These games require the Microsoft VB6 runtimes to be installed beforehand.
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version 1.0
Updated 21 July 2004
LetterArt is game of fun with letters. Place, rotate, and move letters to make fancy patterns. Select different fonts to use symbols instead of letters. Sample files are provide for a quick start.
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version 1.0
Updated 21 July 2004
ListFile is Windows Explorer type program. However instead of a list of files, this program displays file names and their attributes in a "Table" format. Table provides query, sorting, export and file size calculation features currently not available in standard Explorer. Here is how you may want to start using this program:
How to use
- Run ListFile. You will be presented with a Directory Tree on the left, and an empty Table with headers on the right hand side.
- Drag folders from the Tree on to the Table. All files in the folder will be tabulated against the Table header (eg file attributes such as filename, directory etc). There are more than 2 dozen attributes to choose from.
- Left Click on Table headers to sort.
- Right click on Table headers separator to insert file attributes from the Table.
- Query the Table and generate a second Table, based on file attributes or file contents specified in the query. Use and/or logic to construct complex queries. A query may be set as a filter. Any folder dragged from Tree to the Table will be filtered accordingly.
- Copy files listed in a Table to a folder.
- Export a Table to an Access, Excel, CSV or HTML file, or to ZIP file.
- Many more options.
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version 1.0
Updated 28 July 2004
Main purpose of this program is to make abstract patterns from a subset of an image. Patterns are beautiful to observe and interesting to analyze. However, what makes a pattern look good is a mystery. Certainly some kind of ordered repetition appears pleasing to eye. The pattern making replicates parts of an image in an organized manner. Even with just using a few of the numerous ways of arranging an image, the results appear pleasing and delightful. A pattern can then be manipulated through filters and special effects for added abstraction.
Filters and special effects can be used on standard image files also.
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version 1.0
Updated 13 August 2004
The purpose of this game is to reassemble a randomly scrambled picture. This is a great game for improving visual skills in pattern recognition and arrangement.
A picture is divided into 20 square tiles. These tiles are placed on a 5x5 grid, with 5 tiles being blank.
How to play
You move tiles by left or right click on the tile until the original picture is reassembled. Correct picture is shown on the right while scrambled picture is on left divided into 20 tiles. Unlike many other games of similar nature, when a tile is moved, all its four neighboring tiles move.
Computer can also solve scrambled pictures.
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version 1.0
Updated 21 July 2004
Viewer Program is a small, simple and a fast way of navigating through directories, searching and displaying files. VIEWER has a unique way of filtering and displaying directory files. Its major features are:
- Single click navigation and viewing of files
- View Zipped files without unzipping
- Display and view file trees by extension or date
- Collect files from different directories into a FileBasket and copy, zip the entire basket
- View most common file types including text, Excel, Access etc.
- Create Zipped files