Math games
These games require the Microsoft VB6 runtimes to be installed beforehand.
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version 1.0
Updated 22 September 2012
Multiply by 2 or remove a digit to get from source to a target number.
- Example: can go from 19 to 36 with sequence 19, 9, 18 and 36.
- Must multiply by 2 at lease once during the sequence
- Intermediate numbers cannot be more than 999
Program Features
Main features of this program are:- Create new puzzles or solve existing ones
- Create single or multiple puzzles
- Select a multiplier, 2 to 9; default is 2
- Print single or multiple puzzles
- Export puzzles in text format
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- Set display colour schemes
- Use one of 20,000 ready made puzzles 222Kb
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version 1.0
Updated 4 September 2012
Find the number of B's in a hexagon. Sum of B's surrounding a hexagon is given. There can be a maximum of three B's in a hexagon. Puzzle size can be 4x4 to 12x12 hexagons. 20,000 readymade puzzles are provided with this program.
How to Solve
- Create a new puzzle or select one from 20,000 puzzles provided
- Normally one would print a puzzle and solve on paper
- Total of surrounding B's is shown in each hexagon
- Move mouse over a hexagon and click one, two or three B's to place 1,2 or 3 Bs in a hexagon
- Or right click on a hexagon to place 1,2 or 3 B's consecutively
- Press Escape to clear all B's
- Can also use arrow keys to navigate
- As you place B's, the total sum of B's in adjacent hexagons will be updated and displayed
- Puzzle is solved when your sum of B's in a hexagon matches with the sum given
- Click check solution button to verify your solution
- 20,000 puzzles are provided Download
Program Features
- 4x4 to 12x12 grid size. Puzzle size with more than 81 hexagons may take some time to create.
- Create grid patterns by hiding cells
- Print single or multiple puzzles
- Print and solve from 20,000 puzzles provided
- Select display colour schemes
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version 1.0
Updated 1 December 2013
Fill numbers 0 to 9 around a circle. Sum of any two adjacent numbers is equal to the sum of the two numbers at opposite ends. Each puzzle has a unique solution that can be reached by logic alone without any guesswork. Some cell values are given as hints.
Program Features
Main features of this program are:- Create and save new puzzles
- See a step-wise solution of a puzzle
- Print single or multiple puzzles. Puzzles printed by this program are for personal use only.
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- Set display colour schemes
- Use one of 7,000 ready made puzzles 35Kb. These puzzles are for personal use only - cannot be published or distributed in any shape or form.
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Version 1.0
Updated 12 June 2008
Connect is a variation of the Number Link puzzle (by Nikoli - 2006).
The player has to connect a node (a circle) with a number using as many cells as the number. Count of cells used includes the circle and the number as well. The lines cannot branch off or cross over each other, and the numbers have to fall at one end and the circle at the other. All cells must be filled with line and there is only one unique solution for a puzzle. 20,000 Puzzles provided with this program have unique solutions. Program handles puzzle size 5x5 to 16x16.
Generally Connect puzzles are rather easy to solve - size 8x8 and below in particular. Nevertheless they are good fun to try. This program will generate puzzles that have unique solutions. Caution - puzzle size 12x12 and above may take some time to generate.
How to Play
- Leftclick mouse on a cell and drag mouse to the new location
- Release leftclick to draw a line
- A line can only be vertical or horizontal
- Can draw a line in many horizontal and vertical segments if necessary
- Cannot cross lines
- Cannot draw a line through a number or a circle
- Must connect one number with one circle only
- Each puzzle has a unique solution
Program Options
- Select line, number and circle colours of your choice
- Use circle or a rectangle as a node
- Save and reload puzzles
- Print puzzles and their solutions
- Use one of 20,000 puzzles or let program create one at random
- Set display colour schemes
- 20,000 puzzles with solutions Download
- Set display colour schemes
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version 1.0
Updated 22 September 2012
Fill a grid such that cross cells at any location are in sequence. Cross cells are left and right, and, top and bottom of a cell. Sequence is a mathematical sequence like 1,2,3 or 4,6,8 or 1,5,9 etc. There are no duplicate numbers in any row or any column of the grid. Some cells are given and some may be blacked out (not part of a sequence). Puzzle size is 5x5 to 9x9. Each puzzle has a unique solution that can be reached by logic alone without any guesswork.
Program Features
Main features of this program are:- Create new puzzles, grid size 5x5 to 9x9
- Create and save puzzles
- Autosolve a puzzle with a log of solution steps
- Save solution log
- Print single or multiple puzzles
- Export puzzles in text format
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- Set display colour schemes
- Use one of 20,000 ready made puzzles 540Kb
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Version 1.0
Updated 5 January 2010
Find the number of black circles around a cell (a hexagon) matching the number inside the cell. Each cell has a number 1 to 4. Black circles around a cell must be linked. Five black circles are given as hint for an easy puzzle while a hard puzzle has three hints only.
