Math2 games
These games require the Microsoft VB6 runtimes to be installed beforehand.
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version 1.0
Updated 22 September 2012
Fill numbers 1 to 9 in nine cells. Number in a cell cannot be in sequence with numbers in cells connected to it. Puzzles are generally easy to solve - goo for short breaks and younger users. Each puzzle has a unique solution that can be reached by logic alone, no guess work.
Program Features
Main features of this program are:- Create and save new puzzles
- Use randomized or user defined patterns
- Print single or multiple puzzles. Puzzles printed by this program are for personal use only.
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- Set display colour schemes
- Use one of 20,000 ready made puzzles 279Kb. These puzzles are for personal use only - cannot be published or distributed in any shape or form.
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version 1.0
Updated 1 December 2013
Find numbers on a circle. Numbers are 1 to 5, to, 1 to 9. Simple math rules between two adjacent numbers are given as clues.
Program Features
Main features of this program are:- Create and save new puzzles size 5 to 9
- Auto solve a puzzle with solution steps
- Print single or multiple puzzles, 2 per page. Puzzles printed by this program are for personal use only.
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard or a text file
- Set display colour schemes
- Use one of 20,000 ready made puzzles 1.7Mb. These puzzles are for personal use only - cannot be published or distributed in any shape or form.
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version 1.0
Updated 22 September 2012
Fill numbers 1 to 9 in a grid of nine numbers. One number is given as a hint, other eight are unknown. Upto eight delta clues are given. A delta clue is a difference between two adjacent numbers.
Program Features
Main features of this program are:- Create and save new puzzles
- Print single or multiple puzzles. Puzzles printed by this program are for personal use only.
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- Set display colour schemes
- Use one of 20,000 ready made puzzles 201Kb. These puzzles are for personal use only - cannot be published or distributed in any shape or form.
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version 1.0
Updated 1 December 2013
Fill in a ring of nine numbers with numbers 1 to 9. Number nine in the centre is given. Simple math rules are given as clues to find unknown numbers.
Program Features
Main features of this program are:- Create and save new puzzles
- Auto solve a puzzle with solution steps
- Print single or multiple puzzles. Puzzles printed by this program are for personal use only.
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard or a text file
- Set display colour schemes
- Use one of 20,000 ready made puzzles 451Kb. These puzzles are for personal use only - cannot be published or distributed in any shape or form.
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Version 1.0
Updated 18 October 2008
In this simple puzzle you are required fill in a grid with numbers such that:
- There are no duplicates in a row or a column
- An odd number must have even neighbors (left, top, right and bottom)
- A number must be used as many times as the size of the grid
- Maximum number is the size of the grid
- Grid size is 4x4, 6x6 or 8x8. Some numbers in the grid are fixed
How to Play
Normally you would print a puzzle and solve it on paper at your leisure. However you can also solve on screen using the following commands:- Move and place mouse cursor on a cell; no need to click
- Enter the number
- Program validates a number for the following:
- No duplicate numbers
- Odd number has even neighbors
- Cannot enter a number greater than the grid size
- In case of invalid entries, status bar at bottom right turns red
- If entries are correct, status bar at bottom right is green
- Puzzle is solved when all entries are correct and all cells have been filled
- Use menu Puzzle/Autosolve to let computer solve a puzzle
Program Options
- Create new puzzles
- Solve puzzles on screen
- Display colour schemes
- Three grid styles: flat, depressed or raised
- Select foreground and background colours of fixed value cells
- Save and reload puzzles
- Print puzzles and their solutions
- Use one of 20,000 puzzles or let program create one. No two puzzles will be same. Download
- Set display colour schemes
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Version 1.0
Updated 15 January 2012
Ordoku is a variation of Sudoku puzzle. Like Sudoku puzzle a 9x9 grid must be filled with numbers 1 to 9 with no duplicate in any row or a column. In addition, a Ordoku puzzle has horizontal and vertical zones where numbers must be in order like 1234, 2345, or 789 or 543. Some numbers are given as hint. A puzzle size can be 6x6 to 9x9. 20,000 readymade puzzles are provided with this program. Generally an Ordoku puzzle will be easier than a standard Sudoku puzzle. All Ordoku puzzles can be solved by logic alone without any guesswork.
