Word games
These games require the Microsoft VB6 runtimes to be installed beforehand.
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version 1.0
Updated 27 October 2005
This program will generate a 20 word puzzle for you to solve at your leisure.
Main features of this game are:
- All words are 3-letter long
- Four letters are provided as hint
- Hint letters can be random, all same, or user defined
- Overlapping letters in words must be same
- A word cannot be made twice
- You can use three standard or your own dictionary
- User dictionaries must be sorted text files, one word in each line
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version 1.0
Updated 27 October 2005
This program will generate a 36 word puzzle for you to solve at your leisure.
Main features of this game are:
- All words are 5-letter long
- Six letters are provided as hint
- letters can be random, all same, or user defined
- Overlapping letters in words must be same
- A word cannot be made twice
- You can use three standard or your own dictionary
- User dictionaries must be sorted text files, one word in each line
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version 1.0
Updated 28 July 2005
This program helps you write poems from selected key words. Uses soundex for rhyming sentences. Great fun. Easy to use. Try it.
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Version 1.0
Updated 1 August 2008
In this game you are required to make a set of words arranged as a pyramid. List of letters comprising these words is given. Words must be arranged as one top down, and 2, 3, 4 or 5 across depending on the puzzle size. Three letters are given as hint.
How to Play
- Left click on a given letter and drag drop to an empty location in the pyramid
- Position cursor on a letter positions in the pyramid and enter a letter
- Tab through letter positions in the pyramid and enter a letter
Program Options
- Undo and reset
- Save and reload puzzles
- Print puzzles and their solutions
- Load dictionaries of your choice
- Use one of 20,000 puzzles or let program create one at random Download
- Set display colour schemes
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version 1.0
Updated 5 December 2005
The purpose of this game is to outsmart the computer by making high score words from a set of letters.
There are 100 letters A-Z in the game. The distribution and value of letters is based on standard Scrabble rules. At the start of the game, 100 letters are split randomly into two piles, 50 letters each. Each pile would have almost same number of points. Pile on the left is played by the computer while the one on the right is for the human player. Each player has to make valid dictionary words by selecting letters from the respective piles. Three English dictionaries are provided with the program. User can select custom dictionaries as well.
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version 1.0
Updated 22 September 2012
Find nine words against given clues. Words are stacked in nine steps, each word being an anagram of the previous word with a letter taken away (for words 1 to 5) or added (for words 6 to 9) each step. Word 5 is given as hint.
Program Features
Main features of this program are:- Use one of three dictionaries
- Print one or multiple puzzles, one per page
- Use one of 20,000 ready made puzzles 570Kb
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- Set display colour schemes
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version 1.0
Updated 28 July 2005
sWords is one of many varieties of word puzzles available today. While very simple in nature, its not easy to solve. This program prepares a sWords puzzle. You can print the puzzle and the solution on a page. Purpose of this puzzle is to find and place 11 words on a s-shaped grid. Each word around a cell is of 6-letters, 2 of these letters overlap with the adjacent cell. Letters are placed clockwise.
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version 1.0
Updated 21 July 2004
This program generates funny and amusing topics for you to write stories about. A number of different phrases in five different categories are contained in the program. These categories are:
- Who the story is about, example: 'BRILLIANT'
- The profession of who the story is about, example: 'DENTIST'
- How he is in its profession, example: 'A FLOP'
- What he is good at, example: 'HELPING CHILDREN'
- What he does in the story, example: 'DISCOVERS THE SECRET'
The program selects randomly one phrase for each of these five categories, adds some more words, and gives you a funny sounding topic. You can ask the program to find and print topics as many times as you like. You can also add your own phrases to the five categories.
Right-click on a category box to add/delete or edit items.
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version 1.0
Updated 22 September 2012
Find three 6-letter words with given clues; each word must contain a pair of three letters from a given word.
Program Features
Main features of this program are:- A dictionary of your choice from the five supplied
- Print puzzles, one per page
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- Set display colour schemes
- Use one of 20,000 ready made puzzles 552Kb. These puzzles are for personal use only - cannot be published or distributed in any shape or form.