Program Features
- Create single or multiple puzzles of difficulty Easy or Hard
- Solve on-screen or print and solve on paper
- Print single or multiple puzzles
- Unlimited undos
- Save and load saved puzzles
- Select display colours and options
- 20,000 puzzles with solutions Download
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Version 1.0
Updated 21 July 2009
Equator is a Sudoku clone where the grid is segmented into a number of Areas. Clues appear in each Area, each Clue being a result of mathematical operations on the numbers contained in that Area. You are required to fill the grid with numbers 1 to 9 (for a 9x9 grid) given the following rules:
- Clues in each area must be satisfied
- No duplicate numbers in a row or a column
- Some numbers in the grid are already shown as givens
Program Options
- Create puzzles with random or given grid size
- Create puzzles with a preset layout of Areas
- Edit existing puzzles
- Preset Difficulty Levels for new puzzles
- Import and solve puzzles from other sources
- Verify uniqueness of puzzle solution
- Solve puzzles on screen
- Get and apply hints
- Auto solve a puzzle in one shot or step-wise, program will explain how a puzzle was solved
- Unlimited undos
- Zoom and pan for an enlarged view of the grid
- Select foreground and background colours of numbers and grid lines
- Create and save puzzles in bulk
- Explore a puzzle file and select a specific puzzle to load
- Print puzzles and their solutions in different page layouts
- 20,000 puzzles with solutions Download
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version 1.0
Updated 10 August 2012
Fillomino is a logic puzzle published by Nikoli. Fillomino is played on a rectangular grid with no standard size; the internal grid lines are often dotted. Object of solving the puzzle is to place numbers into the empty cells so that the grid is divided into regions of cells all containing the exact same number. Each region must contain exactly as many cells as the number that it contains. Two regions of the same size cannot touch each other, either vertically or horizontally. At least one or 2(optional) numbers in a region are displayed. Puzzle size can be 5x5 to 20x20 rectangular like 12x12, 5x20 or 20x10 etc. 20,000 readymade puzzles are provided with this program.
How to Solve
- Create a new puzzle or select one from 20,000 puzzles provided
- Normally one would print a puzzle and solve on paper
- Move mouse over a cell and enter number (1-9)
- Can also rightclick to enter a number
- Can enter more than one digit in a cell as reminder of potential solutions
- Continue solution while updating pencils
- Click check solution button to verify your solution
- 20,000 puzzles are provided Download
Program Features
- 5x5 to 20x20 grid size. Puzzle size with more than 256 cells may take some time to create.
- Create grid patterns by hiding cells
- Print single or multiple puzzles
- Print and solve from 20,000 puzzles provided
- Select display colour schemes
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Version 1.0
Updated 1 September 2009
FlipFour is a simple math puzzle. A set of white and black cells with numbers are given. When flipped, a white number will turn to black and vice versa. You must flip four cells to get a given sum for all white numbers. Each puzzle has a unique solution. Puzzles come in 9 different sizes. This puzzle appears deceptively easy but require considerable mental maths to solve. This is how you solve a puzzle on screen:
- Examine the numbers displayed, with white or black background
- Now consider how to get a required sum of white numbers
- Certain whites may have to be flipped to black (for not to be included in the sum) or some blacks should be whites (to get added to the sum)
- Then click on a cell to flip, a black number will flip to white and vice versa. Sum of the white numbers will be updated accordingly.
- You must flip four different cells (no less no more). For example if in a puzzle, the current and the required sum of white cells is same, user cannot click a cell four times to solve.
- Click on any place outside the grid to undo a flip
- Running total is given at the bottom right of the window
- You can also use arrow keys to get to a cell and press Spacebar or Return to flip the colour. Press Delete undo the previous flip.
- Puzzle is solved when after four flips all the white numbers add up to the required sum
- 3,000 puzzles with solutions are provided with this program Download
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version 1.0
Updated 22 September 2012
Fill a 3x3 grid with numbers 1 to 9. Sum of four adjacent cells are given. Each puzzle has a unique solution that can be reached by logic alone without any guesswork. Sujiko and Suko puzzles, created by Jai Kobayaashi Gomer, are special cases of a FourSum puzzle. This program can create as well solve existing FourSum puzzles. Program will detect and show multiple solutions if any for an imported puzzle.
Program Features
Main features of this program are:- Create new puzzles with none upto 3 cells given as hint, and with or without colour zones. Puzzles without a hint cell and no colour zone will obviously be hardest to solve.
- Create and save new puzzles
- Print single or multiple puzzles. Puzzles printed by this program are for personal use only.
- Import and solve Sujiko or Suko puzzles
- Detect and show multiple solutions of imported puzzles
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- Set display colour schemes
- Use one of 20,000 ready made puzzles 231Kb. These puzzles are for personal use only - cannot be published or distributed in any shape or form.
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version 1.0
Updated 22 September 2012
FourSumSuper a Latin Square puzzle. Fill nine 3x3 areas of a 9x9 grid with numbers 1 to 9 such that there are no duplicate numbers in any row, column or an area, like a Sudoku puzzle. Sums of four adjacent cells are given. Some cells are also given as hints. Each puzzle has a unique solution that can be reached by logic alone without any guesswork.
- Create and save new puzzles
- Print single or multiple puzzles. Puzzles printed by this program are for personal use only.
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- Set display colour schemes
- Use one of 20,000 ready made puzzles 930Kb. These puzzles are for personal use only - cannot be published or distributed in any shape or form.
Program Features
Main features of this program are:FutoShiki V2
Download v2
Updated 14 December 2006
25,000 puzzles of size 3x3 to 9x9
FutoShiki puzzle is normally played on a 5x5 grid. The objective is to place the numbers 1 to 5 in each row, ensuring that each column also only contains the digits 1 to 5. Some digits are given at the start. In addition, constraints are also specified between some of the squares, such that one number is higher or lower than its neighbor. These constraints must be met as the grid is filled out.