Terminology (for a 9x9 grid, grid size can be 6x6 to 9x9)
- Grid: 9x9 squares containing 81 cells
- Cell: A single square that contains one number in the grid
- Row: A horizontal line of 9 cells
- Column: A vertical line of 9 cells
- Zone: A continuous sequence of vertical or horizontal cells; usually 3,4 or 5 cells together
Objective of the Game
The objective is to fill the grid with numbers from 1 to 9 in a way that the following conditions are met:- Each row and column contains each number exactly once
- Each zone must have numbers in increasing or decreasing order like 987, 4567, 123. 321 etc
How to Solve
- Create a new puzzle or select one from 20,000 puzzles provided
- Normally one would print a puzzle and solve on paper
- Examine each zone and narrow down possible candidates for solution
- Fill in candidates
- Apply Ordoku rules and eliminate candidates as seen fit:
- No duplicates in a row or a column
- Numbers in zones must be in increasing or decreasing order
- Puzzle can also be solved on screen:
- Create a new puzzle or load from one of the 20,000 ready made provided
- Click Updatepencils to find possible cell candidates (pencil marks)
- Move mouse over a cell and enter number 1 to 9 as your guess
- Can enter more than one digit in a cell as reminder of potential solutions
- Continue solution while updating pencils
- Click check solution button to verify your solution
- You can let computer show you solution stepwise
- Some puzzle solution hints for a Zone (for a 9x9 grid):
- No 1 or 9 in middle of a Zone
- In a Zone, a cell with value n must have n+-1 in its neighbours
- If one cell is known then all other cells in Zone must be +-pairs
- If there is a 2 or 3 near edges of a Zone, the Zone can be filled
- If 9 at end, all other must be 6,7,8.. Or 1 at start, all others must be 2,3,4 ...
- For each start number n, both n+(lx-1) and n-(lx-1) must be at end. lx is the length of the Zone
- If two or more cells are known then entire Zone can be filled
- Any 1-single, 2-doubles or 3-triples can be removed from its Row or Column
- A single occurrence of a number in Row or a Column, the cell can fixed to that number
How to navigate
- Move mouse over a cell and enter a number
- Can enter more than one digit in a cell as reminder of potential solutions
- Use arrow keys to navigate through cells. Place mouse cursor outside the grid for ease of navigation when using arrow keys.
- Click Updatepencils button or press F2 to recalculate pencil marks
- Right click on a cell or press F3 to place current pencil mark in the cell
Program Features
- Create and save new puzzles
- Print single or multiple puzzles
- Print and solve from 20,000 puzzles provided
- Let computer show you the solution stepwise
- Select display colour schemes
- Print and solve from 20,000 puzzles provided Download
- Select display colour schemes
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Version 1.0
Updated 5 July 2010
Fill a 5x5 grid with numbers 1 to 5 in each row and column. No duplicates in any row or column. A designated area of five cells cannot have duplicate values. Some values in the grid are shown.
How to Play
- Set the difficulty level by clicking the difficulty indicator button
- Click New Puzzle button to start a new puzzle
- A grid with a 'no-duplicate' area and some values are given
- Print the puzzle and its solution and solve on paper
- Puzzle can be solved on screen also:
- Move mouse over a location and press a number to place
- Or right-click on cell to enter value
- Puzzle is solved when the grid is filled with no duplicates in any row, column or in the 'no-duplicate' area
Program Features
- Create puzzles with Easy, Hard or Very Hard difficulty Levels
- Set display colour schemes
- Copy puzzle and its solution to clipboard
- Print puzzles and their solutions
- Select fontname and size
- Select grid display type
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Version 1.0
Updated 6 November 2008
PyraNum is a simple math puzzle. You complete a pyramid of numbers by filling in blank positions given three rules:
- A cell value must be sum or difference of the two cells below
- A row cannot have duplicate numbers
- A number cannot be less than one or more than the grid size
Some numbers in the grid are given as clues. Puzzle cells are stacked like a pyramid with size varying from 5x5 to 9x9. 20,000 ready made puzzles are provided with the program.
How to Solve a Puzzle
Normally you would print a puzzle and solve it on paper at your leisure. However you can also solve on screen using the following commands:- Use menu Puzzle/Create to create a fixed or a random size puzzle, or
- Load an existing puzzle file and select a puzzle
- Move and place mouse cursor on a cell (no need to click) and enter the desired number (one digit)
- Can also right-click a cell and enter a number from the drop down menu
- Program validates the number: no duplicates in a row; no number greater than the puzzle size; and an incorrect number when the two numbers beneath are known.
- In case of invalid entries, status bar at bottom right turns red
- Puzzle is solved when all entries are correct and all cells have been filled
- If entries are correct, status bar at bottom right stays green
- One would normally build the puzzle bottom up. However easy or single solution cells should be tackled first.
