
The game finishes when:
- All the cards have been put in sequence, in four stacks each for Spades, Hearts, Diamonds and Clubs
- Stacks suites can be in any order, like Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds, Spades etc
- Cards in a stack must be in sequence like A234...QK or 5678...KA234 or QKA2...J etc
- All moves are counted. You start with a score of 100 and a point is deducted for every card moved. You must rearrange cards using least number of moves thus achieving a maximum score.
This program offers you the choice of creating an printing custom cards with pictures.
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version 1.0
Updated 28 July 2005
This program helps you write poems from selected key words. Uses soundex for rhyming sentences. Great fun. Easy to use. Try it.
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version 2.0
Updated 10 December 2007
A Word Search puzzle is a group of words hidden in a grid of random letters. The object of each puzzle is to find the listed hidden words. This WordSearch program creates and prints puzzle - that you may solve at your leisure with pencil and paper. Word Search puzzles are a lot of fun and a great tool to learn new words. 20,000 puzzles are provided with this program.
Program Features:
This program has preset defaults that makes it easy to create and print puzzles. However there are several advanced options that give you more control over how puzzles are created and printed. Main features of this program are:
- Grid size from 5x5 to 25x25 columns and rows. Default is a 10x10 grid. Word length can be 4 to 16 characters.
- Grid shape either rectangular or diamond
- Select the source of words to place in the puzzle - enter manually or read from a set of given dictionaries
- Define the number of words in a grid
- Define the directions of words placements
- Select whether words overlap or not
- Select words font name and size. This will allow you to create and print non-english puzzles.
- Different colour display schemes
- Import Words Lists from text files >li>Construct puzzles directly from text files, like stories, articles etc
- Print puzzles
- Print jumbo puzzle - 50x50 grid with 200 hidden words
- 32 dictionaries to choose from, you can add your own
- 20,000 puzzles with solutions Download
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version 1.0
Updated 10 June 2010
Fit a set of 5,4 and 3 letter words in a given grid of 15 letters. Three clue letters are given in the grid.
How to Play
One would normally print a puzzle and solve using paper and pencil.- At the program a dictionary is loaded, supplied with the proram or a one of your choice
- A 15 letter grid is provide
- Three clue words and three letters in the grid are given as clue
- Place letters in the grid, selected from the clue words
- The clue words must be placed diagonally
- All combinations of 3,4 and 5 letters must be valid words in the dictionary
- Puzzle is solved when:
- The clue words are placed diagonally
- All 3,4,5 letter words across and down the grid are valid words from the dictionary loaded
- In order to solve on screen, leftclick on a cell and press a letter to place. Press ESC or Del to remove a letter. Cannot place a letter other than those in the clue words.
Main features of this program are:
- Six english dictionaries are provided with the program
- Create and load dictionaries of your choice:
- A dictionary is a text file containing 3,4 and 5 letter words. A dictionary file can be created using a text editor.
- A dictionary must contain enough 3,4,5 letter words to create valid puzzles quickly
- Select display colour schemes
- Select character fount and size
- Create and print puzzles in bulk
- Print puzzles, one or four per page
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version 1.0
Updated 5 December 2005
The purpose of this game is to outsmart the computer by making high score words from a set of letters.
There are 100 letters A-Z in the game. The distribution and value of letters is based on standard Scrabble rules. At the start of the game, 100 letters are split randomly into two piles, 50 letters each. Each pile would have almost same number of points. Pile on the left is played by the computer while the one on the right is for the human player. Each player has to make valid dictionary words by selecting letters from the respective piles. Three English dictionaries are provided with the program. User can select custom dictionaries as well.
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version 1.0
Updated 28 July 2005
sWords is one of many varieties of word puzzles available today. While very simple in nature, its not easy to solve. This program prepares a sWords puzzle. You can print the puzzle and the solution on a page. Purpose of this puzzle is to find and place 11 words on a s-shaped grid. Each word around a cell is of 6-letters, 2 of these letters overlap with the adjacent cell. Letters are placed clockwise.
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version 1.0
Updated 21 July 2004
This program generates funny and amusing topics for you to write stories about. A number of different phrases in five different categories are contained in the program. These categories are:
- Who the story is about, example: 'BRILLIANT'
- The profession of who the story is about, example: 'DENTIST'
- How he is in its profession, example: 'A FLOP'
- What he is good at, example: 'HELPING CHILDREN'
- What he does in the story, example: 'DISCOVERS THE SECRET'
The program selects randomly one phrase for each of these five categories, adds some more words, and gives you a funny sounding topic. You can ask the program to find and print topics as many times as you like. You can also add your own phrases to the five categories.