- Create new puzzles manually or automatically. Automatic creation offers unique puzzle each time with different levels of difficulty.
- Solve existing puzzles manually or let program solve it.
- Save puzzles
- Print puzzles and solutions
New in Version 2:
- Puzzle size 3x3 to 9x9
- Different levels of difficulty
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version 1.0
Updated 15th November 2009
Align numbers by rotating gears. Four numbers are marked on each gear: left, right, top and bottom. Objective of the game is to get the top numbers on the gears same as the target numbers. One can:
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version 1.0
Updated 7th March 2007
Hashiwokakero is played on a rectangular grid with no standard size, although the grid itself is not usually drawn. Some cells start out with (usually encircled) numbers from 1 to 8 inclusive; these are the islands. The rest of the cells are empty. The goal is to connect all of the islands into a single connected group by drawing a series of bridges between the islands. The bridges must follow the criteria below:
- They must begin and end at distinct islands, traveling in a straight line in between
- They must not cross any other bridges or islands
- They may only up/down or across
- At most two bridges connect a pair of islands
- The number of bridges connected to each island must match the number on that island
This program helps you solve existing Hashiwokakero puzzles as well as create new ones. Main features of this program are:
- Create new puzzles manually or automatically; automatic creation offers puzzles with different grid sizes from 7x7 to 25x25
- Solve existing puzzles manually or let program solve it
- Save puzzles as bitmap files
- Print puzzles and solutions
- Display options include: circular or square islands, island size and display color schemes
- Puzzle size limitation of 7x7 to a maximum 25 rows and 25 columns
- 20,000 puzzles with varying levels of difficulty and solutions are provided. Download
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Version 1.0
Updated 31 October 2009
Fill each hexagon with numbers 1 to 6. Touching cells across two hexagons must have same number. Some numbers are already fixed.
Program Features
- Create single or multiple puzzles with Easy or Hard difficulty level
- Solve on-screen or print and solve on paper
- Print single or multiple puzzles
- Unlimited undos
- Save and load saved puzzles
- Select display colours and options
- 20,000 puzzles with solutions Download
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version 1.0
Updated 22 September 2012
Fill each hexagon with numbers 1 to 6. Two numbers at touching sides must add up to 7.
How to Play
Create and print a puzzle and solve at your leisure. Puzzle can also be solved on screen.Program Features
- Print single or multiple puzzles
- Print and solve from 20,000 puzzles provided
- Select display colour schemes
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- 20,000 puzzles are provided Download
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version 1.0
Updated 21 August 2006
Download 20,000 puzzles
This program helps you solve existing Heyawake puzzles as well as create new ones. Heyawake is another Japanese number puzzle (yes another one). Heyawake is played on a rectangular grid of cells with no standard size; the grid is divided into variously sized rectangular "rooms" by bold lines following the edges of the cells. Some rooms may contain a single number, typically printed in their upper-left cell; as originally designed, every room was numbered, but this is rarely necessary for solving and is no longer followed. Some of the cells in the puzzle are to be painted black; the object of the puzzle is to determine for each cell if it must be painted or must be left blank (remaining white). Main features of this program are: In this program you can:
- Create new puzzles manually or automatically. Automatic creation offers unique puzzle each time with different levels of difficulty. This program has a puzzle size limitation of maximum 16 rows and 16 columns.
- Solve existing puzzles manually or let program solve it.
- Save puzzles
- Print puzzles and solutions
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version 1.0
Updated 1 February 2006
Download 20,000 puzzles
This programs solves existing Hitori puzzles as well as creates new ones. Hitori is mathematical game where a square grid is filled with numbers. Some numbers in a row or a column are duplicated. The object of the game is to locate these duplicates and mark them blank, given the following three rules:
- Numbers may never appear more than once in each row or column
- Black cells are never adjacent in a row or a column
- Empty cells create a single continuous area, undivided by black cells
This program has a puzzle size limitation of maximum 17 rows and 17 columns.
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version 1.0
Updated 7 January 2006
Download 20,000 puzzles
This programs helps you solve existing KaKuRo puzzles as well as create new ones. KaKuRo (or Cross Sums) is a puzzle that is solved much like a crossword puzzle, using digits instead of letters. Where an entry in a regular crossword may form a word, the digits in a Cross Sums entry add up to a sum. The sums, or clues, are embedded in a shaded square of the puzzle. The top right number is the across sum while the bottom right number is a down sum. Only the digits 1 through 9 are used and no digit may appear more than once in any sum. The object of the puzzle is to insert a digit from 1 to 9 inclusive into each non-shaded cell such that the sum of the numbers in each entry matches the sum associated with it and that no digit is duplicated in any entry.
Main features of this program are:
- Manually solve existing Puzzles
- Auto Solve existing puzzles
- Create and save new Puzzles
- Compile new Puzzles from existing layouts
- Print single or multiple puzzles
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Version 1.0
Updated 3 June 2011
Line up numbers 123... Use arrow keys to shift columns and rows of numbers. Grid size is 3x3 to 9x9.
