Puzzle games
These games require the Microsoft VB6 runtimes to be installed beforehand.
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version 1.0
Updated 20 November 2007
A2Bflip, derived from Japanese puzzle game Masyu, is played on a grid of squares, some of which contain 'mirrors'. The goal is to connect circles A and B:
- Go from A to B with a single continuous line
- Must use all mirrors
- Line turns right angle at a mirror
- Cannot use a mirror twice
- Cannot pass through a cell twice
- Cannot turn in any cell without a mirror
- To navigate:
- Click A to set the start direction
- Click a mirror to flip direction
- Features:
- Create new puzzles automatically with different grid sizes from 5x5 to 20x20
- Solve existing puzzles interactively or on paper
- Print puzzles and solutions
- 20,000 puzzles with solutions are provided
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version 1.0
Updated 22 September 2012
Draw a single continuous link from a start location 1 to an end maximum number location. The link is unique, continuous and must go through each cell once. Link lines can cross each other at number cells but cannot overlap. Each puzzle has a unique solution. Puzzle size 3x3 to 12x12 in any combination like 5x7 or 12x6 etc.
- Start number is 1, end number depends on the grid size like 49 for a 7x7 grid etc
- Link is continuous but in stages starting from number 1. First stage will be 1 to 2, second 2 to 3 etc until the end number. For example a puzzle with end number 25 will have 24 stages in the link.
- Arrows show the direction in which a link must travel. For example a down arrow in cell with number 1 indicates that the link from 1 to 2 must go downwards.
- Link from a cell can go in 8 directions: left, right, up, down, diagonal left up, diagonal right up, diagonal left down, and diagonal right down
- While you must follow the direction in each cell, how far you travel is up to you
- You must place a number in the cell at the end of each stage
- Each cell must be filled by a number, some numbers are given as hints
- Link lines can cross each other at number cells but cannot overlap
- Some cells may be blacked out, these cells have no numbers and a link cannot go through them
- Each puzzle has a unique solution
How to Solve
Puzzle solution involves drawing a link in stages from start value to end value. Each stage increases the cell value by one, until the end value is reached. Some cell values are given as hints.- To draw a stage, place mouse over a number (source cell) and then drag cursor with left button pressed to the destination cell and release left button. A link will be drawn from source to the destination cell:
- Destination cell number will be one plus the sources cell value
- The link direction must be in the direction indicated in the source cell
- Cannot have more than one link at a number
- links can cross each other at cells but cannot overlap
- Puzzle is solved when you reach the end value:
- All cell values would have been filled, except the blocked cells if any in the puzzle
- Any given values will be in the correct sequence of cells visited
- Link will follow directions given in the cells
- There will be no overlapping lines
- Use Solve/Verify menu to verify the link
- To adjust the grid display size: Rightclick on the display outside the grid and drag mouse left or right to decrease or increase the display window size
Program Features
- Print single or multiple puzzles
- Print and solve from 20,000 puzzles provided
- Select display colour schemes
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- 20,000 puzzles are provided Download
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version 1.0
Updated 18 June 2010
Occupy a square by placing bars on each side of a square in the grid. Some sides are fixed already. You play against the computer.
How to Play
- Left click on an open side to occupy, right click to clear
- Game is over when all squares have been occupied
- Player with most squares wins
Main features of this program are:
- Four to 20 square grid
- Select display colour schemes
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version 1.0
Updated 31 March 2008
Rotate three rings to align three segments of same colours. Each ring has eight segments. Three colours are distrubuted randomly in each segement with some colours duplicated. As you rotate a ring left or right, all colours in it rotate accordingly. You are required to get three segments, each of a different colour aligned correctly. With careful thinking any random puzzle can be solved in three to four rotations. Note that a solution must have three segments of three different colours.
