Card games
These games require the Microsoft VB6 runtimes to be installed beforehand.
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version 1.0
Updated 21 July 2004
This solitaire card game is a variation of FreeCell. Requires One standard deck of 52 cards.
- Four Foundation spaces on top right corner
- Eight Piles of six cards each at bottom
- Eight empty Cells at top left corner
48 cards are dealt at random, 6 cards each for eight Piles. Four remaining cards are placed in the empty Cells.
The aim is to build on each of the four Foundation cards on the top left corner in the order: A,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,J,Q,K, one suit per Foundation.
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version 1.0
Updated 21 July 2004
Also known as calculation and Broken Intervals, this solitaire card game requires thought and foresight.
One standard deck of 52 cards is required.
Choose any A, 2,3 and 4 and lay them in a row at the top of the table as foundation cards. All the remaining cards, held face down, are called the stock. Four discard piles are formed below the foundation cards as the game progresses.
The aim is to build on each foundation card in the following order:
- On A, build A,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,J,Q,K in increasing value of 1
- On 2, build 2,4,6,8,10,Q,A,3,5,7,9,J,K in increasing value of 2
- On 3, build 3,6,9,Q,2,5,8,J,A,4,7,10,K in increasing value of 3
- On 4, build 4,8,Q,3,7,J,2,6,10,A,5,9,K in increasing value of 4
One card is turned up from the stock and may be placed overlapping any of the foundation cards, to begin building. If a card cannot be used to build, it may be placed face up on any of the four discard piles. As the game continues, the top card of any discard pile may be used to build, but may not be transferred to another discard pile.
Cardoku V1
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Updated 25 June 2007
20,000 puzzles of different difficulty levels
Cardoku is a Sudoku look alike with some subtle differences. This puzzle has following rules:
- A puzzle has a 7x7 grid and a 52-card deck. A puzzle and its solution use only 49 cards.
- Some cards are already placed on the grid as part of the puzzle. The remaining cards are stacked for use.
- You are required to place all the remaining cards on the grid, given the following rules:
- No duplicate numbers in any row or a column
- A cell cannot have a card suite of the neighboring cells. Neighboring cells are Up,Down,Left and Right.
- A cell cannot have neighboring numbers of the neighboring cells. Neighboring numbers are +1 and -1 of a number. For example neighboring numbers of 5 would be 4 and 6; neighboring numbers of 1 will be 2 and K, and neighbors of K will be 1 and Q.
- Consider:
3D ? 1H
Cell in the centre has to be a Spade, and its value cannot be 2,4, 4,6, 2,K, and 1,Q. Also 3,5,1,K cannot be placed being in the same row and column. Therefore this cell cannot have 1,2,3,4,5,6,Q,K. In this case if only 7 is left in the remaining spades, then 7S must be placed in this cell.
- Create new puzzles manually or automatically; automatic creation offers puzzles with different difficulty levels
- Solve existing puzzles manually
- Create new puzzles interactively or in bulk
- Save puzzles as Ascii or bitmap files
- Print puzzles and solutions
- 20,000 puzzles with varying levels of difficulty and solutions are provided. Download
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version 1.0
Updated 15 January 2012
In CrossCard game you fill in a 5x5 grid with 25 cards using the clues provided. Some grid cards are shown already. Ten clues are given: five for five rows and five for five columns. 20,000 readymade puzzles are provided with this program.
A clue can be one of the following:Royal Flush = AKQJ10 of same suit Straight Flush = All five of same suit with values in sequence: 2S 3S 4S 5S 6S Straight Suit = All five of same suit but values not in sequence: 1S 2S 5S 8S AS Full House Value = Three values same and two values same: 2C 2D 2H 7S 7C Full House Suit = Three suits same and two suits same: 5D 7D 9D 3H 7H Straight Sequence = All five values in sequence: 2C 3D 4S 5C 6H Quad Sequence = Four values in sequence: 7D 8S 9C 10C 3H Quad Suit = Four of same suit: 8D 9D 3D 4D 10C Quad Values = Four of same value: KD KH KC KS 9C Triple Sequence = Three values in sequence: 7D 8S 9C 2C 4H Triple Suit = Three of same suit: 8D 9D 3D 4H 10C Triple Value = Three of same value: 2C 2D 2H 8S 7C Two Pairs = Two values same twice: 2C 2D 5S 5H KD A Pair = There is a pair: 3C 3D 5S 6S 7S
How to Play
Normally one would print CrossCard puzzle and solve on paper. The puzzle can also be solved on screen.- Create a new puzzle or load one from a puzzle file
- Examine clues and determine best fit for cards
- Left click on the card choice grid on the right hand side, move mouse to the desired destination on the solution grid on the left hand side, and, Left click again. The selected card will be moved into the grid.