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version 1.0
Updated 15 November 2010
WordFreecell is a word version of Microsoft Freecell card game. A Scrabble set of letters are used as a card deck. One hundred Scrabble letter are distributed in 10 stacks (called Working Stacks), 10 letters each. There are additional 4 stacks (called Temporary Stacks) where a letter can be placed as a temporary storage. The object of the game is to all remove letters from the Working Stacks by making valid words.
- A default or a user selected dictionary is loaded
- 100 letters A to Z (as per Scrabble count) are distributed randomly in 10 Working Stacks.
- Four empty Temporary Stacks are given
- Move any number of letters from one Working Stack (source) to another Working Stack (destination). After the move, must make a word from top of the destination stack with letters 3 to 10. Turn is over once a word is made.
- Can move one letter from a Working Stack to one of the four empty Temporary Stacks. The turn continues. Only one letter can be placed in a Temporary Stacks.
- Can move one letter from a Temporary Stack to a Working stack (destination). After the move, must make a word from top of the destination stack with letters 3 to 10. Turn is over once a word is made.
- The turn is not counted if letters are moved to an empty Working Stack or to a Temporary Stack
- After a turn, score is given for the word made based on Scrabble letter values. Player gets additional points equal to the length of the word made.
- Normally the computer will play as the second player and take the next turn
- Game is over when total score reaches 250
How to Play
- Player 1 is human and player 2 is a computer player. Players 2 can be disabled in which case player 1 will continue taking both turns.
- Load a dictionary or use the dictionary loaded already. Click About menu to see which dictionary is loaded.
- Click Deal menu to deal a new set of letters
- Clock Left on a Working Stacks and drag selected letters to another stack and drop. Dragged letters will be added to the target stack. Now must make a work from the target stack.
- Right click on a letter in the target stack. Word complied from the letters on the right will be highlighted.
- Computer will check whether the highlighted word is a valid word. If valid, score will be given for the word made and the turn is over.
- Player 1 can skip a turn, with or without moving letters from a stack. Click Next button for this.
- Player 1 can let computer to make its move. Click AutoMove button for this.
- All words made are logged. Click ViewLog to show/hide Moves Log.
- Set Easy option in Player 2 if you don't want computer to take long for a move.
- Use Options to set fonts, colours and card colours of your choice
Program Features
- Set card colours
- Set number fonts and size
- Set card face pictures
- Save and load games
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version 1.0
Updated 1 September 2005
In this word game you try to make words from the given first two letters. This game can be played in time limited scoring mode, or without scoring with unlimited time.
Main features of this game are:
- First two letters are chosen by the computer, or optionally by you.
- A word length can be 4 to 9 letters.
- Can get hints and meaning of words
- Provides words statistics
- Numerous colour schemes
- Three levels of English dictionary are provided. Can use custom dictionaries as well. Your dictionary should contain the list of words, sorted alphabetically, in a text file.
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version 1.0
Updated 22 September 2012
Given four words, find the final tenth word by combining half of each pair of words. The tenth word and word clues are given. Words can be 4, 6 or 8 letters long.
Program Features
Main features of this program are:- A dictionary of your choice from the five supplied
- 4, 6 or letter words
- Print puzzles, one per page
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- Set display colour schemes
- Use one of 20,000 ready made puzzles 685Kb. These puzzles are for personal use only - cannot be published or distributed in any shape or form.
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version 1.0
Updated 17 September 2007
WordAround is word game intended for children (as well as adults) to explore and learn new words. Unlike several other word games, you are required to make different words from a limited set of given letters. This helps to understand and explore letter arrangements in different patterns. Range of levels allow novices to experts play this challenging game. Rules below are stated for level 1. Same rules will apply for levels 2 to 6. See help for details.
- You are required to make 10 words in 5 minutes
- Choice of 10 sets of letters (for 10 words) will be generated by the computer
- Each set of 4 letters will have three common letters, the first letter will be different for 10 tries
- After 10 words are made another set of letters will be given until 5 minutes expire
- Above will apply to other levels but as you go to higher levels, words are difficult to make but rewarding scores are also high
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version 1.0
Updated 28 July 2005
WordBuket is a variation of the BookWormZ program. It is a more Tetris like game. Purpose of this game is to make words from a random set of letters arranged on a board. Letters appear randomly on tiles arranged in rows and columns on a board. A word can be made by using only tiles that are adjacent to each other. You are scored by the values of individual letters used in a word. This game requires good vocabulary, imagination and quick thinking. Playing against the computer helps you learn new words quickly.