- Each puzzle can be solved by logic alone; smaller size puzzles would obviously be easier to solve
- Use menu Puzzle/Autosolve to let computer solve a puzzle
Program Options
- Create a puzzles with grid size of your choice
- Solve puzzles on screen
- Set display colour schemes
- Select foreground and background colours of fixed value cells
- Save and reload puzzles
- Browse through multiple puzzles file, 9 puzzles per screen
- Print puzzles and their solutions
- 20,000 puzzles with solutions Download
- Set display colour schemes
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Version 1.0
Updated 20 November 2008
In this simple puzzle you are required arrange numbers 1 to 9 on a circle:
- There are 10 spaces on the circle filled randomly with numbers 1 to 9, the 10th space is empty
- Numbers must be arranged 1 to 9 or 9 to 1 in 10 spaces with blank being anywhere in the sequence
- There are two vertical spaces aligned with the top and bottom numbers on the circle
- You can push and pull numbers into or out of the circle using the vertical spaces
- Rotate the circle left or right and push pull numbers into vertical spaces until you get numbers in order
Puzzle is not easy to solve, moving numbers without a plan would make the puzzle even more difficult. With clear thinking a puzzle is normally solvable in less than 10 moves. Every puzzle is unique and solvable.
How to Solve a Puzzle
Basically you will rearrange numbers using two types of moves:- Rotate the circle left or right with left or right click at the centre of the circle. You can also use left or right arrow for this purpose.
- Move a number into the top or bottom space. Click uparrow button or downarrow button or use up or down arrows for this purpose.
You can also use mouse click with left button down and then:
- Move mouse little bit to left and release button. Circle will rotate left.
- Move mouse little bit to right and release button. Circle will rotate right.
- Move mouse little bit down and release button. Top space will be pushed down.
- Move mouse little bit up and release button. Bottom space will be pushed up.
When a push button is clicked all four numbers: top space, number below on the circle, bottom space and number above on the circle will move together.
Puzzle is solved when all numbers on the circle are in order - 1 to 9 or 9 to 1. One space on the circle can be in any position between the numbers.
Use Autosolve with or without pause to let computer show you the solution.
Program Options
- Create new puzzles
- Solve puzzles on screen
- Display colour schemes
- Save and reload puzzles
- Use one of 20,000 puzzles or let program create one Download
- Set display colour schemes
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version 1.0
Updated 20 April 2008
This game is Sudoku in reverse - simpler but with even bigger challenge. Basically a 9x9 grid is already filled in with number 1 to 9, nine times. All you have to do is to identify nine segments of nine cells each, with each segment containing numbers 1 to 9. All 9 cells in a segment must be connected in one chain. Only hint you have is that if a number in a cell and a number in any of its four neighbors (left, top, right and bottom) add to 9 then both cells will belong to one segment. There are no other rules.
How to Play
Puzzles come in three levels:- Easy - One out of nine segments is already shown in the puzzle. And there are more of same numbers together in the grid making it easier to identify segment boundaries.
- Hard - A segment is not ready marked. But there are more of same numbers together in the grid making it easier to identify segment boundaries.
- Very Hard - No segment is ready marked and there are fewer placements of same numbers together.
Normally you would print a puzzle and solve it on paper at your leisure. You can also try a solution on screen using the following commands:
- Create a new puzzle of difficulty level of your choice. You can also load or print one of the 20,000 ready made puzzles (1.1Mb) supplied with this program
- There are nine colours available to markup a cell for a segment
- Select a colour by clicking the top right hand button
- Click on a cell to assign it to a segment. Cell will be painted with the selected colour. Click again to clear a cell.
- Click Show-9 pairs command button to see which cells must belong together in a segment.
- When you mark a cell and there is a valid neighboring cell with total 9 then the neighboring cells will also be marked
- Continue marking cells until you have identified all the nine segments
- When marking cells, program will verify validity using the following checks:
- Duplicate values are not allowed in a segment. For example cannot mark number 1 twice in a segment.
- A cell not linked to a chain will not be marked. For example if you have marked two adjacent cells as red. Now you try to mark third cell which is not a neighbor of the existing two - this is not valid.
Reversudoku puzzles are simple but could be very difficult to crack. Here are a few tips to assist you with the solution:- Spot 9-pairs and mark them as each pair belonging to same segment
- Note same numbers next to each other. There must be a segment division line between the two.
- A number or a set of numbers (other than a full 1-9 segment itself) cannot be isolated. Connect such areas with adjacent segments.