How to Play
Use arrow keys to shift columns and rows of numbers
Program Features
- Grid size 3x3 to 9x9
- Auto solve
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Version 1.0
Updated 13 February 2012
LatinLink is a Latin Square puzzle size 4x4 to 9x9. A puzzle has 9 rows (for a 9x9 puzzle), 9 columns and 9 links. Fill each Row, each Column and each Link with number 1 to 9 (for a 9x9 puzzle). No duplicate numbers in any Row, Column or a Link. 20,000 readymade puzzles are provided with this program. Generally a LatinLink puzzle will be easier than a standard Sudoku puzzle. All LatinLink puzzles can be solved by logic alone without any guesswork. A special case of a 9x9 LatinLink puzzle is where links are confined to nine 3x3 areas; this would be a Sudoku puzzle. 4x4 puzzles are very easy; good for younger players to understand Latin Squares.
- Grid: 9x9 squares containing 81 cells down to 4x4 squares in a 4x4 puzzle
- Cell: A single square that contains one number in the grid
- Row: A horizontal line of 9, 8, 7, 6, 5 or 4 cells for a 9x9, 8x8, 7x7, 6x6, 5x5 or a 4x4 puzzle
- Column: A vertical line of 9, 8, 7, 6, 5 or 4 cells for a 9x9, 8x8, 7x7, 6x6, 5x5 or a 4x4 puzzle
- Link: A continuous sequence of connected cells
The objective is to fill the grid with numbers from 1 to N (for a NxN puzzle) in a way that each Row, Column and a Link contains each number exactly onceHow to Solve
- Create a new puzzle or select one from 20,000 puzzles provided.
- Normally one would print a puzzle and solve on paper
- Examine each zone and narrow down possible candidates for solution
- Fill in candidates
- Apply LatinLink rules and eliminate candidates as seen fit given that there are no duplicates in a Row, Column or a Link
- Puzzle can also be solved on screen:
- Create a new puzzle or load from one of the 20,000 ready made provided
- Click Updatepencils to find possible cell candidates (pencil marks)
- Move mouse over a cell and enter number 1 to 9 as your guess
- Can enter more than one digit in a cell as reminder of potential solutions
- Continue solution while updating pencils
- Click check solution button to verify your solution
- You can let computer show you solution stepwise
How to navigate
- Move mouse over a cell and enter a number
- Can enter more than one digit in a cell as reminder of potential solutions
- Use arrow keys to navigate through cells. Place mouse cursor outside the grid for ease of navigation when using arrow keys.
- Click Updatepencils button or press F2 to recalculate pencil marks
- Right click on a cell or press F3 to place current pencil mark in the cell
Program Features
- 9x9 to 4x4 grid size
- Create and save new puzzles
- Creat special case 9x9 LatinLink puzzles where links are confined to nine 3x3 areas; these would be Sudoku puzzles
- Print single or multiple puzzles
- Print and solve from 20,000 puzzles provided
- Let computer show you the solution stepwise
- Select display colour schemes
- Print and solve from 20,000 puzzles provided Download
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version 1.0
Updated 20 June 2012
LatinOrder is a Latin Square puzzle size 8x8. Fill each Row, each Column and each Link with number 1 to 8: no duplicate numbers in any Row or a Column. Sixteen nodes have 'order' clues, indicating how a set of three cells around a node are ordered. Three cells are shown linked starting with a small square to ending with a large square. The values in the three cells must be in the increasing order, from small to large square. Some cells are fixed. Puzzle size can be 4x4, 6x6 or 8x8. 20,000 readymade puzzles are provided with this program.
How to Play
Select puzzle size. Then create and print a puzzle and solve at your leisure. Puzzle can also be solved on screen. Click a cell to set/clear black.Program Features
- Create a new puzzle or load from one of the 20,000 ready made provided
- Click Updatepencils to find possible cell candidates (pencil marks)
- Move mouse over a cell and enter number 1 to 8 as your guess
- Can enter more than one digit in a cell as reminder of potential solutions
- Continue solution while updating pencils
- Click check solution button to verify your solution
- 20,000 puzzles are provided Download
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version 1.0
Updated 24 July 2008
This is a popular game with younger children traveling in a car. You pickup number plate of a car passing by, take first six numbers and add, subtract these to get a total of 9. This program simulates that game. A good exercise in mental maths.
How to Play
- Click Next to start a new game
- Six digits will then be given for you to make number 9 using the following rules:
- Left click on a number to be used in a calculation
- Click on + and - sign to select addition or subtraction, result will be calculated and displayed
- Right click on a number to undo its inclusion in a calculation
- Must use each number once and once only
- Can only add or subtract numbers, no multiplications or divisions
- Cannot have zero or negative numbers as answers
- Can use an intermediate result in calculations
- There could be several solutions to a puzzle
- Scoring is based on the number of puzzles solved within a time limit of three minutes
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version 1.0
Updated 21 July 2004
A magic square is an arrangement of the numbers from 1 to n^2 (n-squared) in an nxn matrix, with each number occurring exactly once, and such that the sum of the entries of any row, any column, or any main diagonal is the same. It is not hard to show that this sum must be n(n^2+1)/2.
Sometimes the magic squares above are called 'normal' squares, where cells are filled with numbers 1 to n for a grid of size n. Another set of magic squares is where a cell may be filled with any number, with the sum of rows, columns and diagonals being a pre-selected number.