How to Play
- Left click on a ring to rotate all colours in the ring clockwise
- Right click on a ring to rotate all colours in the ring anti-clockwise
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version 1.0
Updated 8 August 2007
ColouRama is a 4-in-a-row clone with the same addictive quality. You are required to move and line up pieces in a row or a column of a grid. Grid size can be 6x6 to 10x0. Must make a 5 piece line in 10x10 and 9x9 grid, and a 4 piece line in 8x8, 7x7 and 6x6 grids.
- Click and dragdrop a piece to a new location on the grid, the destination location must be reachable with horizontal and vertical moves.
- A line must be a set of four or more similar pieces lined up vertically or horizontally
- Must make a 5 piece line in 10x10 and 9x9 grid, and a 4 piece line in 8x8, 7x7 and 6x6 grids
- After you make a move, a set of three pieces will be placed randomly on the board
- If you make a line, you get an extra move - three pieces will not be placed
- You must make a move within a minute, three pieces will be placed after the timeout
- Pieces in a line will be removed from the grid
- You will get a wild-card piece (white) if you make three or more lines before the timeout
- A wild-card piece can be combined with any other three or more similar pieces to make a line
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Version 1.0
Updated 16 June 2011
Examine changes from pattern 1 to 3 and find pattern 4.
How to Play
Click on cells in pattern 4 grid and make a new pattern. Rightclick down and drag up to set a series of cell horizontally or vertically. Click check button to verify if the pattern is correct. This program is more suited to younger users interested in understanding patterns.Flip2Mono
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version 1.0
Updated 18 August 2010
Turn a grid to a single colour by flipping cells; cells colours change according to the chosen pattern. This is a good mind stretcher during a coffee break. The puzzle is however very hard, not every body's cup of tea.
How to Play
- Select a pattern according to which the colours will be flipped
- Create a new puzzle of size 4x4 or 5x5
- Two colours - normal and target are selected for the puzzle (can be changed by the user). Say Red and Green as an example.
- Puzzle will be presented with two fixed cells marked as X and of normal colour red
- Target is to change all blank cells to the target colour Green
- Click a cell to flip. When a cell is flipped, the surrounding cells as determined by the chosen pattern, will change colour. Green will change to Yellow and reverse, and blank will change to normal color red.
- Leftclick to flip a cell. Rightclick and hold to see the outcome and assess the results of a flip.
- Cannot flip a blank cell, must change it to a colour first. This would happen as you flip cells around it.
- Continue flipping until all blank cells are of the target colour green. The cells marked X must in the end be in the normal colour red in the solution.
- Computer already has a solution for the puzzle. The computer solution is however not optimum. A human player using visual inspection should be able to solve in a fraction of the moves taken by the computer.
- Each puzzles has a solution
Program Features
- Create puzzles 5x5 or 4x4 size
- Set display colour schemes
- See computer solution
- Select grid display type
- Save and reload unfinished puzzles
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version 1.0
Updated 1 May 2010
Flip all discs to a given colour. The board starts with a set of discs placed on a grid. Discs are are of two colours. When you flip a disc, the disc and its four neighboring discs are changed to the opposite colour. A disc can be flipped once only. Puzzle is solved when all the discs are of the same target colour.
How to Play
Consider part of a grid as below (B=Black disc, R=Red disc). You are required to change all RED discs to BLACK:R | R---B---R | B Clicking B in the middle will change the board to: B | B---R---B | RNote that a disc, once clicked cannot be used again to flip colours of its neighboring discs. Continue flipping until all discs are of the target colour.
Main features of this program are:
- Four to 16 size puzzles
- Create new puzzles of given sizes
- Undo moves ;right click on the board or use undo button
- Let computer show the solution
- Select colour schemes and disc types
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version 1.0
Updated 1 December 2013
Go to centre from outer circle in a given number of steps. Arrow directions are given. Cannot cross a cell twice and cannot use a cell marked X. Each puzzle has a unique solution.
Program Features
Main features of this program are:- Puzzle size is 6 to 16 segments.