- Numbers in a segment must be all in vicinity of each other and must be connected horizontally or vertically. Look for shortest route to make a cluster of number 1-9.
- However the best guide is visual scan and your intuition. Scan, relax and look for patterns of unique numbers together.
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version 1.0
Updated 22 September 2012
Fill a square grid with numbers so that rows and columns numbers are in arithmetic sequence.
- Minimum number in the grid is 1
- Numbers increase by 1
- Maximum number is always gridsize*2-1
- No duplicates in any row or column
- Examples of sequenced numbers are: 1,2,3,4 or 4,5,6 or 7,8,9 or 14,15,16,17 etc.
- Two diagonal numbers are given as hints
- No duplicates in any row or column
- Row or column numbers can be in any order, for example 1,5,2,4,3 or 9,7,8 or 6,5,4,1,2,3 etc are in sequence
- Sequences in rows are unique and sequences in columns are unique. For example in a 4x4 grid if a column has 3,4,5,6 no other column will have these four numbers. Same rule will apply for rows.
- Puzzle size limitation is 5x5 to 20x20 grid.
Program Features
- Create new puzzles, grid size 5x5 to 20x20
- Create and save one or multiple puzzles
- Print single or multiple puzzles
- Export puzzles in text format
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- Set display colour schemes
- Use one of 20,000 ready made puzzles 2.26Mb
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version 1.0
Updated 20 June 2012
Set Black cells in a square grid - total black cells in the row and column of a number must be same as the number. Not all cells in the grid have to be filled. Grid size is 4x4 to 9x9.
How to Play
Select puzzle size. Then create and print a puzzle and solve at your leisure. Puzzle can also be solved on screen. Click a cell to set/clear black.Program Features
- Create puzzles with grid size 4x4 to 9x9
- Solve on screen
- Print 2 puzzles per page with solution
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- Set display colour schemes
- 20,000 puzzles are provided Download
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version 1.0
Updated 10 April 2008
Download 20,000 puzzles
Numbers 1 to 9 in four colours are arranged randomly in two stacks. Rearrange these numbers, ascending or descending, in four stacks of four colours. You have nine working places and five reserve places to work with. This game is not easy and requires considerable planning and forethought as you move numbers around.
A game starts with 36 numbers - numbers 1 to 9 in four colours. 30 numbers are placed in Source Stacks and 6 in the Working Stack. Basically you have to shift numbers from Source Stacks to Solution Stacks as per rules below:- Draw numbers from the Source Stack into the Working Stack sequentially. Six numbers are ready filled at the start of a game
- Move numbers around in 9-space Working Stack
- Drop a number from the Working Stack to one of the four Solution Stacks. The number must be positioned over the stack.
- A Solution Stack must be filled with numbers of same colour and in ascending or descending order
- Use 5-space Reserve Stack to hold numbers and use them later in the Working Stack
- As positions in the Working Stack become empty, draw additional numbers from the Source Stacks
- Repeat steps 2 to 6 until all numbers from Source Stacks have been moved into the Solution Stacks
How to Play
You move and numbers around in different Stacks using the following:- Working Stack: You can move numbers to empty spaces in the row. Left click on a number, move mouse (without drag) to an empty space and left click again. Right click on a number to drop the number to a Solution Stack below.
- Reserve Stack: Click on one of the empty positions in the Reserve Stack. The number below in the Working Stack will be moved up to the Reserve Stack. Click again to move the number down.
- Source Stack: Click on number in Solution Stack in the same row as the Working Stack. When a number is shifted, the empty position in the Source Stack can be filled by the next (above or below) number in the Source Stack.
- Solution Stack: Numbers in Solution Stack must be same colour and ascending or descending value. A number 1 or 9 of any colour may be dropped into an empty Solution Stack.
- Automove: Program will move valid numbers automatically to a relevant Solution Stack. You can disable automove while shifting numbers in Working Stack. For this purpose left click on a number, move mouse (without drag) to an empty space and Right click again. The number or the numbers between two clicks will be shifted to the empty space without any automove to follow.
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version 1.0
Updated 22 September 2012
SkyScraperS is a Latin square puzzle. Fill each square in a grid with a number from 1 to N where N is the size of the grid. A number designates a building with the number being the height of the building. Every row and column contains a number exactly once. The clues around the grid tell you how many buildings you can see in the direction shown; you cannot see a shorter building behind a taller one. Each puzzle has a unique solution.
Following clues are provided to help you solve the puzzle:
- Numbers around the grid tell you how many buildings you can see in the direction shown; you cannot see a shorter building behind a taller one. This clue is given for all puzzles; hard, medium or easy.