This program computes 'normal' as well as the 'variable' types of magic squares. Following options are provided:
- Grid Size can be 3 to 50. Note that larger grid sizes will take a long time to solve
- Solve - Auto, computer will calculate the MagicSquare. For variable magic squares, the program uses a combination of random guesses and solution of equations in order to arrive at a solution quickly. Each variable magic square solution is likely to be different. For normal squares a combination of La Loubere and LUX methods are used
- Solve - Manual, a blank grid is presented for user to enter numbers in the grid and solve the puzzle. Right click on a cell to a get drop-down menu for manipulating cell values
- Print - Print the solution and the empty grid for attempting solution on paper. Maximum grid Size that can be printed is 30
- Many more interesting options
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version 2.0
Updated 24 November 2005
The purpose of this challenging game is to make a number from a set of six numbers.
The computer selects the number that you are required to make along with six other numbers. You select any two numbers and apply addition, subtraction, multiplication or division to get an answer. This answer is added to the set of remaining numbers. You repeat this process until the desired answer is obtained.
In order to make 468 from 1,22,34,7,13,25 one solution would be:
- 7 + 13 = 20
- 25 - 1 = 24
- 20 * 24 = 480
- 480 + 22 = 502
- 502 - 34 = 468
Note that you may use a number only once. You may use the required number for intermediate calculations. In order to select a number click left-mouse-button on the number Click on + - / or * for mathematical operations. All six numbers must be used for the target.
The updated version has auto solution by computer and user can specify a puzzle for computer to solve.
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version 1.0
Updated 14 May 2007
Masyu is played on a rectangular grid of squares, some of which contain circles; each circle is either white or black. The goal is to draw a single continuous non-intersecting loop that properly passes through all circled cells. Rules of the puzzle are:
- Make a single loop. Lines must pass through the centers of cells horizontally or vertically and never cross, branch off, or go through the same cells twice.
- Lines must pass through all cells containing black and white circles.
- Lines passing through a white circle cell must go straight through the cell, then make a right-angled turn in the very next cell (on at least one side of the white circle cell).
- Lines passing through a black circle cell must make a right angled turn immediately, in the black circle cell, then go straight for the next two cells.
This program helps you solve existing Masyu puzzles as well as create new ones. Main features of this program are:
- Create new puzzles manually or automatically; automatic creation offers puzzles with different grid sizes from 6x6 to 20x20, with maximum Rows x Columns limit of 256.
- Solve existing puzzles manually or let program solve it
- Create new puzzles interactively or in bulk
- Save puzzles as Ascii or bitmap files
- Print puzzles and solutions
- 20,000 puzzles with solutions Download
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Version 1.0
Updated 15 January 2012
Mathdoku is a variation of Sudoku/Kakuro puzzle. A total of 36 calculated numbers in the 36 3-cell areas around the puzzle are given. Each calculated number is a result of addition/subtraction of related three cells. Each cell has a plus or a minus sign assigned indicating how the cell is used in the calculation. 20,000 readymade puzzles are provided with this program.
- Grid: 9x9 squares containing 81 cells
- Cell: A single square that contains one number in the grid
- Row: A horizontal line of 9 cells
- Column: A vertical line of 9 cells
- Box: A 3�3 grid of cells, total 9 boxes in the grid
- Area: Three consecutive cells in a row or a column at the edge of the grid
Objective of the Game
The objective is to fill the grid with numbers from 1 to 9 such that:- Each row, column, and box contains each number exactly once
- The calculation result of the three numbers in an area must match the number given at the periphery of the grid
How to Solve
- Create a new puzzle or select one from 20,000 puzzles provided
- Normally one would print a puzzle and solve on paper
- Examine the calculation numbers around the puzzle and narrow down possible candidates for solution
- Fill in candidates
- Apply Sudoku rules and eliminate candidates as seen fit:
- No duplicates in a row or a column
- No duplicates in any of the nine 3x3 boxes
- Addition or subtraction of area numbers match the calculation result given
- Puzzle can also be solved on screen:
- Create a new puzzle or load from one of the 20,000 ready made provided
- Click Updatepencils to find possible cell candidates (pencil marks)
- Move mouse over a cell and enter number 1 to 9 as your guess
- Examine candidates and calculated results at the periphery; locate singles
- Continue solution while updating pencils
- Click check solution button to verify your solution
How to navigate
- Move mouse over a cell and enter a number
- Can enter more than one digit in a cell as reminder of potential solutions
- Use arrow keys to navigate through cells. Place mouse cursor outside the grid for ease of navigation when using arrow keys.
- Click Updatepencils button or press F2 to recalculate pencil marks
- Right click on a cell or press F3 to place current pencil mark in the cell
- Move mouse over a number at the periphery - cells contributing to the calculated number will be highlighted. This option can be disabled.
- Rightclick over a number at the periphery - candidate numbers contributing to the calculated number will be highlighted
Program Features
- Create and save puzzles
- Print single or multiple puzzles
- Print and solve from 20,000 puzzles provided Download
- Select display colour schemes
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Version 1.0
Updated 18 August 2009
MathiX is a puzzle based on a Latin Square. A square grid must be filled with numbers 1 to 9 (for a 9x9 grid) with no duplication in row or columns. Mathematical clues are provided at the intersection of selected squares. A Clue is a symbol (one of +-x/EO=) followed by a number; for example +10, /2, x6, Even, or Odd. For a given clue all four cells at its intersection must meet the clue requirements. Some cells in the grid may already have values given. Puzzles come in size 4x4 to 9x9. Each puzzle has a unique solution.