- Right click on solution grid to see a dropdown matrix of card choices. Click on the matrix to place a card.
Program Features
- 20,000 puzzles with varying levels of difficulty and solutions are provided. Download
- Create, save and reload puzzles
- Print 1 or 2 puzzles per page
- Colour schemes
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version 1.0
Updated 21 July 2004
The aim of this solitaire card game is to build up cards in the four Corner piles in ascending suit sequence. Each corner is based on a different suit. Cards are placed on the base card, up by one value, 9 to 10, or King to Ace etc. The game ends when all the four Corner piles have been completed.
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version 1.0
Updated 21 July 2004
A well known solitaire card game.
One standard deck of 52 cards is required.
- Four Foundation spaces on top right corner
- Four Piles of seven cards each, and four piles of six cards each, at bottom
- Four empty Cells at top left corner
Game start
52 cards are dealt at random in eight Piles, 7 cards each for first four, 6 cards each for the remaining four Piles.
The aim is to build on each of the four Foundation cards on the top left corner in the order: A,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,J,Q,K, one suit per Foundation.
How to play
Move any card from 8 Piles to any Cell, to another Pile, or to the Foundation. Cards can also be moved from Cells to the Pile or the Foundation.
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version 1.0
Updated 23 February 2008
This game is a Freecell solitaire number game clone with a mathematical twist. You are required to put a set of randomly placed 50 numbers in 5 colours, and numbers 0 to 9 each colour, back in order.
Fifty numbers are placed in 10 stacks (called Playing Stacks), 5 numbers each stack. Additionally there are five Empty Locations, can only have one number each. Five Solution Stacks will hold the resulting ordered numbers, value 0 to 9 for each of the five colours.
You will move numbers around by using the 5 Empty Locations and stack them back in order in the Solution Stack. Following rules will apply:
- Any number may be moved from a Playing Stack to an Empty Location. Each Location will hold one number only.
- Any number can be moved from and to the top a Playing Stack provided that:
- The moved number is of same colour as the destination number and of value one less than the value of the destination number
- Only a number of value 9 (any colour) can be placed in a free Playing Stack
- A number can be also moved from an Empty Location to a Playing pile following the rules above
- A number can be moved from an Empty Location or from the top of a Playing Stack to the Solution Stack provided that:
- The moved number is of same colour as the destination number and of value one more than the value of the destination number
- A number of value 0 can be moved to any free space in the Solution Stack
- The game finishes when all 50 numbers have been moved to the Solution Stack in 5 piles of five colours. A stack must have number values 0 to 9, 0 being the first and 9 being the last number.
Almost all games are solvable, a typical game will be harder than Freecell.
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version 1.0
Updated 20 February 2008
This game is a Freecell solitaire card game clone with a mathematical twist. You are required to put a set of randomly placed 50 cards in 5 colours, and numbers 0 to 9 each colour, back in order.
Fifty cards are dealt in 10 stacks (called Playing Stacks), 5 cards each stack. Additionally there are five Empty Locations, can only have one card each. Five Solution Stacks will hold the resulting ordered cards, value 0 to 9 for each of the five colours.
You will move cards around by using the 5 Empty Locations and stack them back in order in the Solution Stack. Following rules will apply:
- Any card may be moved from a Playing Stack to an Empty Location. Each Location will hold one card only.
- Any Card can be moved from and to the top a Playing Stack provided the moved card is of same colour and of value one less than the value of the destination card
- A card can be moved from an Empty Location or from the top of a Playing Stack to the Solution Stack provided that the moved card is of same colour and of value one more than the value of the destination card
- The game finishes when all 50 cards have been moved to the Solution Stack in 5 piles of five colours
- Specify colours and number font of your choice
- Three card types
- Put pictures as card background
- Card move animation
- Valid cards will move automatically to the Solution Stack
- Save and load saved games
- Unlimited undo
- Print cards to play this game without a computer
- Screen display colour schemes
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version 1.1
Updated 21 July 2004
The object of this solitaire card game is to make 13 stacks of 4 cards each, in ascending order. A standard deck of 52 cards is used.
Any J,Q,K,A are placed in a row left to right. These are first four foundations. Space is then reserved for another nine foundations, three at top row and 6 at row below. One space is left at the bottom for discard cards. The remaining 48 cards are stacked face down in a stock.
The aim is to build on J,Q,K,A and the remaining 9 foundations in ascending value sequence. Each foundation should eventually contain four cards each.