Right-click on a category box to add/delete or edit items.
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version 1.0
Updated 15 January 2008
Snakes&Ladders is a well known old board game using a board and a dice. Its simplicity makes it popular with younger children, but there is a lack of any skill component. In this Mindgames variation, you use your brains instead of dice and play on your own. Basic rules and the features of this game are:
- There is a square grid of size 5x5 to 16x16, populated with a number of snakes and ladders
- You are given a set of numbers or steps
- Purpose of the game is for you to start from number 1 and reach to the last number on the grid:
- Can only use the given step numbers
- Upon reaching a stair square, must jump up to the designated number- top of stair
- Upon reaching a snake square must move down to the designated number - end of snake
- In order to win, you must reach the end of the board by using ALL the given steps
- Games are provided in Easy and Hard mode
- In easy mode ALL snakes and ladders will be used in the solution
- In hard mode not all snakes and ladders are required; this makes the game difficult as you will also have to figure out which ones not to use
- Normally you would print and the solve a puzzle on paper - you can also solve on screen if desired
- Every puzzle generated with this program is of unique layout with a single solution
- 20,000 puzzles of varying difficulty are provided with this program
Main options of this program are:- Grid size - 5x5 to 16x16
- Difficulty level - Easy or Hard
- Snake and Ladder display style - single line or staggered
- Line colours and Line width
- Display colour schemes
- Grid style - flat, raised or depressed
- Print puzzle, solution or both - single or in bulk
- Generate single, or multiple puzzles in one go
How to Play
You would normally print a puzzle and solve it at your leisure. However you can also solve on screen:- Left click a cell and drag to another cell to draw a line
- Corresponding step will be removed from the given set if your move matches a step
- Move destination will be adjusted for a snake or a ladder
- Can undo moves if required
- 20,000 puzzles of varying difficulty with solutions Download
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version 1.0
Updated 15 November 2010
WordFreecell is a word version of Microsoft Freecell card game. A Scrabble set of letters are used as a card deck. One hundred Scrabble letter are distributed in 10 stacks (called Working Stacks), 10 letters each. There are additional 4 stacks (called Temporary Stacks) where a letter can be placed as a temporary storage. The object of the game is to all remove letters from the Working Stacks by making valid words.
- A default or a user selected dictionary is loaded
- 100 letters A to Z (as per Scrabble count) are distributed randomly in 10 Working Stacks.
- Four empty Temporary Stacks are given
- Move any number of letters from one Working Stack (source) to another Working Stack (destination). After the move, must make a word from top of the destination stack with letters 3 to 10. Turn is over once a word is made.
- Can move one letter from a Working Stack to one of the four empty Temporary Stacks. The turn continues. Only one letter can be placed in a Temporary Stacks.
- Can move one letter from a Temporary Stack to a Working stack (destination). After the move, must make a word from top of the destination stack with letters 3 to 10. Turn is over once a word is made.
- The turn is not counted if letters are moved to an empty Working Stack or to a Temporary Stack
- After a turn, score is given for the word made based on Scrabble letter values. Player gets additional points equal to the length of the word made.
- Normally the computer will play as the second player and take the next turn
- Game is over when total score reaches 250
How to Play
- Player 1 is human and player 2 is a computer player. Players 2 can be disabled in which case player 1 will continue taking both turns.
- Load a dictionary or use the dictionary loaded already. Click About menu to see which dictionary is loaded.
- Click Deal menu to deal a new set of letters
- Clock Left on a Working Stacks and drag selected letters to another stack and drop. Dragged letters will be added to the target stack. Now must make a work from the target stack.
- Right click on a letter in the target stack. Word complied from the letters on the right will be highlighted.
- Computer will check whether the highlighted word is a valid word. If valid, score will be given for the word made and the turn is over.
- Player 1 can skip a turn, with or without moving letters from a stack. Click Next button for this.
- Player 1 can let computer to make its move. Click AutoMove button for this.
- All words made are logged. Click ViewLog to show/hide Moves Log.
- Set Easy option in Player 2 if you don't want computer to take long time in making its move.
- Use Options to set fonts, colours and card colours of your choice
Program Features
- Set card colours
- Set number fonts and size
- Set card face pictures
- Save and load games
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version 1.0
Updated 1 September 2005
In this word game you try to make words from the given first two letters. This game can be played in time limited scoring mode, or without scoring with unlimited time.