- A zone is shown: there are no two buildings of same height in a zone
- Tallest building: a cell with a tall bar indicates that this building is the tallest in its zone
- Shortest building: a cell with a short bar indicates that this building is the shortest in its zone
- Fixed cells: a building height is given
How to Solve
Normally one would print a puzzle and solve at leisure. However, a puzzle can also be solved on screen:- Create a new a puzzle or load from a puzzle file
- Click on the number pad row at the bottom of the display; a number will be selected
- leftclick on a cell to enter the number selected
- Left or right click on a cell with a number; number will increase or decrease
- Shiftclick on a cell to clear a number
- Click Verify button to check if puzzle is done
- Click on any clue number across the border; solution for the row or column will be displayed for a short while
- Move mouse over a clue cell to see its neighborhood cells
- Puzzle is solved when:
- All cells have been filled
- A number occurs only once in a row or a column
- The number of buildings in sight must be according to the clues on the border
- Note that in the line of sight across a row or down/up a column, cannot see a shorter building behind a taller one. For example in 5x5 grid looking right to left in a row with numbers 41325 can only see buildings 4 and 5
Program Features
- Create new puzzles automatically
- Puzzle size is 4x4 to 19x19
- Specify difficulty level: Easy, Medium, Hard or Super Hard
- Create Sudoku type 9x9 puzzles with 9 zones
- Solve on screen
- Print single or multiple puzzles with solutions
- Copy a puzzle and its solution to clipboard
- Display colour schemes of your choice
- Use one of 20,000 ready made puzzles 1.87Mb
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version 2.0
Updated 5 January 2010
Download 20,000 puzzles
This program helps you solve existing sLitherLink puzzles as well as create new ones. Slither Link (also known as Fences and Loop the Loop) is a logic puzzle played on a rectangular lattice of dots. Some of the squares formed by the dots have numbers 0 to 3 inside them. The objective is to connect horizontally and vertically adjacent dots so that the lines form a single loop with no loose ends. In addition, the number inside a square represents how many of its four sides are segments in the loop. In this program you can:
- Create new puzzles manually or automatically. Automatic creation offers unique puzzle each time with different levels of difficulty
- Solve a puzzle manually or let program solve it
- Save puzzles in different file formats
- Print puzzles and solutions
This program has a puzzle size limitation of maximum 12 rows and 12 columns.
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version 1.0
Updated 15 January 2008
Snakes&Ladders is a well known old board game using a board and a dice. Its simplicity makes it popular with younger children, but there is a lack of any skill component. In this Mindgames variation, you use your brains instead of dice and play on your own. Basic rules and the features of this game are:
- There is a square grid of size 5x5 to 16x16, populated with a number of snakes and ladders
- You are given a set of numbers or steps
- Purpose of the game is for you to start from number 1 and reach to the last number on the grid:
- Can only use the given step numbers
- Upon reaching a stair square, must jump up to the designated number- top of stair
- Upon reaching a snake square must move down to the designated number - end of snake
- In order to win, you must reach the end of the board by using ALL the given steps
- Games are provided in Easy and Hard mode
- In easy mode ALL snakes and ladders will be used in the solution
- In hard mode not all snakes and ladders are required; this makes the game difficult as you will also have to figure out which ones not to use
- Normally you would print and the solve a puzzle on paper - you can also solve on screen if desired
- Every puzzle generated with this program is of unique layout with a single solution
- 20,000 puzzles of varying difficulty are provided with this program
Main options of this program are:- Grid size - 5x5 to 16x16
- Difficulty level - Easy or Hard
- Snake and Ladder display style - single line or staggered
- Line colours and Line width
- Display colour schemes
- Grid style - flat, raised or depressed
- Print puzzle, solution or both - single or in bulk
- Generate single, or multiple puzzles in one go
How to Play
You would normally print a puzzle and solve it at your leisure. However you can also solve on screen:- Left click a cell and drag to another cell to draw a line
- Corresponding step will be removed from the given set if your move matches a step
- Move destination will be adjusted for a snake or a ladder
- Can undo moves if required
- 20,000 puzzles of varying difficulty with solutions Download
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Version 1.0
Updated 14 April 2009
SumOfSquare is a simple math puzzle. Fill in a grid of squares such that the sum of numbers at four corners of a square adds upto the number inside the square. For example in the grid one possible solution for square with number 7 would be numbers 1,1,2,3 at its corners.