- Clues in each area must be satisfied
- No duplicate numbers in a row or a column
- Some numbers in the grid are already shown as givens
Using Clues
A Clue is a mathematical operator at the intersection of four squares in the grid. The operator determines the relationship between four numbers at the corners of the clue. For example (M is mathematical operation and v is a value):+---+---+ + A + B + +--Mv---+ + C + D + +---+---+If clue Mv is:
Program Options
- Create puzzles with random or given grid size
- Solve puzzles on screen
- Auto solve a puzzle in one shot or step-wise, program will explain how a puzzle was solved
- Unlimited undos
- Zoom and pan for an enlarged view of the grid
- Select foreground and background colours of numbers and grid lines
- Create and save puzzles in bulk
- Copy puzzle and solution to clipboard
- Save Puzzle or a Solution to bmp or gif image file
- Explore a puzzle file and select a specific puzzle to load
- Print puzzles and their solutions in different page layouts
- 20,000 puzzles with solutions Download
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version 1.0
Updated 4 June 2010
Draw a path from a Start node to an End node using mathematical operations on numbers in the grid. This puzzle is suitable for younger users who want to practice mental maths while enjoying the challenge of a puzzle.
How to Play
- Link the start node and the end node using a single continuous path
- Start and end nodes are at the edge of the grid
- A hint node is given, the path must go through the hint node
- A node is a number shown in rectangle or a circle
- A path is established by linking a node to its neighboring node:
- A neighboring node is the next node: left, right, up or down
- Can move from a node to the next node if that link is valid
- A valid link means that there is a mathematical relationship between the current node, the destination node and the number in the middle
Main features of this program are:
- Four to ten grid size
- Create new puzzles of given sizes
- Create new puzzles with selected Start and End nodes sides
- Undo moves
- Let computer show the solution
- Select colour schemes and node shapes
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Version 1.0
Updated 12 January 2012
MoreorLessSudoku is a variation of Sudoku puzzle. Puzzle gives relationship between neighboring cell values as hint. A cell value can be more or less than its four (or two in outer rows and columns) neighbors. Symbols > or < are displayed for this purpose. All standard Sudoku rules apply. 20,000 readymade puzzles are provided with this program.
How to Play
- Normally one would print a puzzle and solve on paper
- Examine the board and find possible candidates for solution. Consider some examples below:
+-\/-+ | A | +-\/-+ | 8 | +-/\-+ A must be 9 +-\/-+-\/-+ | B < 2 | +-\/-+-/\ + B must be 1 +-\/-+-\/-+ | C < 7 | +-\/-+-/\ + C can be 12345 or 6 +-\/-+-\/-+-\/-+-\/-+ | D < 4 > 2 > 1 | +-\/-+-/\ +-\/-+-\/-+ D must be 3
- Fill in candidates
- Apply Sudoku rules and eliminate candidates as seen fit:
- No duplicates in a row or a column
- No duplicates in any of the nine 3x3 boxes
- Puzzle can also be solved on screen:
- Create a new puzzle or load from one of the 20,000 ready made provided
- Click Updatepencils to find possible cell candidates (pencil marks)
- Move mouse over a cell and enter number 1 to 9 as your guess
- Examine candidates and more or less relationships; locate singles
- Continue solution while updating pencils
- Click check solution button to verify your solution
- How to navigate
- Move mouse over a cell and enter a number
- Can enter more than one digit in a cell as reminder of potential solutions
- Use arrow keys to navigate through cells; place mouse cursor outside the grid for ease of navigation
- Click UpdatePencils button or press F2 to recalculate pencil marks
- Right click on a cell or press F3 to place current pencil mark in the cell
Program Features
- Create and save puzzles
- Print single or multiple puzzles
- Print and solve from 20,000 puzzles provided Download
- Select display colour schemes
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version 1.0
Updated 14 May 2008
This program is a simple game using a board layout based on Nash equilibrium (named after John Forbes Nash, who proposed it). This game is not about demonstrating the equilibrium theory or its application. Nevertheless some principles of the equilibrium theory would apply when you play this game against the computer.
Board Layout
A 3x3 matrix contains nine numbers distributed randomly. Player 1 has numbers 1 to 9 in the bottom left while player 2 numbers 1 to 9 are in the to right corner of a cell.
Objective of the Game
Players 1 and 2 move alternatively. Purpose of this game is for a player to maximise its score.
How to Play
- Player 1 start first by selecting a one of the three rows
- Once a row is selected, player 2 must select a column in that row
- Player 2 then selects a column:
- If player 2 selects same column as the row number (eg column 3 if row 3 was selected by player 1) then the respective numbers in the common row/column are added to player scores and game ends
- If player 2 selects a column (eg column 1 in row 2 selected by player 1), numbers at the intersection row and column are added to player scores
- Game continues and player 1 selects another row - then step 2 above follows ...
Program Options
- Select player types: manual or computer. User can play player 1 or 2 but player 1 always starts the game
- Select how a game ends:
- When same row/column are selected (default and normal mode)
- When only one cell is left. This game would last longer.
- Board and player colours
- Pause at computer moves
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version 1.0
Updated 6 June 2008
A small but tough puzzle. The layout is that there are three numbers at the top and three rows of 4 numbers each underneath. Each of the three rows has an empty cell. You are required to align three empty cells under one of the three numbers at the top. The number will drop down the empty column if the number is greater than or equal to numbers on the left and right of the empty column. Game ends when you drop down all three numbers.