Following are the main features of this game:
- Three levels of dictionaries; Level1 has 20,000 and Level 3 has around 200,000 words
- User defined dictionaries for specific vocabulary
- Word meanings from Internet
- High score records
- Get hints from the computer
- Tile animation
- Two styles of boards
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version 1.0
Updated 1 September 2005
The purpose of this program is to solve and create Wordladder puzzles. Word Ladder is a word game where you are required to transform one word into another by following these rules: change only one letter in one step; rotate letters in one step (this is an optional rule); the changed word must be a valid word in the dictionary.
This programs helps you solve existing puzzles as well as create new ones. Solution algorithm used by this program is a simple one. There may well be other algorithms that produce solutions quicker. However, the main purpose of this program is to help in learning new words, and not to seek optimum solution to Word Ladder puzzles. In addition to solving existing puzzles, the program can generate puzzles automatically:
- Random From and Random To words: The computer will pick any two random words from the dictionary and try to make a ladder.
- Fixed From and Random To words: The computer will pick random To words and try to make a ladder.
- Fixed To and Random From words: The computer will pick random From words and try to make a ladder.
- Fixed From Chain: In this option a chain of words is made starting with the From word, each subsequent word linked with the previous one. The length of the chain will depend on the starting word and the depth of the dictionary.
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Version 1.0
Updated 3 June 2011
Place five 6-letter words in a grid. Word meanings are given. Some letters in words are common, shown by links on the grid.
How to Play
- Create a new puzzle using Puzzle/Create menu
- Click on a cell in the grid and enter letters to make a word. Consult meanings givens.
- Common letters can be copied using the copy command button
- Use tab key to navigate between cells
- Click verify button to check correctness of the solution
- Click shift-rightclick on puzzle to view solution
- You can also print a puzzle to solve later
Program Features
- Use program supplied two dictionaries or user created dictionaries
- Select a letter face design
- Display colour schemes
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version 1.0
Updated 18 September 2007
WordRama is a word game. You are required to move and line up letters in a line horizontal, vertical or across in a grid and make valid words. You start with an empty grid. As you make words, random letters are dropped into the grid for you to arrange and make new words. Following are the main features of this game:
- There are 5 levels in the game, level 1 being the easiest
- At the game start 4 letters will be picked from the set of 98 and dropped in the grid, and a 30 second timer will start
- You reposition the letters in order to make words; word will be checked against the dictionary for validity, invalid or duplicate words will be ignored
- Letters will be removed and recycled and letter positions in the grid are cleared
- You can continue to make words until the timer expires
- You will get a free-letter for every valid word you make; a free-letter can be used as a wild-card letter in making a word
- Score for a word is calculated using the Scrabble points system; no point is given for a free letter, Additional points are given if you make more than one word within timeout: These are 5 for 2 words, 10 for three words etc.
- At a penalty of five points you can remove a letter or swap two letters
- Program options include:
- Font name, size and colour
- Tile picture
- colour schemes
- Raised or sunken tiles
- Select your own dictionaries
- Get hints
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version 1.0
Updated 27 June 2010
Place six 4-letter words diagonally. Three 6-letter words are given as clues. User can use its own dictionaries. This puzzle is rather hard to solve.
- The puzzle has three rings and 6 diagonal lines
- Each ring has 6 letters and each diagonal has 4
- Diagonal words have a common central letter
- Purpose of the puzzle is to complete the 6 diagonal words, each word starts with a common letter
- Ring words are given as clues, the outer ring word is ready filled as hint
- Letters placed in the outer, middle and the inner rings must match with the three words given as clues
- Letters in the rings can be in any order but must match with the clue word given as clue
How to Play
- Click New Puzzle button to start a new puzzle
- A set of three 6-letter words, and the starting letter for the diagonal words are given
- Print the puzzle and its solution and solve on paper
- Puzzle can be solved on screen also:
- Click on a location and press a letter key to place a letter
- Fill all locations with letters
- Puzzle is solved when all six 4-letter words have been placed, each word diagonally starting with the given letter
- Letters placed in the outer, middle and the inner circles must match with the letters of the three ring words given as clues
Program Features
- Select a dictionary of your choice
- Set display colour schemes
- Copy puzzle and its solution to clipboard
- Print puzzles and their solutions
- Select fontname and size
- Select letter shape: circle or a square
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version 2.0
Updated 10 December 2007
A Word Search puzzle is a group of words hidden in a grid of random letters. The object of each puzzle is to find the listed hidden words. This WordSearch program creates and prints puzzle - that you may solve at your leisure with pencil and paper. Word Search puzzles are a lot of fun and a great tool to learn new words. 20,000 puzzles are provided with this program.