- Create and save new puzzles
- Print single or multiple puzzles. Puzzles printed by this program are for personal use only.
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- Set display colour schemes
- Use one of 20,000 ready made puzzles 994Kb. These puzzles are for personal use only - cannot be published or distributed in any shape or form.
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version 1.0
Updated 22 September 2012
Guessmber given a set of progressive clues. Target number varies from 3 to 9 digits long with each digit being 1 to 9. A digit can be repeated in target numbers size of 6 or below. Maximum number of tries is 12. You must guess a number with each digit in it correct and in correct position. Two clues are given for each guess. A Black (B) clue indicates how many digits are correct and in correct positions while a White (W) clue indicates how many digits are correct but in wrong positions. This program can create new and solve existing Mastermind type puzzles.
- Create new puzzles, number size 3 to 9 with numbers from 1 to 9 in each puzzle
- Create puzzle with a given target answer
- Disable duplicate digits in target numbers (except in target number size 7, 8 or 9)
- Import and solve existing puzzles
- Solve a puzzle where you provide BW clues
- Verify and check for unique solution of an imported puzzle
- Create one or multiple puzzles
- Create multiple puzzle with random target numbers or ones specified by you
- Print one or multiple puzzles, 8 per page
- Export puzzles in text format
- Show colours instead of numbers
- Help with guesses in a game
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- Set display colour schemes
- Use one of 60 GuessNum pictures 400Kb
- Use one of 20,000 ready made puzzles 400Kb
Program features
Main features of this program are:Hex
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version 1.0
Updated 21 July 2004
A simple game, yet of surprising mathematical subtlety. Complete your chain before computer does.
Hex is played on a diamond-shaped board made up of hexagons. The number of hexagons may vary, but the board usually has 11 on each edge. Two top and bottom opposite sides of the diamond are labeled red, while the hexagons at the left side and right side are green. One player plays with green pieces while other with red. The players alternatively place one of their pieces on any one of the hexagons, provided the cell is not already occupied by another piece.
The objective of the Hex game is to complete an unbroken chain of green pieces between the left side and the right side. While red tries to complete a similar chain of red pieces between the top side and the bottom side.
The chain may freely twist and turn. The players continue placing their pieces until one of them has made a complete chain. The game cannot end in a draw, because one player can block the other only by completing its own chain. These rules are simple, yet HEX is a game of surprising mathematical subtlety.
How to play
In this computer game, computer always plays red. Green usually starts first unless overridden. Left-click in a cell to place a green place. If you wish computer to start first, right-click on any cell on the board.
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version 1.0
Updated 1 March 2006
Download 20,000 puzzles
This programs helps you solve existing LiteIt puzzles as well as create new ones. LiteIt consists of a grid comprising empty cells, black cells, and cells with numbers 0 to 4. Challenge is to:
- Illuminate all the empty cells by placing -light bulbs- at empty locations
- A bulb placed at a cell will light up all the cells in its row and column
- No two bulbs must face each other
- A numbered cell must have exact number of bulbs around the cell, eg a cell with number 1 must have one and only bulb around it etc. Cell with number 0 cannot have any bulb around it
Sounds simple but hard to figure out. Keep learning and have fun. This program has a puzzle size limitation of maximum 20 rows and 24 columns.
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version 1.0
Updated 21 July 2004
MakeBridge is 2-player game. Try make a bridge from left to right. You play against the computer. Computer goes vertical.
Game is played on a 13x13 grid. Alternative cells in the grid are filled with X's and O's.
The object of the game is for the human player to connect O's and go from first column on left to last column on right. Computer goes from top to bottom by connecting X's. O's and X's must be connected in a chain without crossing other player's chain. Any two O's or any two X's may be connected anywhere on the board. First player to make a chain wins.
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version 1.0
Updated 1 December 2013
This puzzle has 9 tiles each with four different colors at four sides. Nine tiles are placed at random in the right 3x3 grid. You are required to rearrange tiles so that side colors match between adjacent tiles.