How to Play
You can rotate rows and columns covering 12 numbers and three spaces. Your aim is to align numbers on the left and right of an empty column so that the number at the top may be dropped down. Note that a number can be dropped down the empty column if the number is greater than or equal to numbers on the left and right of the empty column.- Click the control button on the right of a row of numbers. Left click to rotate left and right click to rotate right.
- Click the control button at the bottom to rotate a column up or down. Left click to rotate down and right click to rotate up.
- When an empty column has been aligned beneath a number at the top, click the control above the top number. Number will drop if it is greater than or equal to numbers on the left and right of the empty column.
- Game ends when all three numbers at the top have been dropped
- Each puzzle has a valid solution
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version 1.0
Updated 22 September 2012
Fill numbers 1 to 9 in nine cells. Math operations add, subtract, divide and multiply join values together. Two of nine solution values and one result are given as hints.
Program Features
Main features of this program are:- Create and save new puzzles
- See a step-wise solution of a puzzle
- Print single or multiple puzzles. Puzzles printed by this program are for personal use only.
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- Set display colour schemes
- Use one of 10,000 ready made puzzles 38Kb. These puzzles are for personal use only - cannot be published or distributed in any shape or form.
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version 1.0
Updated 22 September 2012
Fill numbers 1 to 9 in nine cells. Math operations join two values into a third value as result. Math operation on two linked values can be Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, Average, and Greater Than. Two math results are given as hints. Each puzzle has a unique solution solved by logic alone (no guesswork).
Program Features
Main features of this program are:- Create and save new puzzles
- Print single or multiple puzzles. Puzzles printed by this program are for personal use only.
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- Set display colour schemes
- Use one of 3,000 ready made puzzles 18Kb. These puzzles are for personal use only - cannot be published or distributed in any shape or form.
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version 1.0
Updated 26 March 2008
Break the lock combination and make four numbers from a set of eight numbers and four plus and minus. Given numbers are on two circles, four horizontal and four vertical, and signs are on one circle in the middle. A pair of numbers and a plus/minus sign are aligned forming an equation and a resulting number. Rotate circles - and numbers and signs on them to get four target numbers. Like a locker combination there is only one unique set of locations that will give the desired four numbers. Use your spare time to stretch your mental math capabilities.
How to Play
- Left click on a number or a sign to rotate all numbers and signs on the circle to left. Resulting numbers will be recalculated.
- Right click on a number or a sign to rotate all numbers and signs on the circle to right. Resulting numbers will be recalculated.
- All games are solvable
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version 1.0
Updated 7 June 2007
NoNeighbors is a Suduko look alike with some subtle differences. This puzzle has following rules:
- A puzzle has a 9x9 grid
- Each row and each column must be filled with numbers 1 to 9; no duplicate numbers in a row or a column
- Neighboring cells cannot have neighboring numbers.
- Left, top, right or bottom numbers around a cell cannot have numbers +1 or -1 of the number in the cell.
- For example if a cell has value 5, none of the left, top, right or bottom cells can have numbers 4 or 6.
- Neighboring numbers for 1 will be 2 and 9, and for 9 will be 1 and 8.
- Following is a list of neighboring numbers:
1=2 and 9; 2=1 and 3; 3=2 and 4; 4=3 and 5; 5=4 and 6; 6=5 and 7; 7=6 and 8; 8=7 and 9; 9=1 and 8
This program helps you solve existing noneighbors puzzles as well as create new ones. Main features of this program are:
- Create new puzzles manually or automatically; automatic creation offers puzzles with different levels of difficulty
- Solve existing puzzles manually
- Create new puzzles one at a time or in bulk
- Save puzzles as Ascii or bitmap files
- Print puzzles and solutions
- 20,000 puzzles with solutions Download
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Version 1.0
Updated 4 July 2008
You are required to adjust a series of numbers to be in sequence. Numbers are adjusted by taking away 1 or 2 from one cell and transferring to another. A numbers in a cell must be taken away only once. However, numbers can be added to a cell more than once. 20,000 puzzles with solutions are provided with this program.
How to Play
During play you try to sequence the numbers by taking away and adding numbers from one cell to another:- A puzzle will comprise 4 to 10 cells.
- Cell numbers must be adjusted to number 1 at left increasing by one to number N at right, where N is the number of cells
- Left click on a cell, move mouse over to another cell and left click again. Source cell value will be reduced by one and target cell value increased by one.
- Right click on a cell, move mouse over to another cell and left click again. Source cell value will be reduced by two and target cell value increased by two.
- A cell value can be reduced by one or two, and once only
- A cell value can be increased multiple times
- All cells must be used
Program Options
- Save and reload puzzles
- Create puzzles with random or selected number of cells
- Set display colour schemes
- 20,000 puzzles with solutions Download
- Set display colour schemes
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Version 1.0
Updated 13 July 2008
You are required to adjust a series of numbers to be in sequence. Numbers are adjusted by taking away 1 from one cell and adding it to one of its neighbouring cells. A numbers must be added to a cell once only. However, numbers can be removed from a cell more than once. 20,000 puzzles with solutions are provided with this program.