Program Features:
This program has preset defaults that makes it easy to create and print puzzles. However there are several advanced options that give you more control over how puzzles are created and printed. Main features of this program are:
- Grid size from 5x5 to 25x25 columns and rows. Default is a 10x10 grid. Word length can be 4 to 16 characters.
- Grid shape either rectangular or diamond
- Select the source of words to place in the puzzle - enter manually or read from a set of given dictionaries
- Define the number of words in a grid
- Define the directions of words placements
- Select whether words overlap or not
- Select words font name and size. This will allow you to create and print non-english puzzles.
- Different colour display schemes
- Import Words Lists from text files
- Construct puzzles directly from text files, like stories, articles etc
- Print puzzles
- Print jumbo puzzle - 50x50 grid with 200 hidden words
- 32 dictionaries to choose from, you can add your own
- 20,000 puzzles with solutions Download
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version 1.0
Updated 10 June 2010
Fit a set of 5,4 and 3 letter words in a given grid of 15 letters. Three clue letters are given in the grid.
How to Play
One would normally print a puzzle and solve using paper and pencil.- At the program a dictionary is loaded, supplied with the proram or a one of your choice
- A 15 letter grid is provide
- Three clue words and three letters in the grid are given as clue
- Place letters in the grid, selected from the clue words
- The clue words must be placed diagonally
- All combinations of 3,4 and 5 letters must be valid words in the dictionary
- Puzzle is solved when:
- The clue words are placed diagonally
- All 3,4,5 letter words across and down the grid are valid words from the dictionary loaded
- In order to solve on screen, leftclick on a cell and press a letter to place. Press ESC or Del to remove a letter. Cannot place a letter other than those in the clue words.
Main features of this program are:
- Six english dictionaries are provided with the program
- Create and load dictionaries of your choice:
- A dictionary is a text file containing 3,4 and 5 letter words. A dictionary file can be created using a text editor.
- A dictionary must contain enough 3,4,5 letter words to create valid puzzles quickly
- Select display colour schemes
- Select character fount and size
- Create and print puzzles in bulk
- Print puzzles, one or four per page
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version 1.0
Updated 5 January 2010
Place a set of five 4-letters words in a star grid.
Main features of this game are:
- Select a dictionary of your choice
- Use a new dictionary from a customized list of words
- Print puzzles
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- Set display colour schemes
- Set fonts
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Version 1.0
Updated 3 June 2011
WordPoker is word game of chance and word making skills. Purpose of this two player game (one played by the computer) is to make a valid five letter word from a given set of five random letters. Each player replaces its letters by drawing upto five letters from a pile until a valid word is made by the either player. Good for younger player who wish to learn new words while having fun.
How to Play
- Load a user created dictionary or use one of the two provided with the program
- Human (player 2) starts first
- Tick letters that you wish to swap
- Tick one of vowel letters, or the common stack
- Click swapletters command button
- One letter will be swapped with the vowel (if ticked) or all ticked letters will be swapped with letters from the common stack
- Human moves first, followed by the Computer (player 1)
- In order to assess whether a word can be made or not, Human player on its turn can:
- Rearrange letters within its five letters
- Randomize or rotate positions
- Rearrange letters in a selected order
- Click check word button to verify if a valid word has been made or not
- Other play options:
- Skip a turn, computer will take the next turn
- Check spelling of any word, computer will take the next turn
- Ask for a hint
Program Features
- Use program supplied two dictionaries or user created dictionaries
- Select a letter face design
- Display colour schemes
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version 1.0
Updated 15 November 2010
WordSolitaire is a word version of Microsoft Solitaire card game. A Scrabble set of letters are used as a card deck. Fifty five of the 100 Scrabble letter are distributed 10 stacks (called Working Stacks) with first stack having one, second 2 and the 10th stack having 10 letters. Remaining 45 letters are stacked as Reserve Stack. There are additional 4 stacks (called Temporary Stacks) where a letter can be placed as a temporary storage. The object of the game is to all remove letters from the Working Stacks by making valid words. Rules of the game are:
- A default or a user selected dictionary is loaded
- 55 of 100 letters A to Z (as per Scrabble count) are distributed randomly in 10 Working Stacks. Remaining 45 are put in the Reserve Stack. All letters are open.