Program Features
Main features of this program are:- Create and save new puzzles
- Print single or multiple puzzles. Puzzles printed by this program are for personal use only.
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard or a text file
- Set display colour schemes
- Use one of 20,000 ready made puzzles 346Kb. These puzzles are for personal use only - cannot be published or distributed in any shape or form.
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version 1.0
Updated 22 September 2012
MatchStick puzzles are rearrangement puzzles in which a number of match sticks are arranged as squares, rectangles or triangles. The problem to solve is usually formulated as: "move n match sticks to make m squares (or triangles, or rectangles, or circles)" etc. This program lets you create new and solve existing MatchStick puzzles. 32 puzzles are provided with the program.
Program Features
Main features of this program are:- Create new puzzles or solve existing ones
- Print single or multiple puzzles
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard
- Set display colour schemes
- Set stick width for display or for print
- Set stick colour, handle colour or whether to display stick head
- Change stick head location, whether top or bottom
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version 1.0
Updated 21 July 2004
This program generates a maze for you to solve. Each maze generated has a unique layout and only one open path from start to finish.
A maze can be from 5 columns, 5 rows upto 26 columns and 18 rows.
You play with the computer. Try and beat the computer by going from the bottom of the maze to the top. The computer "monster" will move from top to bottom. To win you must avoid the monster and get to the top before the monster exits from the maze.
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version 1.0
Updated 10 August 2012
This program will create and print mazes of size 9x9 to 36x36. You solve the maze by tracing a path from the start to the exit location in the maze. Default start location is middle of the maze. Exit location is one of the cells at the border of the maze. Usually you would print a puzzle and solve on paper. However you can also play against the computer to reach the exit location faster.
How to Play against Computer
- Create a new puzzle or select one from 20,000 puzzles provided.
- Click start game
- Navigate through the maze with arrow keys to reach the exit point; Computer will do the same
- The maze in invisible, however a wall is display when a move hits a wall
- Computer wins it reaches the exit location before you do; or if computer location overlaps with the user location
- There is no specific strategy for playing against computer; the game is just for fun
Program Features
- Grid size 9x9 to 36x36
- Create and print new mazes
- Copy a puzzle and its solution to an Excel spreadsheet
- Select start location, default is centre of the maze
- Select display colour schemes
- Print and solve from 20,000 puzzles provided Download
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version 1.0
Updated 10 November 2007
MirrormMaze, derived from Japanese puzzle Masyu, is played on a grid of squares, some of which contain 'mirrors'. The goal is to draw a single continuous non-intersecting loop that properly passes through all cells. Rules of the puzzle are:
- Some cells in the grid contain 'mirrors' of the following type:
- Blocked - a line cannot pass through such a cell
- Tunnel - a lines must pass in the direction of the tunnel, vertical or horizontal
- Reflection - a line must reflect at right angle
- In an open cell without any mirror, line can go vertical, horizontal or at right angles
- Only one line can go through a cell
Like many other combinatorial and logic puzzles, Mirrors can be very difficult to solve.
Main features:
This program helps you solve existing Mirrors puzzles as well as create new ones. Main features of this program are:- Create new puzzles manually or automatically; automatic creation offers puzzles with different grid sizes from 6x6 to 15x15.
- Solve existing puzzles manually or let program solve it
- Create new puzzles interactively or in bulk
- Print puzzles and solutions
- 20,000 puzzles with solutions are provided
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version 1.0
Updated 10 November 2007
Mirrors, derived from Japanese puzzle Masyu, is played on a grid of squares, some of which contain 'mirrors'. The goal is to draw a single continuous non-intersecting loop that properly passes through all cells. Rules of the puzzle are:
- Some cells in the grid contain 'mirrors' of the following type:
- Blocked - a line cannot pass through such a cell
- Tunnel - a lines must pass in the direction of the tunnel, vertical or horizontal
- Reflection - a line must reflect at right angle
- In an open cell without any mirror, line can go vertical, horizontal or at right angles
- Only one line can go through a cell
Like many other combinatory and logic puzzles, Mirrors can be very difficult to solve.