1-2 +7+ 1-3Puzzles come various shapes and sizes. Each puzzle will use digits 1 to 9, larger digits for larger sizes. Basic rules of the game are:
- The maximum digit and the set of 4-digits to be used at corners is provided for the puzzle
- All sums must be solved and all sets must be used
- A set of 4 digits can be used only once
- A set of answers are given as clues (usually 30%)
- Digits range from 1 to 9 depending on the size of the puzzle; zero is not used
- Each puzzle has a unique solution.
- Use menu Create/Grid to make a new grid
- A grid can be upto 12 rows and 12 columns, maximum 144 cells and minimum 9 cells
- You can edit a grid to make a custom puzzle of your own design
- Use one of several pre-set layouts: square, rectangle, diamond, cross, triangle, or diagonal
- Create new puzzles on the fly with given or random layout
- Save puzzles to existing or new puzzle files
- Create and save multiple puzzles
- Browse through large puzzle files
- Solve a puzzle on screen with undo's
- Select display colour schemes and number fonts of your choice
- Use one of 20,000 puzzles or let program create one. No two puzzles will be same.
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Version 2.0
Updated 10 January 2013
Sudoku is a number-placement puzzle. The objective is to fill a 9�9 grid with digits so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3�3 sub-grids contains all of the digits from 1 to 9. The puzzle provides a partially completed grid, which typically has a unique solution. A sudoku puzzle is a logic puzzle which is solved using logic and reasoning. The difficulty is determined by how many and which numbers are given and where they are placed in the grid and can range from very easy to extremely challenging. See concept and rules.
Purpose of this program is to solve and create Sudoku puzzles. The program also explains how a solution may be developed. main features of this rogram are:
- Create and save new puzzles of varying difficulty: easy, moderate or hard
- Create puzzles with preset fixed cells patterns of your design
- Copy a puzzle and its solution to clipboard
- Browse through large puzzle files
- Import puzzles for solution
- Create jumbo puzzles of two types: 4 or 5 interlinked
- Manual solve on screen with undo's
- Let computer solve a puzzle, one shot or by logic one step at a time
- Display pencil marks
- Detect multiple solutions
- Print puzzles in different layouts
- Create Event Log to trace solution progress
- Print puzzle, its computer solution and Event Log to examine how computer solved a puzzle
- Display colour schemes of your choice
- Numbers colour and font of your choice
- Use one of 40,000 ready made puzzles 1.78 Mb
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Version 1.0
Updated 15 January 2012
Sumdoku is a variation of Sudoku/Kakuro puzzle. A total of 36 sums in 36 3-cell areas around the puzzle are given. Each sum is addition of three related numbers in the grid. Additionally some cells (optionally 1 to 9) in the puzzle are fixed. Puzzles come in three difficulty levels: very easy, easy and hard. 20,000 readymade puzzles are provided with this program.
- Grid: 9x9 squares containing 81 cells
- Cell: A single square that contains one number in the grid
- Row: A horizontal line of 9 cells
- Column: A vertical line of 9 cells
- Box: A 3�3 grid of cells, total 9 boxes in the grid
- Area: Three consecutive cells in a row or a column at the edge of the grid. There are 36 areas in the grid.
Objective of the Game
The objective is to fill the grid with numbers from 1 to 9 such that:- Each row, column, and box contains each number exactly once
- The sum of three numbers in an area must match the number given at the periphery of the grid
- Some numbers in the grid are given as hint
How to Solve
- Create a new puzzle or select one from 20,000 puzzles provided
- You can select a difficulty levels: very easy, easy or hard. Difficulty level is related to the number of known cells, from 1 to 9. Puzzles with fewer number of known cells are generally harder to solve. You can also specify the number of fixed cells from 1 to 9.