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version 1.0
Updated 20 October 2006
Global Cafe is a tactical card placing game (author: Rudi Hoffman). The game has 1 Game Board, 100 Guest Cards comprising 48 ladies and 48 gentlemen from 12 nations (4 ladies and 4 gentlemen each nation) plus 4 United Nations guests (2 ladies and 2 gentlemen). The goal of the game is to place guests at the GlobalCafe according to certain rules. At the end of the game, whoever has place placed most guests with most points wins.
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version 1.0
Updated 8 February 2008
This solitaire card game has 52 cards laid out randomly in a 9x7 grid. Eleven locations are left empty. Purpose of this game is to move cards around by using the 11 empty locations and stack them back in order in four stacks of four suits.
A card may be moved only to one of the empty locations, and only if:
- The moved card matches the suite of the card on the left of the empty location AND the value of the card on left is one less than the card moved
- The moved card matches the suite of the card on the right AND the value of the card on right is one more than the card moved
- There are empty locations on both left and right
- The moved card has empty location to the left of the new location
- The moved card has empty location to the right of the new location
- An Ace can go to the right of a King of any suite
- A King can go to the left of an Ace of any suite
- Any card can go to the first (top left) or the last location (bottom right)
The game finishes when:
- All the cards have been put in sequence, in four stacks each for Spades, Hearts, Diamonds and Clubs
- Stacks suites can be in any order, like Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds, Spades etc
- Cards in a stack must be in sequence like A234...QK or 5678...KA234 or QKA2...J etc
- All moves are counted. You start with a score of 100 and a point is deducted for every card moved. You must rearrange cards using least number of moves thus achieving a maximum score.
This program offers you the choice of creating an printing custom cards with pictures.
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version 1.1
Updated 4 August 2004
Also known as Uno. Mendicot the world's oldest and most popular card game, wherein the winner is the player who first scores more than 500 points by disposing off, before your competitors, all the cards you hold.
The game consists of Two packs of playing cards of 54 cards each.
How to play
See detailed instructions in the game.
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version 1.0
Updated 11 March 2008
This game is a Freecell solitaire number game clone with a mathematical twist. You are required to put a set of randomly placed 50 numbers in 5 colours, and numbers 0 to 9 each colour, back in order.
Fifty numbers are placed in 10 stacks (called Playing Stacks), 5 numbers each stack. Additionally there are five Empty Locations, can only have one number each. Five Solution Stacks will hold the resulting ordered numbers, value 0 to 9 for each of the five colours.
You will move numbers around by using the 5 Empty Locations and stack them back in order in the Solution Stack. Following rules will apply:
- Any number may be moved from a Playing Stack to an Empty Location. Each Location will hold one number only.
- Any number can be moved from and to the top a Playing Stack provided that:
- The moved number is of same colour as the destination number and of value one less than the value of the destination number
- Only a number of value 9 (any colour) can be placed in a free Playing Stack
- A number can be also moved from an Empty Location to a Playing pile following the rules above
- A number can be moved from an Empty Location or from the top of a Playing Stack to the Solution Stack provided that:
- The moved number is of same colour as the destination number and of value one more than the value of the destination number
- A number of value 0 can be moved to any free space in the Solution Stack
- The game finishes when all 50 numbers have been moved to the Solution Stack in 5 piles of five colours. A stack must have number values 0 to 9, 0 being the first and 9 being the last number.
Almost all games are solvable, a typical game will be harder than Freecell.
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version 1.0
Updated 22 September 2010
nFreecell2 is a version of Freecell card game where a number card deck is used instead of a normal card deck. There are 44 cards in total with 11 cards (0 to 10) in four colours each. The object of the game is to use all the cards in the deck to build up the four colour stacks in ascending order, beginning with the 0. Number 10 in the deck is marked as X.
Forty four numbers are placed in 8 stacks (called Working Stacks) with five cards in stacks 1,2 and 7,8 and six cards each in stacks 3 to 6. All cards in a stack are open. There are four Solution Stacks on the top right that hold the resulting ordered numbers, value 0 to 10 for each of the four colours. Four Temporary Stacks on the top left can be used to hold one card each.
You are required to put all 44 cards from Working Stacks to the Solution Stacks. You can move cards by the following set of rules:
- A card may be moved from the Temporary or a Working Stack to another Working Stack provided the moved card is of same colour as the destination card and of value one less than the value of the destination card
- A sequenced set of cards may be moved from one Working Stack to another provided the top card of the moved sequence is of same colour as the destination card and of value one less than the value of the destination card. There should be enough empty spaces to move a sequence of cards.
- Temporary Stacks can have only one card in each stack
- Any number or a sequenced set of cards can be placed in an empty Working Stack
- A card can be moved from a Working Stack or the Temporary Stack to the Solution Stack provided that:
- The moved card is of same colour as the destination card and of value one more than the value of the destination card
- A card with value 0 can be moved to any free space in the Solution Stack
- The game finishes when all 44 cards have been moved to the Solution Stack in 4 piles of four colours. A stack must have number values 0 to 10, 0 being the first and 10 (marked as X) being the last card.