Main features:
This program helps you solve existing Mirrors puzzles as well as create new ones. Main features of this program are:- Create new puzzles manually or automatically; automatic creation offers puzzles with different grid sizes from 7x7 to 20x20.
- Solve existing puzzles manually or let program solve it
- Create new puzzles interactively or in bulk
- Print puzzles and solutions
- 20,000 puzzles with solutions are provided
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version 1.1
Updated 25 May 2006
Line up the black boxes to form a drain and take your money down as fast as possible.
A 10x12 grid with 12 pieces to start (6 green and 6 red). Pieces move down into empty spaces.
Aim of the game
Move a row left or right to align empty spaces underneath. Try to move green pieces to row 12 as fast as possible. Computer plays against you.
How to play
Click left or right arrow to shift left or right a row with pieces. The game appears simple but needs considerable visual thinking and planning ahead.
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version 1.1
Updated 21 July 2004
This game is played on a nine star board. There are ten circles on the board, one in the centre and nine around the centre circle. User player plays against the computer. Each player has four stones each. User has green and computer has red stones.
How to play
Each player takes alternate turns, moving one stone at each move. Rules for moving a stone are:
- Move sideways to an empty circle
- Move from centre to any empty circle
- Move to centre if centre is empty
The game is won by the player if the opponent cannot move any of its stones.
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version 1.0
Updated 10 October 2010
Rearrange a set of numbers into one pile and in sequence, largest to smallest by shifting two or three numbers from top of one pile to another. A rather hard puzzle, needs considerable visual thinking.
How to Play
- Create a new puzzle with 3, 4,5 or 6 piles
- Move mouse at the top of a pile down two or three numbers and left click
- Move mouse to the pile that you want the highlighted numbers to move to. No need to drag.
- A line linking source and target piles will be shown
- Left click again, the numbers highlighted will be shifted to the top of the target pile
- Continue shifting top two or three numbers from one pile to another
- Puzzle is solved when all numbers are in one pile with the largest number at the bottom and number 1 at top
- Each puzzle can be solved
- Let computer show you a solution. However a good player should be able to solve in far less moves than the computer.
Program Features
- Create puzzles with 3, 4, 5 or 6 piles
- Set display colour schemes
- Select fontname and size
- Select grid display type
- Let computer show you a solution
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version 1.0
Updated 1 May 2010
Push all the dark circles into the right hand side column.
How to Play
- Click arrows at the top or bottom of a column. Circles in the column will be shifted up or down.
- Position cursor in the middle of the two columns (two lines will appear) and click. Two circles, shown connected by each line will be swapped.
- Circles in columns are shifted up or down by one
- right and right column circles are swapped in two's
- Puzzle is solved when all the drak circles have been shifted to the right hand size column
Main features of this program are:
- Five to ten circles size puzzles
- Create new puzzles of given sizes
- Undo moves
- Let computer show the solution
- Select colour schemes
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Version 1.0
Updated 20 June 2008
You are required to clear the entire column above the red arrow. Grid is populated with horizontal (green) and vertical shapes (blue). Move these shapes around to get the red arrow up and out. Grid size is 6x6 to 20x20. 20,000 puzzles with solutions are provided with this program. Most puzzles are rather easy to solve but do require considerable visual thinking and planning.
How to Play
- Horizontal shapes move left or right only. Left click on a shape to move left, and right click to move right.
- Vertical shapes move up or down only. Left click on a shape to move up and right click to move down.