Main features of this game are:
- First two letters are chosen by the computer, or optionally by you.
- A word length can be 4 to 9 letters.
- Can get hints and meaning of words
- Provides words statistics
- Numerous colour schemes
- Three levels of English dictionary are provided. Can use custom dictionaries as well. Your dictionary should contain the list of words, sorted alphabetically, in a text file.
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version 1.0
Updated 17 September 2007
WordAround is word game intended for children (as well as adults) to explore and learn new words. Unlike several other word games, you are required to make different words from a limited set of given letters. This helps to understand and explore letter arrangements in different patterns. Range of levels allow novices to experts play this challenging game. Rules below are stated for level 1. Same rules will apply for levels 2 to 6. See help for details.
- You are required to make 10 words in 5 minutes
- Choice of 10 sets of letters (for 10 words) will be generated by the computer
- Each set of 4 letters will have three common letters, the first letter will be different for 10 tries
- After 10 words are made another set of letters will be given until 5 minutes expire
- Above will apply to other levels but as you go to higher levels, words are difficult to make but rewarding scores are also high
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version 1.0
Updated 28 July 2005
WordBuket is a variation of the BookWormZ program. It is a more Tetris like game. Purpose of this game is to make words from a random set of letters arranged on a board. Letters appear randomly on tiles arranged in rows and columns on a board. A word can be made by using only tiles that are adjacent to each other. You are scored by the values of individual letters used in a word. This game requires good vocabulary, imagination and quick thinking. Playing against the computer helps you learn new words quickly.
Following are the main features of this game:
- Three levels of dictionaries; Level1 has 20,000 and Level 3 has around 200,000 words
- User defined dictionaries for specific vocabulary
- Word meanings from Internet
- High score records
- Get hints from the computer
- Tile animation
- Two styles of boards
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version 1.0
Updated 1 September 2005
The purpose of this program is to solve and create Wordladder puzzles. Word Ladder is a word game where you are required to transform one word into another by following these rules: change only one letter in one step; rotate letters in one step (this is an optional rule); the changed word must be a valid word in the dictionary.
This programs helps you solve existing puzzles as well as create new ones. Solution algorithm used by this program is a simple one. There may well be other algorithms that produce solutions quicker. However, the main purpose of this program is to help in learning new words, and not to seek optimum solution to Word Ladder puzzles. In addition to solving existing puzzles, the program can generate puzzles automatically:
- Random From and Random To words: The computer will pick any two random words from the dictionary and try to make a ladder.
- Fixed From and Random To words: The computer will pick random To words and try to make a ladder.
- Fixed To and Random From words: The computer will pick random From words and try to make a ladder.
- Fixed From Chain: In this option a chain of words is made starting with the From word, each subsequent word linked with the previous one. The length of the chain will depend on the starting word and the depth of the dictionary.
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version 1.0
Updated 18 September 2007
WordRama is a word game. You are required to move and line up letters in a line horizontal, vertical or across in a grid and make valid words. You start with an empty grid. As you make words, random letters are dropped into the grid for you to arrange and make new words. Following are the main features of this game:
- There are 5 levels in the game, level 1 being the easiest
- At the game start 4 letters will be picked from the set of 98 and dropped in the grid, and a 30 second timer will start
- You reposition the letters in order to make words; word will be checked against the dictionary for validity, invalid or duplicate words will be ignored
- Letters will be removed and recycled and letter positions in the grid are cleared
- You can continue to make words until the timer expires
- You will get a free-letter for every valid word you make; a free-letter can be used as a wild-card letter in making a word
- Score for a word is calculated using the Scrabble points system; no point is given for a free letter, Additional points are given if you make more than one word within timeout: These are 5 for 2 words, 10 for three words etc.
- At a penalty of five points you can remove a letter or swap two letters
- Program options include:
- Font name, size and colour
- Tile picture
- colour schemes
- Raised or sunken tiles
- Select your own dictionaries
- Get hints
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version 1.0
Updated 27 June 2010
Place six 4-letter words diagonally. Three 6-letter words are given as clues. User can use its own dictionaries. This puzzle is rather hard to solve.