How to Play
During play you try to sequence the numbers by taking away and adding numbers from one cell to another:- A puzzle will comprise 3x3 to 9x9 grid
- Each cell has a random number, maximum number being the grid size
- Cell numbers must be adjusted such that row 1 of the grid has number 1 in all columns, 2 in row 2 and n in the last where n is the grid size. For example in a puzzle of size 7x7 the last row must have 7 in all columns.
- Left click on a cell, move mouse over to a neighbouring cell (left, top, right or bottom) and left click again. Source cell value will be reduced by one and target cell value increased by one.
- A value can be added to cell only once while values can be deducted multiple times
- A value must be added to each cell in the grid
Program Options
- Save and reload puzzles
- Create puzzles with random or selected number of cells
- Set display colour schemes
- 20,000 puzzles with solutions Download
- Set display colour schemes
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version 1.0
Updated 23 January 2007
Welcome to nTangle: Untangle a web of intersecting lines, from very easy to very hard. A simple and relaxing way to pass your time.
Download More than 20,000 puzzles with varying level of difficultyThis is how you play:
- Set the number of nodes (8 to 128) and click Generate, a new tangled puzzle will be created
- Click and drag each node, tangled lines connected to the node will move
- Reposition the nodes to untangle lines
The following program options are provided:
- Specify puzzle size: fixed, range, above or below a specified number of nodes
- Create new puzzle, each puzzle is unique
- Create multiple puzzles and save to a file
- Append new puzzle to existing puzzle files
- Save new puzzles, 20,000 puzzles are provided with this program
- Load new puzzle files
- Select a puzzle to tackle from a file
- Zoom in and out of tangled lines to get more space to work with
- Adjust puzzle location to focus on a specific area of a puzzle
- Get status of untangled lines; shown in green
- Set different color schemes
- Adjust the size and color of dots and lines
- Let computer untangle a puzzle
- Undo your moves
- See bubble help for different command buttons
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Version 1.0
Updated 30 May 2008
Number Link is a Japanese logic puzzle published by Nikoli (2006).
The player has to pair up all the matching numbers on the grid with single continuous lines (or 'paths'). The lines cannot branch off or cross over each other, and the numbers have to fall at the end of each line (i.e. not in the middle). All cells must be filled with line and there is only one unique solution for a puzzle. Fans of Sudoku, Kakuro, Hashi and the like are sure to find this logic puzzle a refreshing challenge! 20,000 Puzzles provided with this program have unique solutions. Program handles puzzle size 5x5 to 16x16.
Generally NumberLink puzzles are rather easy to solve - size 8x8 and below in particular. Nevertheless they are good fun to try. This program will generate puzzles that have unique solutions. Caution - puzzle size 12x12 and above may take some time to generate.
How to Play
- Leftclick mouse on a cell and drag mouse to the new location
- Release leftclick to draw a line
- A line can only be vertical or horizontal
- Can draw a line in many horizontal and vertical segments if necessary
- Cannot cross lines
- Cannot draw a line through a number
- Must connect same numbers together
- Each puzzle has a unique solution
Program Options
- Select line and number colours of your choice
- Save and reload puzzles
- Print puzzles and their solutions
- 20,000 puzzles with solutions Download
- Set display colour schemes
Download now
version 1.0
Updated 12 July 2004
In this game you are given a set of four numbers located at the corners of a 7 x 7 grid. You are required to fill the grid with numbers 1 to 9 and signs + - * to make the given four numbers.
How to play
Use left/right mouse buttons to place numbers and signs on the grid. You can print the puzzles, three puzzles and solutions per page.
The computer can also solve number grids. Under the Puzzle menu click 'Set a Puzzle for computer to solve'. Then set four numbers on the grid corners and click solve.
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version 1.0
Updated 20 March 2008
In this game a set of 50 numbers (numbers 0 to 9 in five colours) are placed in 10 columns, 5 rows each. First 9 columns are the Working area. You are required to match and eliminate pairs from the working area. Game ends when all numbers have been removed. The tenth column is the Reserve area, a number can be moved any time from Reserve to Working area. Rules of the game are:
- A pair can be removed when:
- A number is adjacent to another, at: left, right, above, below, or diagonally adjacent
- Two adjacent numbers are of different colour
- Two numbers differ by one
- For example red 7 can be paired with black 6 or green 8. Nine can be paired with 8 or 0.
- A number can be moved from Reserve column to the Working area, but in the same row
- An entire row in the Working area can be shifted left or right eliminating all empty spaces, similarly
- A entire columns in the Working area can be shifted up or down eliminating all empty spaces
- After you eliminate pairs, you move rows and columns around in order to create possibilities for other pairs to remove
- Game ends when all numbers have been removed
- You can play this game with 3, 5, 7 or 9 columns working area with maximum number being 3, 5, 7 or 9 respectively. Same rules apply including the rule that the maximum number can also be paired with 0.
- Score is maintained only for the most difficult 9-column game
How to play:
- Left click and drag-drop a number to the paired number. Both numbers will be removed if they are a valid pair.
- In order to shift a row left, click on the board left to the start of the row
- In order to shift a row right, click on the board right to the end of the row
- In order to shift a column down, click on the board below the start of a column
- In order to shift a column up, click on the board above the end of a column
- Right click on a number in the Reserve column. The respective row will be moved left and the number will be moved to the first empty space in the row
- Resize window to increase or decrease number size
- Use Options to set number of columns, and fonts and colours of your choice