- You can also move mouse over a shape (no clicks) and click on an empty location to move the shape to the location clicked
Program Options
- Save and reload puzzles
- See solution with pause or no-pause
- Use one of 20,000 puzzles or let program create one at random
- Set display colour schemes
- 20,000 puzzles with solutions Download
- Set display colour schemes
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version 1.0
Updated 1 December 2013
The purpose of this game is to reassemble a randomly scrambled picture. This is a great game for improving visual skills in pattern recognition and arrangement.
A picture is divided into 20 square tiles. These tiles are placed on a 5x5 grid, with 5 tiles being blank. You move tiles by left or right click on the tile until the original picture is reassembled. Correct picture is shown on the right while
scrambled picture is on left divided into 20 tiles. Unlike many other games of similar nature, when a tile is moved,
all its four neighboring tiles move.
Program Features
Main features of this program are:- Create and save new puzzles
- Auto solve a puzzle with solution steps
- Set display colour schemes
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version 1.0
Updated 1 December 2013
This puzzle has 9 tiles each with four different shapes at four sides. Nine tiles are placed at random in the right 3x3 grid. You are required to rearrange tiles so that four shapes in a tile match adjacent shapes
Program Features
Main features of this program are:- Create and save new puzzles
- Select shapes of your choice
- Print single or multiple puzzles. Puzzles printed by this program are for personal use only.
- Copy a puzzle to Clipboard or a text file
- Set display colour schemes
- Use one of 20,000 ready made puzzles 495Kb. These puzzles are for personal use only - cannot be published or distributed in any shape or form.
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version 1.0
Updated 20 May 2007
ShopAround, a variant of Nicoli's Masyu game is played on a rectangular grid of cells. One cell is designated as Home. The remaining grid has a set of Shops and Gas Stations. The purpose of this game is to start from your home and return home after visiting all the shops and gas stations in the grid. Following rules will apply:
- The trip must be in a single loop, starting and ending at home
- Cannot go through a cell twice
- Lines must pass through all cells containing shops and gas stations
- Lines passing through a shop must go straight through the cell
- A line reaching a gas station must make a right angle turn (left or right) at the station
- Must go to a gas station at the start and at the end of the trip
- Cannot go to two shops or two gas stations consecutively
Like Masyu, this puzzle can be rather difficult to solve. This program helps you solve existing puzzles as well as create new ones. Main features of this program are:
- Create new puzzles manually or automatically; automatic creation offers puzzles with different grid sizes from 5x5 to 10x10.
- Solve existing puzzles manually or let program solve it
- Create new puzzles interactively or in bulk
- Save puzzles as Ascii or bitmap files
- Print puzzles and solutions
- 20,000 puzzles with solutions Download
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version 1.0
Updated 1 December 2013
The purpose of this game is to reassemble a randomly scrambled picture. This is a great game for improving visual skills in pattern recognition and arrangement.
A picture is divided into 20 square tiles. These tiles are placed on a 5x5 grid, with 2 tiles being empty and 3 black. You move a tile by sliding it into an empty slot, to its left, right, top or bottom. Rearrange tile until the original picture is reassembled. Unlike other slider games, this puzzle has two blank spaces instead of one, making the puzzle a little bit easier.
Program Features
Main features of this program are:- Create and save new puzzles
- Auto solve a puzzle with solution steps
- Set display colour schemes
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version 1.0
Updated 1 December 2013
TetriNum is a 4-in-a-row and Tetris clone. You are required to move and line up three numbers in a line horizontal or diagonal. Numbers must be lined in an order like 1,2,3 or 6,5,4 or 9,9,9 or 1,1,1 or 7,6,5 etc. Once lined up, the numbers are removed and the player scores points. Grid size can be 4x4 to 9x9.
How to Play
- Click Start - timer will then start
- Numbers from the top row will be dropped into the grid at the end of the timer
- User actions:
- Drag and drop a number in the grid to a location to make a horizontal or a diagonal line, or click a number in the top row to drop in the grid
- Click Skip to skip your go and get the next set of numbers from the top row
- Click Reset to start a new game
- There must be a valid path for user to move a number from one cell to another
- User can swap two numbers, irrespective of their locations but with a penalty. Line made after a swap will score points as a normal line.