- Normally one would print a puzzle and solve on paper
- Examine the sums around the puzzle and narrow down possible candidates for solution. For example, consider top left area of a puzzle:
..... .15 . ....+---+---+---+--- .11 | A | 7 | B | ....+---+---+---+ . | 9 | | | ....+---+---+---+ . | C | | | ....+---+---+---+ | | Step 1 - Given A+7+B=11 and A+9+C=15 Step 2 - A and B combinations must be 13 to get sum 4 (7 is given) Step 3 - C combination must be 35 to get sum 6 (9 is given) Step 4 - A must be 1 and C must be 5 as double 3's are not allowed Step 5 - B must be 3 Solution: ..... .15 . ....+---+---+---+--- .11 | 1 | 7 | 3 | ....+---+---+---+ . | 9 | | | ....+---+---+---+ . | 5 | | | ....+---+---+---+ | | The list below gives possible combinations of 3-cell sums: 6: 123 7: 124 8: 125 134 9: 126 135 234 10: 127 136 145 235 11: 128 137 146 236 245 12: 129 138 147 156 237 246 345 13: 139 148 157 238 247 256 346 14: 149 158 167 239 248 257 347 356 15: 159 168 249 258 267 348 357 456 16: 169 178 259 268 349 358 367 457 17: 179 269 278 359 368 458 467 18: 189 279 369 378 459 468 567 19: 289 379 469 478 568 20: 389 479 569 578 21: 489 579 678 22: 589 679 23: 689 24: 789
- Fill in candidates
- Apply Sudoku rules and eliminate candidates as seen fit:
- No duplicates in a row or a column
- No duplicates in any of the nine 3x3 boxes
- Area sums match the numbers given
- Puzzle can also be solved on screen:
- Create a new puzzle or load from one of the 20,000 ready made provided
- Click Updatepencils to find possible cell candidates (pencil marks)
- Move mouse over a cell and enter number 1 to 9 as your guess
- Examine candidates and sums at the periphery; locate singles
- Continue solution while updating pencils
- Click check solution button to verify your solution
How to Navigate
- Move mouse over a cell and enter a number
- Can enter more than one digit in a cell as reminder of potential solutions
- Use arrow keys to navigate through cells. Place mouse cursor outside the grid for ease of navigation when using arrow keys.
- Click Updatepencils button or press F2 to recalculate pencil marks
- Right click on a cell or press F3 to place current pencil mark in the cell
- Move mouse over a sum at the periphery - cells contributing to the sum will be highlighted. This option can be disabled.
- Rightclick over a sum at the periphery - candidate numbers contributing to the sum will be highlighted
Program Features
- Position fixed cells at selected locations
- Create and save single or multiple puzzles with selected difficulty levels
- Print single or multiple puzzles
- Print and solve from 20,000 puzzles provided Download
- Select display colour schemes
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version 1.0
Updated 1 December 2013
Find sums from a given set of numbers. All numbers must be used. Each puzzle has a unique solution. Puzzle size is 9 to 48 numbers. Puzzle size 9 will have three sums, and there will be 16 sums for 48 numbers puzzle.
Program Features
Main features of this program are:- Puzzle size is 9 to 48 numbers. Puzzle size 9 will have three sums, and there will be 16 sums for 48 numbers puzzle.
- Create and save new puzzles
- Print single or multiple puzzles. Puzzles printed by this program are for personal use only.
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- Set display colour schemes
- Use one of 20,000 ready made puzzles 1.8Mb. These puzzles are for personal use only - cannot be published or distributed in any shape or form.
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Version 1.0
Updated 29 July 2010
Fill a 9x9 grid with numbers 1 to 9 in each row and column. No duplicates in any row or column or in a designated zone. There are nine zones in a 9x9 puzzle. A Sudoku puzzle is a special case of SuZoku where puzzle size is 9x9 and each of the 9 zones are 3x3.
Main features:- Grid size 5x5 to 9x9
- Create puzzles with Easy or Hard Levels
- Define your own zones
- Set display colour schemes, including zone colours
- Copy puzzle and its solution to clipboard
- Print puzzles and their solutions
- Select fontname and size
- Use one of 20,000 puzzles or let program create one. No two puzzles will be same.
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version 1.0
Updated 1 December 2013
Find where is the given number in a 4x4 or a 3x3 grid. Grid numbers are 1 to 16 (4x4) or 1 to 9 (3x3) with no duplicates. Simple math rules are given as clues to find numbers.
Program Features
Main features of this program are:- Create and save new puzzles in 3x3 or 4x4 format
- Auto solve a puzzle with solution steps
- Print single or multiple puzzles. Puzzles printed by this program are for personal use only.
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard or a text file
- Set display colour schemes
- Use one of 20,000 ready made puzzles 1.1Mb. These puzzles are for personal use only - cannot be published or distributed in any shape or form.