- Four empty Temporary Stacks are given
- 55 letters are put in a Reserve Stack
- Move any number of letters from one Working Stack (source) to another Working Stack (destination). After the move, must make a word from top of the destination stack with letters 3 to 10. Turn is over once a word is made.
- Can move one letter from a Working Stack to one of the four empty Temporary Stacks. The turn continues. Only one letter can be placed in a Temporary Stacks.
- Can move one letter from a Temporary Stack to a Working stack (destination). After the move, must make a word from top of the destination stack with letters 3 to 10. Turn is over once a word is made.
- Can move one letter at any place in the Reserve Stack to a Working stack (destination). After the move, must make a word from top of the destination stack with letters 3 to 10. Turn is over once a word is made.
- The turn is not counted if letters are moved to an empty Working Stack or to a Temporary Stack
- After a turn, score is given for the word made based on Scrabble letter values. Player gets additional points equal to the length of the word made.
- Normally the computer will play as the second player and take the next turn
- Game is over when total score reaches 250
- Player 1 is human and player 2 is a computer player. Players 2 can be disabled in which case player 1 will continue taking both turns.
- Load a dictionary or use the dictionary loaded already. Click About menu to see which dictionary is loaded.
- Click Deal menu to deal a new set of letters
- Clock Left on a Working Stacks and drag selected letters to another stack and drop. Dragged letters will be added to the target stack. Now must make a work from the target stack.
- Right click on a letter in the target stack. Word complied from the letters on the right will be highlighted.
- Computer will check whether the highlighted word is a valid word. If valid, score will be given for the word made and the turn is over.
- Player 1 can skip a turn, with or without moving letters from a stack. Click Next button for this.
- Player 1 can let computer to make its move. Click AutoMove button for this.
- All words made are logged. Click ViewLog to show/hide Moves Log.
- Set Easy option in Player 2 if you don't want computer to take long time in making its move.
- Use Options to set fonts, colours and card colours of your choice
- Set card colours
- Set number fonts and size
- Set card face pictures
- Save and load games
How to Play
Program Features
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Version 1.0
Updated 16 June 2011
Change one letter at a time to go from a given 3-letter word to a target 9-letter word, in 6 steps. Can change only one letter in one step.
How to Play
- Load a dictionary of your choice from the four provided with this program: English3 to English6.
- Create a new puzzle
- Click on a letter cell and enter a letter
- Use arrow keys to navigate through cells
- Can change only one letter in one step
- Puzzle is done when all letters have been placed
- Click Check button to verify if your solution is correct
Program Features
- Print puzzles and their solutions
- Load one of the four English dictionaries
- Set display colour schemes
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Version 1.0
Updated 3 June 2011
Five letters are given each to two players. One common stack of five letters contains five vowels (AIOUE). A player on its turn can swap one of its letters with any letter of other player, or with the top letter in the common stack. Game ends when one of the player makes a valid word. Good for younger player who wish to learn new words while having fun.
How to Play
- Load a user created dictionary or use one of the two provided with the program
- Human (player 2) starts first
- Tick letters that you wish to swap
- Tick one of the other player letters, or the common stack
- Click Swap command button
- Letters will be swapped as ticked
- After a swap, the turn ends and Human player click Next button for Computer to take its turn
- In order to assess whether a word can be made or not, Human player on its turn can:
- Rearrange letters within its five letters
- Randomize or rotate positions
- Rearrange letters in a selected order
- Click check word button to verify if a valid word has been made or not
- Other play options:
- Skip a turn, by clicking Next without a swap. Computer will take the next turn.
- Check spelling of any word, computer will take the next turn
- Ask for a hint, computer will take the next turn
Program Features
- Use program supplied two dictionaries or user created dictionaries
- Select a letter face design
- Display colour schemes