- Computer actions:
- Computer will drop numbers from the top row after each user move, or after the timer has run out
- If a line is made when a number is dropped from the top, the line will be removed and user score updated
- Computer dropped number can make a line anywhere along its path
- Drop timer and numbers dropped will vary with the grid size
Program Features
Main features of this program are:- Grid size 4x4 to 9x9
- Computer autoplay
- Game color schemes
- Animate movement of numbers
- History of High Scores
- Sound on or off
- Point to similar numbers when a number is clicked
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version 1.0
Updated 8 August 2007
Fill in all the empty circles in a wheel with given disks. You turn the wheel, position an empty circle at the top and then drop in the disc.
How to Play
There are three empty circles in the wheel and there are three discs marked 1,2 and 3. The number on a disc gives the numbers of circles you can turn the wheel, left or right.- For example you pick disc 1
- Now you can rotate the wheel by one turn left or right
- Say you turn right by one; an empty circle will appear at the top
- The disc selected can then be placed in the empty location
- Now two more circles remain to be filled
- Say next you select disk marked 2
- You can turn left or right by 2, if turned right and empty circle will be positioned at the top
- Disc marked 2 can be placed in the empty circle
- Disc 3 remains which obviously can be placed by turning the wheel left by 3
- Now all empty circles are filled and the puzzle is solved
- Not that an empty circle must be positioned at the top to drop a disc. For example in the very first move if you select disc 3 and the turn the wheel left (by 3). The disc cannot be dropped as this move will not make an empty circle position at top.
- Discs can be selected in any order
- Left click on a disc to select (in the top row)
- Click L or R to move the wheel left or right
- Disc will fall into the empty circle if one appears at the top after rotation
- Click on an empty circle in the wheel to see how many rotations (left or right) will be needed to position the empty circle at the top
Main features of this program are:
- Five sizes with eight circles in the wheel (very easy) to 24 circles. Click on the number of circles box to select a size
- Create new puzzles of given sizes
- Undo moves
- Reset puzzle
- Let computer show the solution
- Select colour schemes and font names
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version 1.0
Updated 22 September 2012
Find a single closed loop passing through each cell of a grid. The number in a cell indicates the turning angle of the line in the cell. The numbers are 1,2,3 and 4.
1- Acute turn (45 deg)
2- Right turn (90 deg)
3- Obtuse turn (135 deg)
4- No turn (continues straight without turn)
Following the directions, a closed loop must be formed; all the numbers must be visited excep cells marked as X. Masyu puzzle is a special case of this puzzle where only right or no turns are used. In Hard puzzles some cells will have no clue number.
How to Solve
Normally one would print a puzzle and solve at leisure. However, a puzzle can also be solved on screen:- Create a new a puzzle or load from a puzzle file
- Move mouse over a cell and right-click to insert two lines with angle related to the number in the cell
- Continually right-click to rotate lines
- Can navigate through cells by arrow keys
- Press space-bar to insert and rotate lines in a cell
- Press ESC to clear all lines in a cell
- Click Verify button to check if puzzle is done
- A puzzle is solved when:
- All cells have been filled except those marked X
- Link angles match the numbers
- All cell are linked by a continuous chain
Program Features
- Create new puzzles automatically
- Difficulty level Hard or Easy. Hard puzzles have some clues hidden.
- Create Masyu type puzzles with 90 deg or no turns
- Puzzle size is 4x4 to 25x25 in any combination like 5x19 or 25x8 etc
- Optionally have some cells without clues; these puzzles will be a bit harder to solve
- Solve on screen
- Print single or multiple puzzles with solutions
- Copy a puzzle and its solution to clipboard
- Display colour schemes of your choice
- Use one of 20,000 ready made puzzles 2.4Mb