How to Move Cards
- Left click and drag-drop to the destination location
- Right click to move a card automatically to a valid location if there is one
- Drag and drop a set of sequenced cards to a valid location
- Use Options to set fonts, colours and card size of your choice
- Unlimited undos and save and load games
Program Features
- Set card colours and layouts
- Set number fonts and size
- Set card face and back pictures
- Unlimited undos and save and load games
- Print cards to play this game without a computer
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version 1.0
Updated 11 March 2008
Klondike is probably the best-known solitaire card game in the world. This game called nKlondike is a Klondike clone with a mathematical twist.
There are a total of fifty numbers in the deck, 10 each colour with numbers 0 to 9. Twenty eight numbers are placed in 8 stacks (called Working Stacks) with first stack empty, second stack with one number going up to seven numbers in the eighth stack. Only the top card in a stack is open. Remaining 22 numbers are piled together in one stack (called the Common Stack) with top card being open. There are five stacks (called Solution Stacks) that hold the resulting ordered numbers, value 0 to 9 for each of the five colours.
You are required to put the set of 50 numbers from Working Stacks and Common Stack back in order on to the Solution Stacks.
You can move numbers around by the following set of rules:- Any number may be moved from the Common Stack or a Working Stack to another Working Stack provided the moved number is of same colour as the destination number and of value one less than the value of the destination number
- A sequence of numbers may be moved from one Working Stack to another provided the top number of the moved sequence is of same colour as the destination number and of value one less than the value of the destination number
- Any number or a sequence of numbers can be placed in an empty Working Stack
- Any number can be moved from the Common Stack to an empty Working Stack
- A number can be moved from a Working Stack or the Common Stack to the Solution Stack provided that:
- The moved number is of same colour as the destination number and of value one more than the value of the destination number
- A number of value 0 can be moved to any free space in the Solution Stack
- The game finishes when all 50 numbers have been moved to the Solution Stack in 5 piles of five colours. A stack must have number values 0 to 9, 0 being the first and 9 being the last number.
How to Move Numbers
- Left click and drag-drop to the destination location
- Right click to move a number automatically to a valid location if there is one
- Drag and drop a sequence of numbers to a valid location
- Left click on > or < to see the next or previous number in the Common Stack
- Resize window to increase or decrease number size
- Use Options to set fonts and colours of your choice
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version 1.0
Updated 22 September 2010
nSolitaire is a version of Microsoft Solitaire where a number card deck is used instead of a normal card deck. There are 44 cards in total with 11 cards (0 to 10) in four colours each. The object of the game is to use all the cards in the deck to build up the four colour stacks in ascending order, beginning with the 0. Number 10 in the deck is marked as X.
Twenty one cards are placed in 6 stacks (called Working Stacks) with first stack empty, second stack with one number going up to six cards in the sixth stack. Only the top card in a stack is open. Remaining 23 cards are placed in one stack called the Common Stack with top card always open. There are four stacks, called Solution Stacks that hold the resulting ordered cards, value 0 to 10 for each of the four colours.
You are required to put all 44 cards from Working Stacks and Common Stack back in order on to the Solution Stacks. You can move numbers around by the following set of rules:
You can move numbers around by the following set of rules:- Any number may be moved from the Common Stack or a Working Stack to another Working Stack provided the moved card is of same colour as the destination card and of value one less than the value of the destination number
- A sequence of cards may be moved from one Working Stack to another provided the top card of the moved sequence is of same colour as the destination card and of value one less than the value of the destination card
- A number of value 10 (marked as X) can be moved to any free space in the Working Stack
- Any card or a set of sequenced can be placed in an empty Working Stack
- Any card can be moved from the Common Stack to an empty Working Stack
- A card can be moved from a Working Stack or the Common Stack to the Solution Stack provided that:
- The moved card is of same colour as the destination card and of value one more than the value of the destination card
- A card of value 0 can be moved to any free space in the Solution Stack
- The game finishes when all 44 cards have been moved to the Solution Stack in 4 piles of four colours. A stack must have number values 0 to 10, 0 being the first and 10 (marked as X) being the last number.
How to Move Cards
- Left click and drag-drop to the destination location
- Right click to move a card automatically to a valid location if there is one
- Drag and drop a set of sequenced cards to a valid location
- Use Options to set fonts, colours and card size of your choice
- Unlimited undos and save and load games
Program Features
- Set card colours and layouts
- Set number fonts and size
- Set card face and back pictures
- Unlimited undos and save and load games
- Print cards to play this game without a computer