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Version 1.0
Updated 30 September 2009
Find the location of number 7 by examining the shift patterns between successive numbers. Each puzzle has a unique solution. Normally one would print a puzzle and solve it on paper at ones leisure. A puzzle can also be solved on screen. The solution requires discovering a consistent pattern of shifts from one number in the sequence to the next. Principle is same as discovering the next number in a geometric sequence of numbers. For example next number in sequence 1,3,5,7 is 9 (increment of 2), or, 1,3,7,15 will have 31 as next number (multiply a number by 2 and add 1). However Whereris7 puzzle is a little bit more complicated as numbers have two dimensional patterns. Complicated patters can get rather complicated requiring considerable analytical prowess to solve this puzzle. For solution on screen:
- Click on a number to see the pattern leading to the next number
- Right click on cell to place 7
Program Features
- Create and solve puzzles on screen
- Copy puzzle to clipboard
- Print puzzles individual or in bulk
- Save and reload puzzles
- 14,000 puzzles with solutions
- Set display colour schemes
- Create and solve puzzles on screen
- Copy puzzle to clipboard
- Print puzzles individual or in bulk
- Save and reload puzzles
- 14,000 puzzles with solutions Download
- Set display colour schemes
Download now
Version 1.0
Updated 30 September 2009
Xcell puzzle is a grid (4x4 to 10x10) with numbers given at the intersection of cells. You are required to fill each cell with a slash, like / or \, such that:
- The count of slashes pointing towards an intersection must be same as the number given at the intersection
- An intersection with a * (a star) must have exactly four slashes, pointed towards or away from the star
- An intersection with no number can have slashes in any direction
- All cells must be filled
- Slashes do not have to follow any other specific pattern or sequence
Solving a Puzzle
Normally one would print a puzzle and solve it on paper at ones leisure. A puzzle can also be solved on screen using the following steps:- Left-click and drag to move the puzzle in the display window
- Use Zoom button to home in on a specific area of the puzzle
- Move and place mouse cursor in a cell and press / or \ to enter a slash
- Right click a cell or press spacebar to flip the direction of /
- Press delete key to clear a slash
- Select a fixed slash direction by clicking on bottom right slash indicator. Every left click on puzzle will now place the slash selected. Set slash indicator to blank to disable this option.
- Left click on a cell to select or use arrow keys to navigate between cells
- During a solution the program will check user entries, an invalid entry will be indicated by the number in error in red and a red status bar at bottom left
- Selected slashes can be assigned a marker giving a visual segregation between absolutely known (like 0 and 4 node slashes) and those that remain to be solved. With certain markers assigned, one can focus on experimenting with the possibilities for other cells. Note that Fixing or unFixing a cell is a visual clue only; it does not change the logic or operation of the program.
- Click on a cell and click marker button (bottom right with a marker square) to fix or unfix a cell
- A selected cell can also be fixed/unfixed by pressing the F key
- Right click on the marker command button to fix all slashes
- You can set the colour of the markers
- Markers are saved with user slashes when a puzzle is saved
- Program will indicate puzzle is solved when all cells have been filled with valid slashes matching the clues
- Click Solution button to view the solution
Program Features
- Create puzzles with random or given grid size
- Solve puzzles on screen
- Unlimited undos
- Zoom and pan for an enlarged view of the grid
- Select foreground and background colours of numbers and grid lines
- Create and save puzzles in bulk
- Copy puzzle and solution to clipboard
- Print puzzles and their solutions in different page layouts
- 12,000 puzzles with solutions Download
- Set display colour schemes
Download now
Version 1.0
Updated 6 June 2008
You are required to fill a 5x5 grid with numbers 1,2,3 in each row and each column. Two cells in each row and column must therefore be blank. Number cannot be duplicated in a row or a column. You are provide 8 hints. A hint indicates what is the first number in a row or a column. 20,000 puzzles provided with this program.
How to Play
- Click on a cell and enter a number (1,2 or 3)
- Use arrow keys to navigate between cells
- Must not use a number twice in a row or a column
- Each puzzle has a unique solution
Program Options
- Save and reload puzzles
- Print puzzles and their solutions
- 20,000 puzzles with solutions Download
- Set display colour schemes
Download now
version 1.0
Updated 15 November 2006
Download More than 20,000 puzzles with unique solutions and varying level of difficulty
ZeroSum puzzle is played on a square grid filled with numbers and +- signs. The objective of this game is to make a given sum of numbers by navigating through a grid of numbers and associated +- signs.
Rules of this game are:
- Cells are filled with numbers 1 to 5 for a 9x9 grid, 1 to 4 for a 7x7 grid, and 1 to 3 for a 5x5 grid
- One cell is designated as a clue cell, you must use this cell in your solution
- Start from the bottom row of the grid and move UP, LEFT or RIGHT only ending at the first row
- As you move from a number cell to another, apply + or - in between; the sum of numbers is calculated as you move up, left or right
- You must have a sum of zero when you reach row 1
- There are no duplicate numbers in a row or a column
- There is only one unique solution for a puzzle
- Use 5x5 grid for young children and 9x9 for experts with a lots of visual thinking.