- The puzzle has three rings and 6 diagonal lines
- Each ring has 6 letters and each diagonal has 4
- Diagonal words have a common central letter
- Purpose of the puzzle is to complete the 6 diagonal words, each word starts with a common letter
- Ring words are given as clues, the outer ring word is ready filled as hint
- Letters placed in the outer, middle and the inner rings must match with the three words given as clues
- Letters in the rings can be in any order but must match with the clue word given as clue
How to Play
- Click New Puzzle button to start a new puzzle
- A set of three 6-letter words, and the starting letter for the diagonal words are given
- Print the puzzle and its solution and solve on paper
- Puzzle can be solved on screen also:
- Click on a location and press a letter key to place a letter
- Fill all locations with letters
- Puzzle is solved when all six 4-letter words have been placed, each word diagonally starting with the given letter
- Letters placed in the outer, middle and the inner circles must match with the letters of the three ring words given as clues
Program Features
- Select a dictionary of your choice
- Set display colour schemes
- Copy puzzle and its solution to clipboard
- Print puzzles and their solutions
- Select fontname and size
- Select letter shape: circle or a square
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version 1.0
Updated 5 January 2010
Place a set of five 4-letters words in a star grid.
Main features of this game are:
- Select a dictionary of your choice
- Use a new dictionary from a customized list of words
- Print puzzles
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- Set display colour schemes
- Set fonts
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version 1.0
Updated 15 November 2010
WordSolitaire is a word version of Microsoft Solitaire card game. A Scrabble set of letters are used as a card deck. Fifty five of the 100 Scrabble letter are distributed 10 stacks (called Working Stacks) with first stack having one, second 2 and the 10th stack having 10 letters. Remaining 45 letters are stacked as Reserve Stack. There are additional 4 stacks (called Temporary Stacks) where a letter can be placed as a temporary storage. The object of the game is to all remove letters from the Working Stacks by making valid words. Rules of the game are:
- A default or a user selected dictionary is loaded
- 55 of 100 letters A to Z (as per Scrabble count) are distributed randomly in 10 Working Stacks. Remaining 45 are put in the Reserve Stack. All letters are open.
- Four empty Temporary Stacks are given
- 55 letters are put in a Reserve Stack
- Move any number of letters from one Working Stack (source) to another Working Stack (destination). After the move, must make a word from top of the destination stack with letters 3 to 10. Turn is over once a word is made.
- Can move one letter from a Working Stack to one of the four empty Temporary Stacks. The turn continues. Only one letter can be placed in a Temporary Stacks.
- Can move one letter from a Temporary Stack to a Working stack (destination). After the move, must make a word from top of the destination stack with letters 3 to 10. Turn is over once a word is made.
- Can move one letter at any place in the Reserve Stack to a Working stack (destination). After the move, must make a word from top of the destination stack with letters 3 to 10. Turn is over once a word is made.
- The turn is not counted if letters are moved to an empty Working Stack or to a Temporary Stack
- After a turn, score is given for the word made based on Scrabble letter values. Player gets additional points equal to the length of the word made.
- Normally the computer will play as the second player and take the next turn
- Game is over when total score reaches 250
- Player 1 is human and player 2 is a computer player. Players 2 can be disabled in which case player 1 will continue taking both turns.
- Load a dictionary or use the dictionary loaded already. Click About menu to see which dictionary is loaded.
- Click Deal menu to deal a new set of letters
- Clock Left on a Working Stacks and drag selected letters to another stack and drop. Dragged letters will be added to the target stack. Now must make a work from the target stack.
- Right click on a letter in the target stack. Word complied from the letters on the right will be highlighted.
- Computer will check whether the highlighted word is a valid word. If valid, score will be given for the word made and the turn is over.
- Player 1 can skip a turn, with or without moving letters from a stack. Click Next button for this.
- Player 1 can let computer to make its move. Click AutoMove button for this.
- All words made are logged. Click ViewLog to show/hide Moves Log.
- Set Easy option in Player 2 if you don't want computer to take long time in making its move.
- Use Options to set fonts, colours and card colours of your choice
- Set card colours
- Set number fonts and size
- Set card face pictures
- Save and load games
How to Play
Program Features
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version 2.0
Updated 13 July 2006
A program based on a heuristic and trial and error approach for compiling cross-word puzzles.
- Automatically generate grid with black squares
- Optionally place black square by inspection
- Verify validity of the placement of black squares
- Automatic compilation of words from four level English dictionaries
- Use of custom user built dictionaries
- Printing of grid and solution
- Save Puzzle as a bitmap file
- Get meaning of words from Internet dictionaries
- Compilation of a puzzle with choice of placing selected words at selected locations
- Freely mix automatic and manual compilation
- Automatic compilation single-shot or one clue at a time
- Creation of puzzles
- Print puzzles that do not require clues